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Runing after the ice cream man
| BurningDeamon
Saturday, April 22, 2006 you can theme and yeah. First of all, before the long post (sorry -_-;;) I have to announce that I am falling for Trinity Blood, damn you Hinaru! (shakes fist) Check it out..its awesome and you'll love Abel..I do. I'm home right now..missed the SAT practice cause I didn't study and I'm an ass. Anyway this theme is pretty simple..nothing much. The chick is from the anime Eureka 7 which just aired recently last Saturday, a very good show. So today is airs again..going to see it again haha. I didn't do much today but yesterday was fun. First period was boring..I kept falling asleep and I think its because I was up late chatting with Aldo..the one in school. Yess we talk on msn and it's AWESOME. Back in the old times yo and I'm loving it. He's so funny and sweet but anyway. Second period was fun enough, I had to do my presentation about my project with my other friends. I was chikening out..for just presenting. I get VERY shy when I'm in front of people and have to present or something close to that. But it wasn't bad at all, stupid me.
Then after that we just watched other presentations while I just continued writing more of the story. For those who asked me about it last post, I took it off because I haven't typed more..and I apologize for that but I'll put it back up whenever I can, theres moooreee. So anyway I went down to lunch and just..was in line and ate..the usual. I headed to fourth period and it was fun. Since its a spanish class of course the people there are spanish, I have the honors. So anyway we were assigned into three and I was with Nancy and Stephanie..not really friends with them but their cool. Anyway I did my work while Nancy and Stephanie just wanted to copy off of me..hell to the no! I moved over to KAren and was just talking to her. Then comes Uriel (my mexican buddy) and we just talked about random crap.
That classed ended and I headed to Gym. The best part of the day, Monica and Vicky aren't in gym anymore they have health so me and Adrielle are allone. But we have Ernie!! A total baby, he's soooo funny and is vERY random. But Colin was there..I hate him. He's so perverted and annoying so it ruined our track walking. Plus he has a camera and started taking pictures of me and Adrielle's asses. I had sweats on so I was safe but it was annoying. I got my camera and made Adrielle cover her face from me taking pictures of her. She hates getting pictures taken even though shes pretty. Anyway practically the whole time she had her face covered. Ernie had his cellphone too but hid the camera and said that he was playing a game so Adrielle dropped her guard and then I quietly went over to his side and saw that he was on camera mode. It was hilarious, just us four, randomly talking dirty, on the track and just..being retarded. It was so much fun. And then we headed home and I just chilled and talked to Aldo some more..yess =D Anyway sorry for the long post, today I won't be doing much but going to my aunt Isabella's house..I hate it there..I'd rather go to somewhere else than there..
So for the viewing are some pictures I snapped..

Thats Adrielle..obviously not wanting to snap a picture..she looks like Samara..the girl from the ring.

Theres the whole gang.. from left its Adrielle, Ernie and *cough* Colin

This expersion is from pintching his wasn't me..I took the picture. He's a cutie funny-random boy

I didn't include Adrielle here because..she wouldn't let me but here Ernie is trying to take her hands off her face..

Tysion here..I love her..shes a tomboy sometimes and wears ANYTHING that..girls who are preps wouldn't wear. Basically she doesn't care what people say about her. *thumbs up*
This is a glimpse of it on her Shes a pretty azn
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