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| BubblesMegee
Saturday, June 5, 2004
Good Morning
Okay, so it's not really morning. It's actually 10:42 here. This is my first post, so I decided to put in a little something about me so people know what I am all about:
Name Four Things That You Wished You Had:
- All of the books ever written by J.R.R. Tolkien
- A puppy
- The complete set of Yu-Yu Hakusho DVDs
- The first series of Inu Yasha books
Name Four Scents You Love:
- Cucumber Melon lotion
- Roses
- Vinyl
- Rain
Name Three People You Know Best:
- Gretchen
- Matt
- Dan
Name Four Things You Are Thinking About:
- What to do about my current crush
- What to talk about
- The music I am listening to
- Graduation
Name Four Things You Done Today:
- Went to see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- Fed my rabbit
- Got online
- Had a parade
Name Four Bands/Groups Most People Don't Know You Like:
- The Ramones
- The Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Queen
- Foo Fighters
Current Clothes: Jeans, shirt,hoodie, socks, slippers, and undergarments
Current Jewelry: 10 rings, 3 necklaces, and 2 bracelets
Current Mood: Bored
Current Music: J-pop
Current Taste: Peanut Butter
Current Hair: Down
Current Annoyance: My sister
Current Smell: Boredom
Current thing I ought to be doing: Homework
Current Desktop Picture: Inu Yasha
Current Favorite Group: London Symphony Orchestra
Current Book: The Book of Lost Tales, Part 1
Current Movie in DVD player: The Two Towers
Current Refreshment: Water
Current Worry: Should I tell him how I feel?
Current Crush: Ryan
Current Favorite Celebrity: Ethan Zohn
- hair: Dirty blonde, about shoulder length, spiraled
- height: 5’7"
- favorite feature: Eyes or personality
- clothing: weird
- music: Instrumental
- makeup: Lip gloss and eye liner
- body art: I write on myself, does that count?
- shoes: Anything I feel like putting on my feet
- wearing: Done^
- music: Done^
- thinking of: Done^
- feeling: Done^
- did: Talked to my Mumsie
- read: A Magazine
- watched on TV: Yu-Yu Hakusho
- club or house-party: I don't like social events
- tea or coffee: tea
- high achiever or easy-going:High achiever
- cats or dogs: Dogs
- pen or pencil: pen
- gloves or mittens: gloves
- cassette or cd: CD for the most part
- snuff or cigarettes: neither
- coke or Pepsi: I don't like soda
- matches or a lighter: Matches
- sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: My life could be a soap opera in itself
- kill: Heh heh heh
- hear from: Nicole
- look like: I look like myself
- be like: No one, I am happy being who I am
- food: Peanut Butter
- drink: Water
- color: Red
- shoes: Boots
- site:
- song: The Ramones- "Somebody put something in my drink"
- vegetables: Carrots
- fruit: strawberries
- last movie you saw: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- last movie you saw on the big screen: see above question
- last thing you had to drink: Snapple
- last thing you ate: Ice cream
- last time you cried: Last week
- last time you smiled: Ten minutes ago
- last time you laughed: see above
- last time you danced: Today
- last person you hugged: My Mumsie
- last thing you said: "Sure, whatever"
- last person you talked to online: Josh
- last thing you smelled: My hoodie
DO YOU...?
- smoke: no
- do drugs: no
- sleep with a stuffie: You bet
- have a dream that keeps coming back: yes
- believe there is life on other planets: yes
- read the newspaper: the comics
- have any gay or lesbian friends: Yes
- believe in miracles: yes
- believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: I hope so
- consider yourself tolerant of others: I am intolerant of ignorant people
- consider police a friend or foe: I used to be scared of them
- like the taste of alcohol: Depends on the drink
- have a favorite Stooge: Nope
- believe in astrology: Yes
- believe in magic: Not really
- pray: No
- go to church: No
- have any secrets: That I do (who doesn't?)
- have any pets: a cat and two rabbits
- go to or plan to go to college: yes
- have a degree: no
- talk to strangers who instant message you: yeah, sometimes... I'm a strange person myself
- wear hats: not really
- have any piercings: ears
- have any tattoos: nope
- hate yourself: no
- wish on stars: yes
- like your handwriting: it's alright
- believe in witches: Yes
- believe in Satan: No
- believe in ghosts: yes
- trust others easily: Not a chance
- like sarcasm: I am the sarcasm queen
- take walks in the rain: and go puddle-jumping
- kiss with your eyes closed: yes
- sing in the shower: Have you ever heard me sing? I though not!
 Which HP Kid Are You?
So, that's a little bit about me. I'll be off for now, aluve. {Later Days}
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