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| BubblesMegee
Monday, January 8, 2007
Back To School
So, I am back at school now. I got in Sunday evening, even though classes don't start until Thursday. Monday was Mitch and my 14 month anniversary, however, so we wanted to be together for that. Overall, my winter break went a lot better than I thought it was going to. I really enjoyed spending time with my little brother and sister, and I knew that it was going to be really hard for me to leave. It still makes me sad thinking about it. Today I was pretty depressed for most of the day feeling...homesick. I never thought I would think that. Ever. I just missed being around the twins all the time...having them watch the Lord of the Rings with me, or press the buttons on my extra controller when I played Final Fantasy 7 on my playstation, or crawl in to bed with me when they woke up in the morning. I know that my little sister cried a whole heck of a lot when I left. I guess she asked my mumsie dearest if she could take a picture of me to bed with her. That just crushed my heart, hearing that. Mitch and I went out to get some Chinese food this afternoon, after wandering around some shops looking for something to put my TV on for about an hour (and also waiting for the food place to open). I came back to my room after eating and such, and then I don't remember what I did. I know that Eliza was in her ball for about an hour and a half because I was just zoned out on my computer. I really don't recollect what I was doing besides feeling like crap. I cried a little bit, which I thought was a bit silly, and then I did some crunches, and then Mitch called me. He had gone out and bought me a teddy bear holding a heart that says, "ahhhh shucks...I love you." That made me cry even more, but tears of happiness mixed in with the depressed tears this time. Mitch told me that I should have just told him that I was missing home, as silly as I thought it was. He was right. I have a bad tendency to hold things like that in. I think it's a mixture of me missing the twins, and me not wanting this semester to begin because I am going to be busy as hell, and it's Mitch's last semester. I just hate thinking about that. So I won't. I am going to go do some more crunches and then call my boyfriend. Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, is off to try to feel better...aluve'
Your Theme Song is Back in Black by AC/DC

"Back in black, I hit the sack,
I've been too long, I'm glad to be back"
Things sometimes get really crazy for you, and sometimes you have to get away from all the chaos.
But each time you stage your comeback, it's even better than the last!
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