Birthday 1985-12-28 Gender
Female Location it was LA,CA but now iam in New York, NY Member Since 2005-09-11 Occupation Student Real Name Kim
Achievements Being Really Cute Anime Fan Since I saw my first anime at 7 it was My Neighbor Totoro Favorite Anime Wow! that's hard Goals To live Happy and Healthy ^_^ Hobbies Collecting everything Anime, and watching movie Talents Doing cute things BunnieGirl
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Sorry i have seen anyone sites or post i a long time SOOOOOOO BUSY!!!
I have had a lot of work Mid-terms, Papers ect. So i will try to see each of you when i get the time.
P.s i will be getting rid of the that long list of You Know You... thing so get your look. Comments (1) |
Monday, October 24, 2005
RED Ninja
YES!!!! i am so HAPPY i just got this new game called Red Ninja End of Honor.
it about this girl who's father was kill and she was hung on a wire letf to die and now she use that same wire to kill. it SOOOOO COOOOOOL ^_^ Comments (9) |
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Sorry i didnt post Yestarday i was in the Bronx Painting at a elementary school. there was 30 of us, we paint some mural. me and two of my best friends painted a door that had a window looking out at a sun and homes with a quote going around the window. it was a lot of fun ( i got a little high of the paint) i wish i could see the look on the kids faces when they see what we did.
Full day
Today i had a full day of college my first class is only and hour long but my other two classes Math and English those are three hours long >_< so to help me relax i am putting this pic up.
We Miss You
To those who have felt and/or gone missing come back soon WE MISS YOU! I miss you so much Comments (7) |
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Hey has any lost GuestBook Signing or Friends for that matter. I have lost two of my friends Pillowsrock and Synthetic Tears, so ya if anyone knows anything about this please tell me. Pillowsrocks! Synthatic Tears! WHERE ARE YOU!?!
i havent seen the show Now he is ALWAYED LOST Comments (5) |
Sunday, October 16, 2005
not feeling well
Hey eveyone sorry I have not writen in a long time I haven't been feeling well but i feel better now so ya sry :p poor Iunyasha is sick. Comments (7) |
Thursday, October 13, 2005
HEY are the PPG an anime i found this looking in Photobucket
Cool ^-^ Comments (3) |
Tuesday, October 4, 2005
Hey you
You should visit My boyfriend he made to videos too and there SO COOOOOOOL ^_^ Comments (2) |
I made a MOVIE’s more of a Home movie type thing. it really cute and I how you like it ^_^ and Please Comment on it I am try to decide weather to put it in my Profile or not if you like to I will put it in.
Heartwarming ^_^ Comments (8) |