Sasuke Uzumaki (08/09/06)
Thanx for signing my gb.The only reason that I write that I'm lonley is because my friends go to camp and a person on my otaku named KyuubiKhaos,who is my friend,went to canada so I'm bored for now.I'll add ya.Later.
Dei-kun1357 (08/09/06)
so dark.............
its perfectly cool!!!
together,we should
take over the HELL,
PS:im weird,i now
PSS:plz visit my site if u dare
cant escape (07/04/06)
hey I dont know if you remember me but I just got back from vacation......ugggg...... well thanks for signing my gb. and you like my avatar wow not a lot of people say that. yeah I made it myself. okay then I hope I did not wait to long to sign your gb later.......
why do we live if we must escape....
Anime Maid (07/01/06)
Hi I really like your site. I would love to be your friend. Added you if thats ok. Stop by sometime and Chat. BYAS!
Laura �
Heart Train
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Forever Gone (07/01/06)
Hey,thanks for signin my guestbook,I like your site too,your avatar is cool also..I'll add you ^^
Sleepy Kid (06/29/06)
Hey I love your site. Very cool. I also like your band's list and the song you wrote. Very nice and plus your avatar rocks. I'm going to add you as a friend.
~Emily xo
Jrockqueen5459 (06/28/06)
hey thanks for signing my guestbook! ^.^ adding you as a freind byeZ
Yukino Tokisaka (06/28/06)
haha, hi there^^. thank u sooooo much for signin my gb^^ & u're welcome for my comments on ur art, u deserv to kno that u're good!! i saw the bands u lik on ur front page & it seems we hav sum of the same taste in music^^. well, gotta lotta stuff to do (& so little time -_-). so, im gonna add u ada friend, hope thats okies^^. well, i'll b seein ya!!
~Yukino Tokisaka~
mr.cookie (06/27/06)
hi spooky place come 2 my site please
Sessy514 (06/20/06)
Really nice site you have here. I like your style. Come by mine and keep in touch. I would love to here from ya. C-ya
~The Great Destroyer~