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myOtaku.com: butterfly killers

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Sasuke Uzumaki (08/09/06)

Thanx for signing my gb.The only reason that I write that I'm lonley is because my friends go to camp and a person on my otaku named KyuubiKhaos,who is my friend,went to canada so I'm bored for now.I'll add ya.Later.

Dei-kun1357 (08/09/06)

so dark.............
its perfectly cool!!!
together,we should
take over the HELL,
PS:im weird,i now
PSS:plz visit my site if u dare

cant escape (07/04/06)

hey I dont know if you remember me but I just got back from vacation......ugggg...... well thanks for signing my gb. and you like my avatar wow not a lot of people say that. yeah I made it myself. okay then I hope I did not wait to long to sign your gb later.......

why do we live if we must escape....

Anime Maid (07/01/06)

Hi I really like your site. I would love to be your friend. Added you if thats ok. Stop by sometime and Chat. BYAS!

Laura �

Heart Train
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Forever Gone (07/01/06)

Hey,thanks for signin my guestbook,I like your site too,your avatar is cool also..I'll add you ^^

Sleepy Kid (06/29/06)

Hey I love your site. Very cool. I also like your band's list and the song you wrote. Very nice and plus your avatar rocks. I'm going to add you as a friend.
~Emily xo

Jrockqueen5459 (06/28/06)

hey thanks for signing my guestbook! ^.^ adding you as a freind byeZ

Yukino Tokisaka (06/28/06)

haha, hi there^^. thank u sooooo much for signin my gb^^ & u're welcome for my comments on ur art, u deserv to kno that u're good!! i saw the bands u lik on ur front page & it seems we hav sum of the same taste in music^^. well, gotta lotta stuff to do (& so little time -_-). so, im gonna add u ada friend, hope thats okies^^. well, i'll b seein ya!!

~Yukino Tokisaka~

mr.cookie (06/27/06)

hi spooky place come 2 my site please

Sessy514 (06/20/06)

Really nice site you have here. I like your style. Come by mine and keep in touch. I would love to here from ya. C-ya

~The Great Destroyer~

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