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| BubblesMegee
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Venting Session
So, this one time, I was feeling sick because I was stressed. I am not even stressed about things that pertain to me either. I am stressed about the incopetence of the Theatre club and how friviously they spend their money (I am the treasurer), I am stressed about the ignorance and complete disrespect of one of my suitemates, and I am stressed about life in general. It gets to me that people can be so disrespectful because they are so self-absorbed that they do not realize that there are other people in the world, and that not everyone is their friend. Take, for example, my suitemate, JJ. She spends hours upon hours in the bathroom (3+ hours in the morning) doing makeup, and hair, and whatever else she has to do to maker herself feel good about herself. She gets pissed when my roommate and I need to use the bathroom for whatever reason and kick her out temporarily. Who honestly needs to spend that much time on looks? I hate shallow people that think that looks are all that matter. I mean, don't get me wrong, because I constantly obsess about how my body looks, but I go to the gym and work out to make myself feel good...not spend countless hours in the bathroom. Not only that, but she gets whatever she is using all over both their sink and the sick that my roommate and I share. Then there is the terrible music she plays WAY too loud. She doesn't let her roommate sleep much because she is so loud with it. I swear that girl is deaf. Not only is her music WAY too loud, but that also makes her AIM sounds way too loud. And she doesn't use the default AIM sounds, oh no, she uses kissing sounds when she talks on AIM....which is all of the fucking time. She has gotten to the point of ignoring my roommate because she has asked JJ many a time to shut the hell up. It's rediculous. I know that her roommate is fed up with JJ's disrespect...she vents to my roommate and I about it, and stays over at her boyfriend's place all of the time. I don't blame her. Ugh...there are so many things that bother me about it. Not to mention the fact that I got back from theatre today around midnight, and my roommate was still wide awake because JJ was playing her music WAY TOO LOUD and would not turn it down when my roommate asked her to. My roommate needs to be up at 5:00 in the A.M. for ROTC PT. She is going to be exhausted, and is just livid about it. Things like that piss me off, and as a result, I lose sleep as well. >.< It's already a week from hell anyway, but I know that my sister is going to be visiting me for the weekend, so I am definitely looking forward to that. Looking at the clock, I see that it is 1:30 in the morn. Since I am going to be up at 7:00, I should be off. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is going to try to get some sleep...aluve'

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