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Friday, August 3, 2007
I can't get enough of these twins or HP. I've been into it for more than a month, I think this beats my other obsessions that aren't anime/manga related, except The Matrix[That lasted two goddamn years, yo] So this theme features the twins, Fred and George Weasley from HP. I love them too much and hey guess what? These twins are going to be at Dragon*Con this year and ya know what?
I'm going!!! I won't be able to go like I planned. I'd do almost ANYTHING to meet these two, even kill, no I'm serious. Totally. get my point. It's heartbreaking, I know I'm a lame person to be sad over such a small ridiculous thing.. Oh well, ya can't win em all, hopefully when I'm a bit older I'll be able to go and meet them. Lets just hope they'll still be spankin' hott, ahha. But hey..Stephenie Meyer, author of Twilight and New Moon is visiting Virginia so I'm definitely doing to try to meet her there =DDD Anyway I finished Deathly Hollows last week and woah man, good stuff. I want to write a review about it, but I want to keep this post spoiler-free so til next time.
Besides fandoms and other crack, I haven't really done much school work like I should be doing. Haven't ready any books they've asked me too and bahh gotta do that soon. Not much, random post, I'll try to get to your sites today :]
And to conclude, a fanmix I made of..Fred & Angelina, from of course HP. No seriously, I'm literly..into it so much, slay me now folks. So check it out if you'd like to =D Oh and Otakon pictures next post too!
'Time Is Running Out' [Fred&Angelina Fanmix]
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Monday, July 30, 2007
Hey guys!
So Otakon was awesome like woah I had the best weekend ever. The con itself was a downer though, there really wasn’t much going on. I only went to the Artist Alley and Dealers Room; all for a tiny bit. Since I was rooming with some friends over at LJ and I had to pack my things, cosplay and all that Wednesday. Then came Thursday which is pre-registration, mostly picking up your badge before the con, it didn’t start until 5PM and ended around 10PM I think. My mom was driving me to the con and the hotel but she didn’t get home until eight fifty. Paranoid and scared I might miss pre-reg just like last year [Last year was horrible, the line on Friday morning was so long that it was almost endless, but then the speed was good and I got my badge in an hour]
We drove to Baltimore and didn’t get there until ten. I knew I missed pre-reg so I had to go in the morning. So then we set off to look for the hotel my friends where in, which was the Hampton Inn & Suites. But there are two actually in Baltimore. Sadly I had gotten the directions to the wrong hotel and we spent almost an hour looking for it, till we got there and called down Lauren and to my greatest displeasure. We had the wrong hotel. My mom was pretty frustrated at me for getting the wrong directions and she was also driving without her license [She had forgotten her purse at home for some reason]. We got the right directions for the hotel and then we set off to the right Hampton, we didn’t get there until one in the morning, almost two. Quickly I got all my crap up to the room and found almost everyone asleep. The room itself was pretty small but it was alright. I set my luggage and other stuff somewhere in the room and slept on a sofa bed with some person I didn’t know. Which I find very funny to find out that it was actually an amazing Dark Link I photographed at last years Otakon. HAHAH.
Anyway next morning, waking up to Sephiroth’s theme it was around seven in the morning and I had to get dressed and head out towards the convention center to get my badge. Mostly everyone had gotten theirs so I had to hurry down and get mine before the Eureka 7 gathering and shoot I was in that started around 11AM. Getting there was a short walk but it got tiring afterwards. As expected the line was REALLY REALLY REALLY long. I got there around 8:10AM and the pre-reg didn’t start till eight thirty. But then the line began to move and it got shorter and went faster and then we were inside. I got my badge, hurried off to the hotel and got changed into Woz for the E7 shoot. Lauren, Claire, Becca and Kate were up there already changing as well. [We all were in the shoot] and quiet boy AKA Dark Link was also up there changing into his Link. He was really quiet between us loud girls, I think we scared him. So already we headed to the convention center again, all colorful and we went into the fountains for the E7 gathering. It was off to the side of the room so not much people could see it, oh well. I think we did a fabulous job though; we had almost every person on the Gekkostate. We missed a Hilda, Hap, Gonzi and other dude but it was alright. Our Holland dropped too. I ran into a few more people on LJ and then around came 12PM and we all with our photographer, Ollie headed outside to the sky walk where the sun was blazing. It was hot and I in my large burgundy pants and purple shirt, I was getting fried. The photo shoot was very much fun, we had a lot of photos taken and funniness. The private shoot didn’t end around 1PM and I needed to change into Arashi to make it to the CLAMP gathering at 2PM I think. So me, Lauren and Becca went back to the hotel room to change. I got into Arashi, grabbed my sword and headed out once again to the con to make it to the gathering; I was running twenty minutes late. But I didn’t miss much; there really wasn’t much of a gathering. I also saw another Arashi cosplayer with her Sorata. I wanted to get pictures with him :O
Ha-ha, it took a long time for all of us to get into a big group for photos and whatnot. Then we got some photos and I headed off because I wanted to go to the dealer’s room. Before that though I meet another person from LJ we talked a bit but I had to go to find a friend from school. Afterwards I headed to some empty spot of the con and had myself a photo shoot, which is funny because it was all self-timer. LAWLZ. But I like how the pictures came out, they looked great to me. After a while I decided I had gotten decent phones and met my friend Khavy from school. We both went to the Dealers Room and there was SO much I wanted to get, but I was blind [My glasses broken and my eye sight worse, I could NOT see at all] I got two phone straps, Trinity Blood manga volumes 2-3 and that was all. There was a woman, mid 20’s in Slytherin robes, thought it was cute. Then after I think I …uh headed back to the hotel room to change. My feet were KILLING me and I needed to take a shower. I found Kate, Claire and Lauren getting into FMA cosplay and they headed out. I mostly had the room to myself and so I decided to take a shower and eat something. After a while, watching TV and hearing about the great Harry Potter news to the world, just everything about it. [Also finding out the Falls Church is the Harriest town, YAY for Virginia] In came Scott, another roommate staying with us who brought a friend whose name I forgot. We talked for a while and she seemed really nice, but I forgot her LJ and name. After a few hours, with no more cosplay for that day, in came Lauren, Claire and Kate and they all got into Raver YRP costumes. I had nothing more for the day so I tagged along with them in normal clothes. It was around ten I think, when we went back to the convention center and chilled around. And there we found an empty table with lots of chairs in the fountains and Claire and I sat down. And thus our panel began. “Who Can & Cannot Stay For Otakon 2008”. Lauren took us a photo of that so I’m waiting on that, it turned out fabulous. And so I and Claire kept looking around for people to kick out of Otakon [Its all fun and jokes] Then Lauren and Kate went around the con looking for Vegeta 396. I tagged along and then they both molested the statues that were around the convention center, I took the photos and I’m waiting on those because, they turned out great. I really love one in which Kate gives a pelvic thrust. It’s glorious. The convention center was emptier than usual, it was Friday night, before the 21st and of course, everyone is fighting to get the last Harry Potter book. After a few hours, it was 1AM we decided to head out for the evening, but first we wanted to get something to eat. We got pizza in the scariest place ever full of African American folks; it was just weird because the gals were in YRP [Yuna, Riku & Paine] rave skimpy outfits that yeah, you get the point. Plus the place was right NEXT to a stripper club. I guess most of them are used to freaks in costumes every summer now that one guy asked “Otakon?” when we walked in. Then around 2 we headed back to the hotel room. Brad? AKA Dark Link was gone, Jackie’s[Another roommate, friend of Claire] boyfriend Charlie said that Brad was moving out because he found somewhere else to sleep/room with. Okay. Weird but okay. So I got the bed to myself, YAY.
I had to change into David from D.Gray-Man for the gathering/photo shoot at 11AM. Becca came to our room as Rabi and after getting ready and the intense eye make up, we settled out to the con. We got a little late, in which I missed the Noah family shoot. But it was alright, a GREAT Tyki and Rhode spotted me and said hello, glomping me. I was the only David there, haha. The gathering was rather short, not much to do. So after half an hour we went down to the fountains. Becca’s feet were hurting and so were mine so we got to the fountains and sat down. In came in front of us a small Bible Black [?] group and people started taking pictures, with us in the background. Not doing anything pretty bored and hot, we decided to make random faces in the background of the photos. WHICH WAS SOO MUCH FUNN! It was so funny; we kept on making faces whenever possible, it was epic. After a good while we decided to head back to the hotel room, we were rather hot and just ugh—the heat was killing us and hungry too. So quickly I went with Becca to her hotel room, where I hung out with her while she changed. I had to go back to the room so I could change so after a good while I headed back. Reaching the lobby of her hotel, were a bunch of HP kids reading the book, in HP robes with dangling Otakon badges, Wow, way to spend the con eh? And then suddenly a girl said “OMG GUYS HARR---“ yeah that was all I heard. I ran for the door, covering my ears. Avoiding spoilers, man, it had to be done. Then I went back to the hotel room and chilled for a while, till Lauren and Claire came back. After a few hours it was around 7PM we decided to go back to the con, the girls in cosplay, but I had worn everything so I went in normal clothing. It’s weird, walking with a bunch of cosplays and I wear the normal clothes. Hehe. We were there for a while, Kate and I sitting in the fountains waiting for Lauren and Claire to finish up a photo shoot they were in. Later apparently Lauren fell sick with the heat and we ran back to the hotel room. I was hungry; I reckon we all were so me, Claire and Kate went out again to go somewhere to eat. We walked to the harbor and just looked around- most of the shops were closed. We came by a Spanish restaurant and ate, the food there was great! The rest of the night we spent looking for food to get Lauren, since she stayed back. We didn’t get back until 1AM I think. We went to bed
I don’t know what we did on Sunday... But we ran to the con before it closed. I REALLY REALLY wanted to go to the dealer’s room before it closed at 3PM. We got there 10 minutes before and they had already closed the doors, but apparently someone got in and we all sneaked in, it was so funny. 20 minutes after we got kicked out though, ahah. Con closed around 4PM and Kate by accident lost her drivers license at the con D: So we went back to look for it but they didn’t have it, Kate and I went into the harbor and waited for the rest of the folks to come around to get some ice cream and then head off to dinner at 7PM with everyone. We ate at the Hard Rock Café which was a very awesome place, all twelve of us. Very much fun was had. In the end our receipt combined ended up being about $300 XDD But we all paid separately. I wanted to be cheap since I only had about 24 dollars on me, my receipt ending up being $18.23 XD
Afterward we hung around the harbor, joking, taking pictures and we all took pictures blasting off a canon [not really though]. Then after a while I had to head back to the hotel room because my mom was on her way to Baltimore to pick me up. Rounded up my crap in the room and then my mom came. Left a sweet note to the girls, thanking them for letting me room with them on the mirror and left.
That’s pretty much all guys, hehe. I didn’t take much pictures though, most of them were taken by friends, so when I get those, I’ll show you all. Also a tour of our hotel room XP
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Saturday, July 28, 2007
Freak Amazon, I went to Borders and got the book myself yesterday. Now I'm half way through and alot is on my mind, though I'm still avoiding the internet I've been opening iTunes alot lately; ya know to listen to music. Deathly Hollows so far is good, intense--not really what I expected though. I shall keep reading and give my rull review along with my Otakon report too. I also went and saw Order of the Phoenix again with my cousin who hadn't seen it. I saw a few more things.
Twins are awesome.
Wow, Percy Weasley looked greeeat in this movie if you ask me, he was handsome.
Thats all. But I'm sure you expected things like that coming from me. I'll be back soon, with report. In the mean time, check out my portfolio for cosplay photos, I added a few more to David and Woz. Added a new gallery for Arashi :D
*goes back to reading*
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
THE FUCK. I pre-ordered HP 7 on Amazon last Thursday, it was supposed to be on my doorstep today-tomorrow. And now I get an e-mail saying it won't be shipped til next week.
the helllll...
Oh and I'm avoiding the internet, everything, LJ, MyOtaku, Cosplay, MSN --everything. To avoid lame HP spoilers or HP talk. I had enough of that at Otakon, it was ridiculous. But Otakon the con and everything was fabulous. I just want my book-- nowwwww.
Otakon report and pictures will come soon too.
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
Otakonn is nearr, actually its now, hahah. I haven't left home yet, but I will soon, wooo
I'm so excited, okay many reasons this week end will rock?
Our hotel room is a suite with a friggin' kitchen!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, c'mon now..annd HBP came in today.
I will..basically molest/rape Steve Blum during his panel?
Hahah, catch you all later when I come back~!

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Monday, July 16, 2007
Hey all~!
I FINALLY saw Harry Potter 5, annnd Transformers. Wow both cannot be weighed together, both were pretty good on their own accounts. I don't got much time to review like I planned, time is short and Otakon is in three days, well including Thursday which is when I'll leave to our hotel.
But anyway, HP was good, better than I expected, but not the best. We still got HBP and DH to watch but Order of the Phoenix was alright, they left out a bunch but no jonnin because; it's a movie. Can't cram 800+ pages into a 2 hour movie, but it was good. Imelda Staunton as our lovely Dolores Umbridge was far from awesome, she was brilliant. Played her part well and made us hate her, she was good. Good ol' Gary Oldman was also great, I'm a big Sirius fan so when I read in the book that he 'died' I bawled. I'm serious people, I literly..BAWLED for about an hour. I had to re-read his death and then I stopped and crawled to my bed and bawled. He was so amazing. God, and when I saw his death in the movie, I bawled, but quietly. I didn't want anyone to see me, haha. But man and I'm also a little annoyed that Bellatrix did "Avada Kedavra" on Black, since that really wasn't what happened in the book, I'm pretty sure they put it there to let everyone know that in fact Sirius *IS* dead. Which makes me want to cry. I'm also sad they took out the St. Mungo's scene, that was a great one, especially learning more about young Longbottom. Uhh what else oh yes, the ending. If only Dumbledore could have explained more to Harry about the prophecy, then it would be more understanding. I didn't see a tear down his cheek, that would have been nice and emotional, haha. I also believe that if they added the part where Draco warns Harry he, Harry will pay for what he did to Draco's father, it would have been nice, to start off HBP annnd the tension. Snape's memory should have been longer too, oh well still a very great film!!
Am I a bad critic? Haha, well the film was still AMAZING nonetheless. Very good, but Prisoner of Azkaban will always be my favorite, Goblet of Fire continued. Why? First, Cuaron is an amazing director, and hey he's from Mexico. He's camera work and just his --ahh well he's cool XD Sorry if anyone disagrees XD
And Transformers, that was just..utterly ..glorious? Haha, robots smashing other robots, hott.
Okok, must go on with cosplay and, hell my room is a mess. I need to start packing DX
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Thursday, July 12, 2007
Chea, represent
*pumps fist*
Hahaah, I'd be in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, I haven't seen the movie yet, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix but I am todayy, I'm happy. Though I'll go alone, which always sucks. I mean..I'll be lonely. It comes as a surprise that very little of my friends dont fancy Harry Potter much, haha oh well. That's good, atleast you aren't an addict. And I've been reading fanfics of it like crazy, its bad. But I've got no life, hahah.
And so this is obligatory:
Harry Potter
01. The first character I fell in love with: Harry
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Dumbledore
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't: Uhm, no one?
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: Snape/Voldemort/Draco
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: Percy Weasley
06. The character I would shag anytime: HAHAH. Fred Weasley.
07. The character I'd want to be like: Sirius Black
08. The character I'd slap: ONGOING LIST: Dolores Umbridge, Hermione Granger[This whole S.P.E.W thing is really annoying now babe], THE DURSLEYS OMFG. DIE, Percy Weasley
09. A pairing that I love: Fred Weasley & Angelina Johnson, Remus/Tonks ANNND MOARRR
10. A pairing that I hate: I don't know DDD:
Otakon is a week away!!! I can't wait. The costume line up
Friday: Woz [Eureka 7]
Friday PM: Arashi [X/1999]
Saturday: David [D.Gray-Man
Sunday: Naoto [DOGS]
I'm iffy on Naoto, if I finish her on time, mehh. Anywho, I'm very excited for this con, I've got a load of friends to spend it with, unlike last year, hahah. So anywho, just poppin' by to say hello. Oh and the gym is ridiculous, I come home sweaty and tired, mann but no result yet. It's kinda making me iffy
too.. meh. Okokok done.
"Do The Hippogriff" by The Weird Sisters
I love this song, slay me now, plzkthx.
*goes back to addiction*
Oh and I CRAVEEE to see Transformers, its like..not drinking water. It's that bad.
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Saturday, July 7, 2007
Hey guys!
It's been a while since I posted, thought I'd pop by to explain a part of my absense. It's nothing serious or interesting, just been enjoying my summer and spend most of my time home, relaxing and playing video games and what not. Did I mention that I've been re-reading all Harry Potter books and that I'm really addicted to it once more? Well now you know, god I'd shag Fred and George Weasley anytime, bwahha. Anywho, I'm sure everyone has heard of the "Live Earth Concert" which happens today, all around the world, 7.7.07?
This is brilliant if you ask me, and hey, you can watch the concerts on deman on Sunday, ahah.
Currently watching Abingdon Boys School play[which is why I'm still awake at three-thirty in the moring], very good band, they play the first opening for the anime, D.Gray-Man.
My internet is really low right now so I'll end it here before it goes off completely.
-To Tiffany && Teri, I wont be around home today much [cousins birthday] and so I will prolly be back late to post with you.
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Friday, June 29, 2007
I guess I should just post instead of changing my theme and doing the coding, which will take years. Helloo guys, haha it's been a while since I posted, aloot has happened. So the whole gym problem? Its alright, been going there daily and come back feeling so sore, but I guess its a good experience, and hey, losing the fat and burning more calories, which is as always a great thing. Hell even old ladies go there and work out, its so cute.
And thus my true goal has come: To get spartan abs. You bet. Thanks to SG, its my goal. Haha. 300 is just so great, and know what else is great? No not Anime Expo, ho's up there, luckyyys.
Its Transformers, god that will be glorious, I can't wait. Honestly.
Soo I started watching the anime Code Geass annnd Romeo x Juliet, wow both are very good series. Must make icons of both..bwahah.
Short update, I'm still alive folks :D
Ohh and picture spam post will come soon, I dont have my camera.
"Hey There Delilah" by Plain White T's
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Sorry for being dead guys, I'll update soon 8D
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