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BLEACH Eureka 7 Katekyo Hitman REBORN! Wolf's Rain Hellsing Trinity Blood Samurai Champloo D. Gray-Man Blood+ Code Geass Air Gear && more
Runing after the ice cream man
| BurningDeamon
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Ohhhweee. I seriously don't know when I'll be ever back on the net. But it seems to me next month, wow..I think I just became crazy from all the screaming and head banging cause..I am happy. Yes I'm so happy! ...I need my net back so badly. I'm so behind on Bleach, Fruits Basket, Saiyuki, Naruto..fuckk it. Besides that..that long post isnt near you yet and alot has been happening, I swear one long ass post..though I cannot beat the longest of the great Eninster, haha. Uhhh the main thing, I'm in such a big pain in my tailbone. I fell down the stairs, I slipped and ..bumped down six stairs. Sitting down. My tail bone is KILLING ME. I think I'm gonna go to the doctor tomorrow and see how it is. I cannot even get out of hurts so bad. Fuck I can't even bend down to use the fucking restroom!!!! What if its fracutred..I don't think I've told anyone but surgery or visits to the hospital other than check ups is hell for me. I am sooo scared of that stuff, especially surgery. I cannot take the pain anymore..well at least its keeping me from burning my eyes, watching movies or going on the computer. Not even ice, massage or pain killers will take it away...I need the pain to go away T_T
Man I cannot do anything without the net..cannot even connect with Encarta!!! My dad is gonna kill me if he finds out that I'm missing 4 assignments he left me to do it on that program. The good news..which is very little, I saw Eureka 7, Ghost In The Shell: SAC. And for those like Vanessie, Ghost in the shell:sac is re-airing. So hopefully its the same for you too. Eureka 7 is something, I love that show soooo badly, it totally kicked off my other favorites..but then again..I love em all to death. Just...the other pink look-alike seems like that's the foe..though her and Dominic are such a cute couple..I spoiled it..I know what happens. Between the two of course.. *sighs* Umm..what else? Anyone know the cast for the Bleach dub? I don't know..I might add that I'm dying to know it. Hmm I probably deserve being off the net, from all those sites and cosplay.. I am an addict, I am and I admit it. Though you already knew that, man am I going to kill my dad when he gets home.
Yesterday was very eventful, my cousins came to my house and had the balls to run my room..retards but I got em bad. Well that is all..from my post. I'd like to dedicate this little part to my little pearl. Now here is a neverending love for Tiffany, known her since she and I were a little new to this community. Ever since then to today, she's been my world. From when I heard from her brother that she was sick, I'd be gloomy, hoping that she'll recover. She knows my hard love for anime and yaoi and me. She's seen me when I'd fuck off and had to talk whenever I wanted to blast off someones head. Either when I wasn't doing to well, she would help me when she wasn't well either. I love this girl so much, cause she's she, its always been so wonderful chatting with her cause I have me some fun when I do. So Tiffany, actually this little paragraph can't even beat the amount that I love you to loads. Hope you have a good one. With that I will leave, and take the precious gold time that I have on the net and wonder off to the other sites and get my manga and anime. (at cousins computer & house)

My needs some windows..internet windows.
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