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| BubblesMegee
Monday, September 25, 2006
My Weekend
So, this one time, I had quite the interesting weekend. I had to come home for the weekend because my little brother and sister were getting baptized on Sunday, which was weird enough in itself. It was the first time I had been in a church in years, for one...but I'll get to that later in the post.
I came home on Friday, expecting to spend time with my Mother dearest. When I got home, I got to spend a little time with my family, but then my sister had to go to work, and my Mom and her husband took my little brother and sister to a football game, leaving me home alone. Needless to say, I was not pleased. Mitch ended up calling me to see what was going on, and he ended up deciding to come visit me. So, my awesome APO brothers of Trent, Matt, and Steve all came to visit with Mitch. We went to see Jet Li's Fearless, which was an amazing movie, I must say. I loved it, and I had a great night. I could not ask for better brothers.
On Saturday, I went to my sister's soccer game. They ended up losing 4-0. After the game, I took her out shopping, where I got most of my Halloween costume. I am going as Tifa this year, and I am super-excited about it. I am even going to dye my hair black to complete the outfit...which will be quite a change from the blondish that is my natural colour. After that, we went home, because she had to work. I did homework, bakes zucchini bread, and spent time with my Mumsie. I was supposed to go hang with Scott, but my mom was acting weird about letting me leave, which is understandable after what happened last week. So, Scott was pissed about that, but I would rather not have had my mom all worried about me.
On Sunday was the baptism, which, as I mentioned before, was weird for me. I had to go to the church and listen to what I believe to be crap about religion before the actual ceremony took place. I didn't like the fact that my mom and her husband had to pledge themselves to their god and such...yeah. I am anti-religion, and not baptized...that's all. It was just weird for me. I had to leave to get back to school shortly after the baptism so I could go to work, and then do the Initiation ceremony for Alpha Phi Omega. We have two new pledges...yay. We're going to have two more after our break as HUZZAH! Work went fine, I was happy about the Initiation and GBM, and then I took Mitch and Trent to get some food on campus and get the rest of my MatSci homework done. I then came back to my room, argued with Scott some more, and told him what was going on. Needless to say, Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is single again. So, yeah. Um...that was my weekend.
On my plate for this week: Physical Chemistry exam on Tuesday, exam in my Genetics lab on Thursday, rehearsals for the musical, work, homework, Meals on Wheels volunteering on Friday, and going to Massachusetts for the weekend. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is keeping herself busy...aluve'
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