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Runing after the ice cream man
| BurningDeamon
Friday, September 8, 2006
Okay..I thought I should post and here I am. Sort of a little more..merely update life post. As you can see that I took down my theme, this will be up until I find out what Tsubasa Chronicle image to use before I make my layout. Speaking of graphics, I'll be thinking of joining the photography club AND the year book club. Looks promising. Also High School life, beside my babe Beck, I love my high school. My classes are okay, the friends I've made are nice. And..hell theres soo many different kind of people.
Ya know style?
Theres the gangsters, nerds, preps/jocks/, goths and the ...indie people? Ya well..there so many people. And theres a gay guy in school.
Heard that shopping with a gay guy is the best. I don't know. *shrugs* But anyway, I kinda feel bummed though. So many kinds of people with their own style..I want to talk to them but I'm shy. I'm afraid they'll be like "Who the fuck are you" or stare at me when I say hi and stuff. What a drag. Seriously theres this girl in my english class whom I try hard to be her friend. Its normal cause I'm new..but still..I want to have friends!!!
On another bad note, my stomach fat is backkk!!! *curses to the sky* I seriously look like how I left school early June. I need to stop eating..SHIT SHIT SHHHITT. This makes me depressed so I'll move on. I went this week to actually clearly to claim my glasses. Got the black bold, Guess style glasses. I'm looking forward to them alot. Also..hmm what else? I haven't started on my cosplay in which I should, which also brings I'll need to back doing 300 crunches daily to get my abs in fit.
I have been reviewing my BLEACH manga files which are in my extended hard drive, I love this manga. Oumm..oh yeah, I did some icons lately, feel free to use them or save them. These I'd like to donate to Shanny's white satin site too.

Okay these are the ones I've been doing probably all summer..well some of them are from summer but the better looking ones are done now. That will be it from me today. Hello weekend. And the BLEACH and Trinity Blood dub premiere is tomorrow at midnight, looking forward to this.
Oh yeah..about my story of pissing in my pants, I'll resize photos and the post will come along too, later. Also I tried out for Field Hocky since my cousin said I fitted in because 'I'm tough'
Last but not least, I'll wish Joshie a happy birthday, and happy meat eating <3
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