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myOtaku.com: buffy the slayer

Monday, August 15, 2005

   Hello and congrats!
So I just got back from my trip to Moab,Utah!I gotta admit it was fun!So I cant wait to see what you guys have posted in the past three days!I'll be by soon!
Anyways I went up Moab to go rafting and man My tour guy was soooo HOT!(Sorry guys for reading this)but I can't wait to go back^_- And there were a whole bunch of European guys there to except some of them wore speedos(Gross!!!!)I didn't like that site!
Well I just wanna give a big congrats to Kelly Clarkson for retiring at number one on trl with Behind These Hazel Eyes!
And A HUGE! Congrats to My Chemical Romance for being at number one now!Here are the top three of the list!(Oh and from now on If I remember,I am gonna put a quote from a movie or show or song at the bottom of my posts,just so you know)
#3Hilary Duff(Wake Up)!
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#2Green Day(Wake me up when September ends)
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#1MCR!Congrats once again!
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Quote:Wherever we want to go, we go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and hull and a deck and sails. That's what a ship needs. But what a ship is... what the Black Pearl really is... is freedom.-Jack Sparrow,Pirates of the Caribbean.

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