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myOtaku.com: Bunnywisk

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Shattered Peices (12/02/07)

Don�t mind me; I�m just another crazed person hopping along signing guest books. =]
Such a lovely site you have here. I really like it.
Truth, no lie.
Feel free to pm me anytime you�d like. My arms are always open, even if that does sound sexually, which it isn�t, and if you think it is, I vill kill you. =D
Merry Christmasss Seasonn.

seph097 (11/20/07)

I love your site!!!^^ I want us to be good friends so i'm adding you so add me if you wish!!!

avatar sla1 (07/27/07)

cool site I saw that u do karate so do I I'm a green day

lilanimegirl10 (01/02/07)

I totally love your wallpapers. I also love your site. Im gonna add you as a friend. Hope you do the same.

~Tai Lee~

Jangalian (08/01/06)

It's good to see another Prince of Tennis fan!

cheriblossom (07/05/06)

Hi bunnywisk, i dunno wut happened but since my gb sig is gone i guess ill hafta type up another one. O well, hope u visit soon. ^^ Ja ne!

[-- cheriblossom ^^

Kira 14 (05/04/06)

ur page is so cool. iadded u as a friend. hope u do the same.

MoonRainGodess (03/18/06)

Domo whats up?
I so love the site
Nice icon ^_^

*Tsukiko* ^_^

adventaddict (03/05/06)

hey! nice site! (hey guys! *waves hand* i found another tenipuri fan!)
I myself am a fan! great wallpapers! i like them, especially the seigaku regulars one! keep up the good work!
oh, by the way, I added u as a friend! hope you'll do the same!
ooops.. before i forget, umm, where did you get the images you used?
well, bye for now! Laterzz..


kenyasha (02/01/06)

I love PoT just like you so i can relate i added you as a friend too. you should get aim.

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