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Changchun, China
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English Teacher
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B.S. in Graphic Design, Eagle Scout, Intern of the Year 2005 & 2006, Made it to college, People to People Student Ambassador to Australia and New Zealand, 1st place in the 2009 Hua Qiao International Foreign Language School Sports Day 4x4 100m relay
Anime Fan Since
Not as long as you'd think
Favorite Anime
The list is long, but gracing the top of it are titles such as Cowboy Bebop, Beck, Samurai X, Millennium Actress, Last Exile, Samurai 7, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Samurai Champloo
Goal No.1 Complete! I graduated college! Whooda thunkit. Now on to Goal No.2, figure out what I want to do with my life. ^_^
Fencing, Tennis, Go, Art, and Movies
Juggling (currently only three, working on four), art, whistling, and not dancing
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Friday, March 3, 2006
All right, there are a couple rather freaky stories that I'd kinda like to share with you all. Now, you can doubt the truth of both of them if you like, but let me tell you, they are both as real as the computer you sit in front of right now. They really happened to me. The first of these two took place last nite. It was a weird night all around to tell you the truth, but It started off fine. I changed into my pajamas, went and brushed my teeth, made sure I had everything for class today, turned off the lights and got in bed. This is where it gets weird. A couple minutes after I got into bed, I felt this odd kind of darkness descend upon me. I mean that completely literally, it felt like it came from above. It was like the atmosphere in the room immediately doubled in density. It felt heavy. I felt a large and foreboding presense in my room. Not a physical one, but a spiritual one. I immediately started praying. This has never happened before. I mean, sometimes my senses can fool me, but I felt this evil presense along the entire length of my body. This wasn't any kind of trick on the mind. After about what seemed to be ten minutes of praying (it was probably less) the feeling of weight and pressure began to subside. It was 2AM after all, so with the comfort that I was protected by a higher power, I fell asleep. That wasn't the end of it though. I was jarred out of sleep at who knows what time by the screams of my roommate. The man was screaming at the top of his lungs "NOOO! NOOO! NOOO! AHHHH!!!" I was disconcerted. Immediately I attempted to calm him down. Now our beds are elevated 6 feet off the floor, so getting out of bed to go and wake the man up wasn't really an option. So I started yelling back at him to calm him down. I wasn't yelling because I was angry, I was simply yelling because I was trying to speak over his screams. This went on for about a minute before he calmed down and stopped screaming. I didn't know what to say. I tried to get him to tell me what he was screaming about but he was breathing so hard and he seemed so agitated that I wasn't able to get anything out of him. After a while he calmed down enough to the point where I think he fell back asleep. It wasn't se easy for me though. "Clearly" I thought, "his screaming and my experience earlier are connected." So, I began praying again. I fell asleep as I prayed. That was the last of the incidents for the night. Earlier this afternoon when I met up with my roommate again I asked him what it was that had caused him to scream like that last night. He told me that he woke up to the feeling of suffocation. He felt something similar to what I had felt. He said he felt like something was right on top of him trying to smother him. And, when he looked up he saw something on top of me as well doing the same thing. So, he started screaming. I mean, I can't blame him. It was a weird night. A night from Hell in every sense of the word. Not something I want to relive. So, I don't know how tonight is going to go, but a lot of prayers will be said as I fall asleep.
This isn't the only time I have come in contact with the supernatural. Although, it is the most direct and personal way. The other one is the second of the stories I wanted to share. This incident took place a few years ago while I was working at a large retail store. I was in high school at the time and therefore was only able to work the closing shift. It had been a long night and it was just me and my manager left in the store. I was going along the shelves doing my closing duties; pulling product to the front of the shelves, straightening them, and making sure the labels were facing outward. As I rounded one of the aisles I was rather surprised to see a tall man standing in the middle of the aisle looking at me. He was extremely tall, probably near 7 feet, dressed all in black from head to toe, had no facial hair or hair of any sort that I could see, and was wearing a black fedora. I only saw him for a moment before he was gone. It was rather odd. It didn't really freak me out all that much. I was more in disbelief really. I mean, my eyes play tricks on me all the time. I'll see things out of the corner of my eye that really aren't there. It's due to my extremely visual nature. My eyes try to make sense of everything even if they don't have all the information. I just figured this was another one of those kind of things. So, I just shrugged it off and continued working. What really caused me to freak out about the entire incident was what happened next. My manager came running from the front of the store yelling "You're never gonna believe what I just saw!" What he described is exactly what I had seen. He saw the same man. Suffice it to say, we settled with leaving the store in a little less than perfect shape that evening. We got done and got out as fast as we possibly could after that.
Freaky eh? Heh heh. Yeah, well, hope y'all enjoyed that. Now, to update you on some other less unbelievable stuff that has been going on. My costume has reached a problem point. The dye that I bought to color the outer garments didn't come out to the color on the box. The clothes were supposed to turn an orange color. They came out a reddish color with a hint of orange. The color on the box was a lie. So, I have to bleach them and redo it. Grrr.... That means buying more dye, and some bleach. *sigh* Can't anything just go smoothly? Also, I went and saw UltraViolet tonight. It was all right. It was entertaining but lacking in many places. The story was a little shallow and the CG was below average, in fact it was just bad. The fights were good though and the technology shown in the movie was quite good. Yes, the sci-fi-ness of it was quite astounding. If you just want to be entertained by pretty looks and good fights, you should go see it. Otherwise, don't waste your money. That's about the extent of things at the moment. Oh, that's right! Heh heh. IT'S OSCAR WEEKEND Y'ALL! Everybody make sure to watch them! They're Sunday night on ABC (check your local TV guid for times). If you like, you can go an see what my picks for the Oscar's are this year. Just go down to the bottom of this page and look for a link that says "archives". I have a post in there all about them. Enjoy! Have a great day everybody!!
Caesar1280's Anime Ticker
Anime I've Seen
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- .hack//Sign
- 5 Centimeters per Second
- Air
- Air: The Movie
- Akira
- The Animatrix
- Appleseed
- Aquatic Language
- Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror
- Baby Blue
- Beck
- Black Lagoon
- Blame!
- Blood the Last Vampire
- Bokurano
- Burst Angel
- Castle in the Sky
- Cowboy Bebop
- Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
- Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express
- Doorbell
- Egao
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shambala
- Gankutsuou
- Gatekeepers
- Genius Party
- Genshiken
- Genshiken OAV
- Ghost in the Shell
- Ghost in the Shell: Innocence
- Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society
- Gin-iro no Kami no Agito
- The Gokusen
- Grave of the Fireflies
- Grenadier
- Haibane Renmei
- Happy Machine
- Hellsing
- Highlander: The Search for Vengeance
- Hikaru no Go
- Howl's Moving Castle
- Innocent Venus
- Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade
- Jyu Oh Sei
- Karas: The Prophecy
- Karas: The Revelation
- Last Exile
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
- Midori?s Days
- Milennium Actress
- Mushi-shi
- My Neighbor Totoro
- Naruto
- Naruto: The Movie
- Nausicaa
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death And Rebirth
- Ninja Scroll: The Movie
- Other Worlds
- Ouran High School Host Club
- Paprika
- Perfect Blue
- Pet Shop of Horrors
- The Place Promised In Our Early Days
- Prétear
- Princess Mononoke
- Read Or Die
- Read Or Die: The TV
- Samurai Champloo
- Samurai Seven
- Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal
- Serial Experiments Lain
- Shanghai Dragon
- She and Her Cat
- Spirited Away
- Steamboy
- Tekkonkinkreet
- Tide-Line Blue
- Tokyo Babylon
- Tokyo Godfathers
- Trigun
- Trinity Blood
- Vampire Hunter D
- Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
- Voices of a Distant Star
- Witch Hunter Robin
- Wolf's Rain
- Wonderful Days
- Wrath of the Ninja
- X
Total: 93 |
Anime I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Roots
- Ah! My Goddess
- Angelic Layer
- Avenger
- Baccano!
- Bamboo Blade
- Basilisk
- Binchou-tan
- Black Cat
- Bleach
- Blood+
- Boogiepop Phantom
- Case Closed
- Le Chevalier d'Eon
- Chobits
- Chrono Crusade
- Code Geass
- Coyote Ragtime Show
- D.Gray-Man
- D.N.Angel
- DearS
- Death Note
- Dennou Coil
- Desert Punk
- Digimon
- Dragon Ball Z
- Ergo Proxy
- Eureka Seven
- Excel Saga
- Fighting Beauty Wulong
- Final Fantasy Unlimited
- Flag
- Freedom
- Full Moon
- Gantz
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
- Gintama
- Glass Fleet
- Great Teacher Onizuka
- Gundam Seed
- Gundam Wing
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Hellsing OVA
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
- Ikki Tousen
- InuYasha
- Jigoku Shojo
- Kage Kara Mamoru
- Karin
- Kino's Journey
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Lovely Complex
- Lucky Star
- Makai Senki Disgaea
- Marchen Awakens Romance
- Meine Liebe
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- Mononoke
- Monster
- Moon Phase
- Mr Stain on Junk Alley
- Naruto Shippuuden
- Negima?!
- Negima!
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: End of Evangelion
- Nerima Daikon Brothers
- NHK ni Youkoso
- Night Walker
- Ninja Nonsense
- Noir
- Peacemaker Kurogane
- Pokemon
- Prince of Tennis
- R.G. Veda
- Ragnarok
- Rec
- Red Garden
- Robotech
- Romeo x Juliet
- Rosen Maiden
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Saikano
- Sailor Moon
- Samurai Deeper Kyo
- Sci-fi Harry
- School Rumble
- Scrapped Princess
- Shin-chan
- Shingu
- Shion no Oh
- Shuffle!
- Shrine of the Morning Mist
- So Long, Mr. Despair
- Solty Rei
- Sousei no Aquarion
- Speed Grapher
- Spice and Wolf
- Super Milk Chan
- Tales of Phantasia
- Tenchi Muyo
- Tenjhou Tenge
- Texnolyze
- The Third
- Tsubasa Chronicles
- Urusei Yatsura
- Venus Versus Virus
- Welcome to the N.H.K.
- Winter Cicada
- X-1999
- Xenosaga
- XxxHolic
- Yu Yu Hakushou
- Yume Tsukai
- Zero no Tsukaima
- Zipang
Total: 116 |
Manga I've Completed
- Cowboy Bebop
- Manga Messiah
- Manga Metamorphosis
- Q*Ko-chan
- Saiyuki
- Shirahime-Syo
Total: 7
Manga I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- Black Cat
- Blame!
- Chobits
- D.Gray-man
- Darkside Blues
- Death Note
- The Demon Ororon
- Desert Coral
- Disgaea
- Eureka Seven: Gravity Boys and Lifting Girl
- Fruits Basket
- Getbackers
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Kamunagara
- Legal Drug
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Megatokyo
- Naruto
- Negima
- Read Or Die
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Tactics
- Trigun Maximum
- XXXHolic
Total: 26 |
Anime I'm Currently Watching
Samurai 7, InuYasha, Samurai Deeper Kyo,
Boogiepop Phantom, and Shrine of the Morning Mist
Manga I'm Currently Reading
Read Or Die, Hayate the Combat Butler, and Megatokyo
Comments (1) |
Sunday, February 26, 2006
A Long Weekend (and it's not even over)
Heh heh. Well, I've been trying to cut back on the length of my posts. I hate making really long ones because people don't like to sit through them and read them. But, I think this one is going to be a pretty long one today. So, I'm sorry. I promise you it'll be relatively interesting though! ^_^
My weekend started like any other. I got done with classes, got my homework done, and sat back for an hour or two of sitcoms on TBS before dinner. I realized that my weekend was going to be extraordinarily boring as usual. I'm tired of boring weekends with nothing to do. I mean, my weekend was going to be even more uneventful than usual since the only thing I do on weekends other than church, anime club, was cancelled. So, I decided to fix that somehow, but, I just didn't know how. I decided I'd go ahead and start by looking around on the internet for direct downloads of a couple of the weekly series I watch. One of them is Ayakashi. I don't really watch it all that much yet. It looked good though and since it's only four eps I figured I'd start it. The site where I had found to download it directly was suspended (I wonder why >_>) and thus I thought I would go to the fansubbers site to see if they had another direct download site listed. While there, I noticed an ad for quality control personnel; someone to preview the subbed episodes for mistakes before they get put on the web for download. "Self," I thought, "that would be a wonderful thing to do on the weekends. Let's go for it!" Thus, I did. I applied online in their IRC channel, took their test, passed, and am now a quality controller for gg Fansubs.
You'd think this to be a good thing right? Wrong. The program they use to do quality control is a type of program that can run "softsubs." Basically a softsub is a program that can take a raw episode of anime and a separate subtitle file and play them together. This way you can watch the anime with subtitles without actually encoding the subtitles onto it. It makes editing easier and faster. Well, there really isn't a softsub program out there that is compatible with Macs. I spent Friday night until 4am trying to find one of these programs on the internet. I had no luck. This announcement, of course, pissed off the other members of the fansub. Here I am, expected to qc an episode of anime, and I can't play it. How much does that suck?! Talk about a bad first impression. Fortunately, they decided to keep me around. One of the subbers agreed she would encode the episodes for me so I could do my job. I was grateful for this. But, resolved to find a way to play softsubs. There had to be a way! Well, I went ahead and qc'd the episode they asked me to and then went back to searching for a program that would work on Macs. Glory, glory, hallelujah I found two! One of which was actually already on my system. Heh heh. It was VLC. It hadn't been working for me in the past when I tried it because I had an out of date version. I had to upgrade. Once I did that, it worked wonderfully. Well, actually, not wonderfully, but satisfactorily. Ya see, when VLC plays the subtitles, it loses the style of them, the kind you see when you watch an ep, the subtitles look all pretty and have a drop shadow and everything. On mine they come out as pixelated white text with an inconsistent black border. On top of that, there are a lot of notes that the typesetters and timers put on the subs before he gives it to the qc people. VLC doesn't know not to show these. So, while playing it you see little notes to the side of some of the subtitles such as "~timing is off here~". Yeah, it's a little annoying, but at least now I can do my job effectively.
I was not satisfied, yes VLC was working, but for my purposes I didn't want the notes and everything. And, thus, I took my issue to the streets. I started going around to other fansubbers' IRC channels and relaying my problem to them to see if anyone else had run across this same problem. One person had. She told me about a program called MPlayer. It apparently plays the subtitles correctly. I happily went and downloaded it. But, when I tried to use it I couldn't get it to work correctly. I couldn't figure out how to use it. And this is where I am currently. I have one program which plays softsubs, kinda, and another that will play them correctly that I can't figure out how to use. So, if any of you know how to use MPlayer and think you could teach me, please, by all mean, PM me and let me know. I need help! ^_^
And, as a final word to my parents, who I know will read this, this qc think isn't a very large responsibility. I am not the only qc that they have. And, this fansub only releases 4 episodes of anime a week, if that. They are small still. There isn't a lot of stuff that needs QC so this is only a weekend thing. This WILL NOT interfere with my studies. So, don't be fretting over it. Thanks!
Type to y'all later!
Caesar1280's Anime Ticker
Anime I've Seen
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- .hack//Sign
- 5 Centimeters per Second
- Air
- Air: The Movie
- Akira
- The Animatrix
- Appleseed
- Aquatic Language
- Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror
- Baby Blue
- Beck
- Black Lagoon
- Blame!
- Blood the Last Vampire
- Bokurano
- Burst Angel
- Castle in the Sky
- Cowboy Bebop
- Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
- Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express
- Doorbell
- Egao
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shambala
- Gankutsuou
- Gatekeepers
- Genius Party
- Genshiken
- Genshiken OAV
- Ghost in the Shell
- Ghost in the Shell: Innocence
- Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society
- Gin-iro no Kami no Agito
- The Gokusen
- Grave of the Fireflies
- Grenadier
- Haibane Renmei
- Happy Machine
- Hellsing
- Highlander: The Search for Vengeance
- Hikaru no Go
- Howl's Moving Castle
- Innocent Venus
- Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade
- Jyu Oh Sei
- Karas: The Prophecy
- Karas: The Revelation
- Last Exile
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
- Midori?s Days
- Milennium Actress
- Mushi-shi
- My Neighbor Totoro
- Naruto
- Naruto: The Movie
- Nausicaa
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death And Rebirth
- Ninja Scroll: The Movie
- Other Worlds
- Ouran High School Host Club
- Paprika
- Perfect Blue
- Pet Shop of Horrors
- The Place Promised In Our Early Days
- Prétear
- Princess Mononoke
- Read Or Die
- Read Or Die: The TV
- Samurai Champloo
- Samurai Seven
- Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal
- Serial Experiments Lain
- Shanghai Dragon
- She and Her Cat
- Spirited Away
- Steamboy
- Tekkonkinkreet
- Tide-Line Blue
- Tokyo Babylon
- Tokyo Godfathers
- Trigun
- Trinity Blood
- Vampire Hunter D
- Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
- Voices of a Distant Star
- Witch Hunter Robin
- Wolf's Rain
- Wonderful Days
- Wrath of the Ninja
- X
Total: 93 |
Anime I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Roots
- Ah! My Goddess
- Angelic Layer
- Avenger
- Baccano!
- Bamboo Blade
- Basilisk
- Binchou-tan
- Black Cat
- Bleach
- Blood+
- Boogiepop Phantom
- Case Closed
- Le Chevalier d'Eon
- Chobits
- Chrono Crusade
- Code Geass
- Coyote Ragtime Show
- D.Gray-Man
- D.N.Angel
- DearS
- Death Note
- Dennou Coil
- Desert Punk
- Digimon
- Dragon Ball Z
- Ergo Proxy
- Eureka Seven
- Excel Saga
- Fighting Beauty Wulong
- Final Fantasy Unlimited
- Flag
- Freedom
- Full Moon
- Gantz
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
- Gintama
- Glass Fleet
- Great Teacher Onizuka
- Gundam Seed
- Gundam Wing
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Hellsing OVA
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
- Ikki Tousen
- InuYasha
- Jigoku Shojo
- Kage Kara Mamoru
- Karin
- Kino's Journey
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Lovely Complex
- Lucky Star
- Makai Senki Disgaea
- Marchen Awakens Romance
- Meine Liebe
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- Mononoke
- Monster
- Moon Phase
- Mr Stain on Junk Alley
- Naruto Shippuuden
- Negima?!
- Negima!
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: End of Evangelion
- Nerima Daikon Brothers
- NHK ni Youkoso
- Night Walker
- Ninja Nonsense
- Noir
- Peacemaker Kurogane
- Pokemon
- Prince of Tennis
- R.G. Veda
- Ragnarok
- Rec
- Red Garden
- Robotech
- Romeo x Juliet
- Rosen Maiden
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Saikano
- Sailor Moon
- Samurai Deeper Kyo
- Sci-fi Harry
- School Rumble
- Scrapped Princess
- Shin-chan
- Shingu
- Shion no Oh
- Shuffle!
- Shrine of the Morning Mist
- So Long, Mr. Despair
- Solty Rei
- Sousei no Aquarion
- Speed Grapher
- Spice and Wolf
- Super Milk Chan
- Tales of Phantasia
- Tenchi Muyo
- Tenjhou Tenge
- Texnolyze
- The Third
- Tsubasa Chronicles
- Urusei Yatsura
- Venus Versus Virus
- Welcome to the N.H.K.
- Winter Cicada
- X-1999
- Xenosaga
- XxxHolic
- Yu Yu Hakushou
- Yume Tsukai
- Zero no Tsukaima
- Zipang
Total: 116 |
Manga I've Completed
- Cowboy Bebop
- Manga Messiah
- Manga Metamorphosis
- Q*Ko-chan
- Saiyuki
- Shirahime-Syo
Total: 7
Manga I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- Black Cat
- Blame!
- Chobits
- D.Gray-man
- Darkside Blues
- Death Note
- The Demon Ororon
- Desert Coral
- Disgaea
- Eureka Seven: Gravity Boys and Lifting Girl
- Fruits Basket
- Getbackers
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Kamunagara
- Legal Drug
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Megatokyo
- Naruto
- Negima
- Read Or Die
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Tactics
- Trigun Maximum
- XXXHolic
Total: 26 |
Anime I'm Currently Watching
Samurai 7, InuYasha, Samurai Deeper Kyo,
Boogiepop Phantom, and Shrine of the Morning Mist
Manga I'm Currently Reading
Read Or Die, Hayate the Combat Butler, and Megatokyo
Comments (1) |
Thursday, February 23, 2006
This one goes out to DeNozzo400!
For a list of all the ways technology has failed to improve the quality of life, please press three.
-Alice Kahn
The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.
-George Bernard Shaw
There is not abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality.
-Pablo Picasso
In view of the fact that God limited the intelligence of man, it seems unfair that he did not also limit stupidity.
-Konrad Adenauer
In Hollywood a marriage is a success if it outlasts milk.
-Rita Rudner
A healthy male adult bore consumes each year one and a half times his own weight in other people's patience.
-John Updike
To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.
-Famers' Almanac,1978
A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel.
-Robert Frost
The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true.
-James Branch Cabell
Caesar1280's Anime Ticker
Anime I've Seen
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- .hack//Sign
- 5 Centimeters per Second
- Air
- Air: The Movie
- Akira
- The Animatrix
- Appleseed
- Aquatic Language
- Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror
- Baby Blue
- Beck
- Black Lagoon
- Blame!
- Blood the Last Vampire
- Bokurano
- Burst Angel
- Castle in the Sky
- Cowboy Bebop
- Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
- Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express
- Doorbell
- Egao
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shambala
- Gankutsuou
- Gatekeepers
- Genius Party
- Genshiken
- Genshiken OAV
- Ghost in the Shell
- Ghost in the Shell: Innocence
- Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society
- Gin-iro no Kami no Agito
- The Gokusen
- Grave of the Fireflies
- Grenadier
- Haibane Renmei
- Happy Machine
- Hellsing
- Highlander: The Search for Vengeance
- Hikaru no Go
- Howl's Moving Castle
- Innocent Venus
- Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade
- Jyu Oh Sei
- Karas: The Prophecy
- Karas: The Revelation
- Last Exile
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
- Midori?s Days
- Milennium Actress
- Mushi-shi
- My Neighbor Totoro
- Naruto
- Naruto: The Movie
- Nausicaa
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death And Rebirth
- Ninja Scroll: The Movie
- Other Worlds
- Ouran High School Host Club
- Paprika
- Perfect Blue
- Pet Shop of Horrors
- The Place Promised In Our Early Days
- Prétear
- Princess Mononoke
- Read Or Die
- Read Or Die: The TV
- Samurai Champloo
- Samurai Seven
- Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal
- Serial Experiments Lain
- Shanghai Dragon
- She and Her Cat
- Spirited Away
- Steamboy
- Tekkonkinkreet
- Tide-Line Blue
- Tokyo Babylon
- Tokyo Godfathers
- Trigun
- Trinity Blood
- Vampire Hunter D
- Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
- Voices of a Distant Star
- Witch Hunter Robin
- Wolf's Rain
- Wonderful Days
- Wrath of the Ninja
- X
Total: 93 |
Anime I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Roots
- Ah! My Goddess
- Angelic Layer
- Avenger
- Baccano!
- Bamboo Blade
- Basilisk
- Binchou-tan
- Black Cat
- Bleach
- Blood+
- Boogiepop Phantom
- Case Closed
- Le Chevalier d'Eon
- Chobits
- Chrono Crusade
- Code Geass
- Coyote Ragtime Show
- D.Gray-Man
- D.N.Angel
- DearS
- Death Note
- Dennou Coil
- Desert Punk
- Digimon
- Dragon Ball Z
- Ergo Proxy
- Eureka Seven
- Excel Saga
- Fighting Beauty Wulong
- Final Fantasy Unlimited
- Flag
- Freedom
- Full Moon
- Gantz
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
- Gintama
- Glass Fleet
- Great Teacher Onizuka
- Gundam Seed
- Gundam Wing
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Hellsing OVA
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
- Ikki Tousen
- InuYasha
- Jigoku Shojo
- Kage Kara Mamoru
- Karin
- Kino's Journey
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Lovely Complex
- Lucky Star
- Makai Senki Disgaea
- Marchen Awakens Romance
- Meine Liebe
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- Mononoke
- Monster
- Moon Phase
- Mr Stain on Junk Alley
- Naruto Shippuuden
- Negima?!
- Negima!
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: End of Evangelion
- Nerima Daikon Brothers
- NHK ni Youkoso
- Night Walker
- Ninja Nonsense
- Noir
- Peacemaker Kurogane
- Pokemon
- Prince of Tennis
- R.G. Veda
- Ragnarok
- Rec
- Red Garden
- Robotech
- Romeo x Juliet
- Rosen Maiden
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Saikano
- Sailor Moon
- Samurai Deeper Kyo
- Sci-fi Harry
- School Rumble
- Scrapped Princess
- Shin-chan
- Shingu
- Shion no Oh
- Shuffle!
- Shrine of the Morning Mist
- So Long, Mr. Despair
- Solty Rei
- Sousei no Aquarion
- Speed Grapher
- Spice and Wolf
- Super Milk Chan
- Tales of Phantasia
- Tenchi Muyo
- Tenjhou Tenge
- Texnolyze
- The Third
- Tsubasa Chronicles
- Urusei Yatsura
- Venus Versus Virus
- Welcome to the N.H.K.
- Winter Cicada
- X-1999
- Xenosaga
- XxxHolic
- Yu Yu Hakushou
- Yume Tsukai
- Zero no Tsukaima
- Zipang
Total: 116 |
Manga I've Completed
- Cowboy Bebop
- Manga Messiah
- Manga Metamorphosis
- Q*Ko-chan
- Saiyuki
- Shirahime-Syo
Total: 7
Manga I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- Black Cat
- Blame!
- Chobits
- D.Gray-man
- Darkside Blues
- Death Note
- The Demon Ororon
- Desert Coral
- Disgaea
- Eureka Seven: Gravity Boys and Lifting Girl
- Fruits Basket
- Getbackers
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Kamunagara
- Legal Drug
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Megatokyo
- Naruto
- Negima
- Read Or Die
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Tactics
- Trigun Maximum
- XXXHolic
Total: 26 |
Anime I'm Currently Watching
Samurai 7, InuYasha, Samurai Deeper Kyo,
Boogiepop Phantom, and Shrine of the Morning Mist
Manga I'm Currently Reading
Read Or Die, Hayate the Combat Butler, and Megatokyo
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Parent's Weekend
Greetings all! How is it going for all of you? (you don't have to answer that if you don't want to ^_^) Things are still going quite well here for me! Costume is still coming along well. I finally found some shoes on eBay and have purchased them. I'm happy! They work perfectly for the costume. I also went to Goodwill yesterday to pick up some belts for the belt Shugo wears and for the strap to his backpack type thing. It was more difficult than i had originally assumed it would be. I still don't know if i'm going to use these things. It was hard trying to find 4 belts of the same color, thickness, and texture. I got pretty close. But, it's not perfect. I still had hoped to find some leather strips somewhere so i could make the entire thing out of one kind of leather. It'd be a little more uniform, and the belts wouldn't have little holes for the buckle. Anyway, that's about all i have for the update on the costume.
Last I posted a personal post, I had said that my parents were coming up for the weekend. Well, that was before they got here. So, I figure i'll update you on how the weekend went. It went well. Unfortunately for my mother and fortunately for me (^_^) it snowed. I love snow, but all at the same time I hate snow. I love it because it looks beautiful while it's falling and it when it sticks to the ground. I find it to be very peaceful. So, now you understand why my latest piece of artwork entitled "Buji" ('peace' in japanese) is of a girl standing in the falling snow. If you hadn't seen it yet, just click on the picture of it below to see a full sized image (please comment!) Anyway, I hate snow because it complicates everything. It's hard to go anywhere because it ices up all the roads and sidewalks. It is also very messy. The floorboard of my car is now covered in dirt and other stuff that came in with the dirty snow on the bottom of my shoes. It just gets irritating. But, like i said earlier, the snow was a bad thing for my mother. Not because she doesn't like snow, but because it only snows when it gets cold and she hates the cold. She can't stand it. So, it was a miserable weekend for my mother. She got sick on saturday and was blowing into tissues all day. I'm sorry mommy! But, other than that little snaffoo all went quite smoothely. They got here on Friday evening, we went out to eat at a wonderfl little seafood place in town (which i didn't know existed until my parents showed it to me). We then all came back to my dorm room and watched a move, "Rat Race." Turns out my mom had not seen it before. She loved it! It was nice seeing it again too. I hadn't seen it in quite some time. Saturday was a little slow though, in comparison to Friday. We had more to do, but we had a lot more time to do it in. Most of the day was spent wondering what we could do next. But, we did go and see the wonderful art display in the art building. There is an awesome show going on right now. I'd tell you about that art show, but that would give away my specific location and it's sort of a policy of mine not to do that on the web. Just be satisfied with my satement that the art show is incredible and I wish i was that good. Hehe! We went to the saturday morning brunch, We went to a student art sale, and we went to the women's basketball game. That all took place before 1:00. That was a problem, because that was all that was planned until 5:30 when we were to go to dinner. So, we sat and we chatted. It was nice, but after about two hours of chatting, there isn't much else to say. So, we managed to track down a Yahtzee set and we played it. Dinner was less than spectacular (as usual). The best part of Saturday was the Student Talent Show which was AWESOME!!! I loved it! There were some great acts. My favorites were a guitar duet of a song that one of the two students wrote himself, a fasion show of 8 dresses that were designed and sewn by this one guy in his spare time, a performance by a singing quartet, a hillbilly singing group, and a percussion group performance. They were all great, but those were my favorites. My parents loved it too. Saturday night after they left, I went sledding with four guys from my dorm. It was cool until one of the guys lost his car keys and we had to search the entire slope for them. That was a little bit of a bummer. Sunday was good too. We went to church and then went and had Mexican food. That was about it!
It's amazing how long you can post on something like this. I'm personally surprised anybody reads these posts since they're so long. I just can't type any shorter. hehe! I'll have to work on that. Anyway, I hope all of y'all have a great day! I'll be typing to you soon! Sayonara!
Caesar1280's Anime Ticker
Anime I've Seen
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- .hack//Sign
- 5 Centimeters per Second
- Air
- Air: The Movie
- Akira
- The Animatrix
- Appleseed
- Aquatic Language
- Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror
- Baby Blue
- Beck
- Black Lagoon
- Blame!
- Blood the Last Vampire
- Bokurano
- Burst Angel
- Castle in the Sky
- Cowboy Bebop
- Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
- Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express
- Doorbell
- Egao
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shambala
- Gankutsuou
- Gatekeepers
- Genius Party
- Genshiken
- Genshiken OAV
- Ghost in the Shell
- Ghost in the Shell: Innocence
- Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society
- Gin-iro no Kami no Agito
- The Gokusen
- Grave of the Fireflies
- Grenadier
- Haibane Renmei
- Happy Machine
- Hellsing
- Highlander: The Search for Vengeance
- Hikaru no Go
- Howl's Moving Castle
- Innocent Venus
- Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade
- Jyu Oh Sei
- Karas: The Prophecy
- Karas: The Revelation
- Last Exile
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
- Midori?s Days
- Milennium Actress
- Mushi-shi
- My Neighbor Totoro
- Naruto
- Naruto: The Movie
- Nausicaa
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death And Rebirth
- Ninja Scroll: The Movie
- Other Worlds
- Ouran High School Host Club
- Paprika
- Perfect Blue
- Pet Shop of Horrors
- The Place Promised In Our Early Days
- Prétear
- Princess Mononoke
- Read Or Die
- Read Or Die: The TV
- Samurai Champloo
- Samurai Seven
- Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal
- Serial Experiments Lain
- Shanghai Dragon
- She and Her Cat
- Spirited Away
- Steamboy
- Tekkonkinkreet
- Tide-Line Blue
- Tokyo Babylon
- Tokyo Godfathers
- Trigun
- Trinity Blood
- Vampire Hunter D
- Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
- Voices of a Distant Star
- Witch Hunter Robin
- Wolf's Rain
- Wonderful Days
- Wrath of the Ninja
- X
Total: 93 |
Anime I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Roots
- Ah! My Goddess
- Angelic Layer
- Avenger
- Baccano!
- Bamboo Blade
- Basilisk
- Binchou-tan
- Black Cat
- Bleach
- Blood+
- Boogiepop Phantom
- Case Closed
- Le Chevalier d'Eon
- Chobits
- Chrono Crusade
- Code Geass
- Coyote Ragtime Show
- D.Gray-Man
- D.N.Angel
- DearS
- Death Note
- Dennou Coil
- Desert Punk
- Digimon
- Dragon Ball Z
- Ergo Proxy
- Eureka Seven
- Excel Saga
- Fighting Beauty Wulong
- Final Fantasy Unlimited
- Flag
- Freedom
- Full Moon
- Gantz
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
- Gintama
- Glass Fleet
- Great Teacher Onizuka
- Gundam Seed
- Gundam Wing
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Hellsing OVA
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
- Ikki Tousen
- InuYasha
- Jigoku Shojo
- Kage Kara Mamoru
- Karin
- Kino's Journey
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Lovely Complex
- Lucky Star
- Makai Senki Disgaea
- Marchen Awakens Romance
- Meine Liebe
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- Mononoke
- Monster
- Moon Phase
- Mr Stain on Junk Alley
- Naruto Shippuuden
- Negima?!
- Negima!
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: End of Evangelion
- Nerima Daikon Brothers
- NHK ni Youkoso
- Night Walker
- Ninja Nonsense
- Noir
- Peacemaker Kurogane
- Pokemon
- Prince of Tennis
- R.G. Veda
- Ragnarok
- Rec
- Red Garden
- Robotech
- Romeo x Juliet
- Rosen Maiden
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Saikano
- Sailor Moon
- Samurai Deeper Kyo
- Sci-fi Harry
- School Rumble
- Scrapped Princess
- Shin-chan
- Shingu
- Shion no Oh
- Shuffle!
- Shrine of the Morning Mist
- So Long, Mr. Despair
- Solty Rei
- Sousei no Aquarion
- Speed Grapher
- Spice and Wolf
- Super Milk Chan
- Tales of Phantasia
- Tenchi Muyo
- Tenjhou Tenge
- Texnolyze
- The Third
- Tsubasa Chronicles
- Urusei Yatsura
- Venus Versus Virus
- Welcome to the N.H.K.
- Winter Cicada
- X-1999
- Xenosaga
- XxxHolic
- Yu Yu Hakushou
- Yume Tsukai
- Zero no Tsukaima
- Zipang
Total: 116 |
Manga I've Completed
- Cowboy Bebop
- Manga Messiah
- Manga Metamorphosis
- Q*Ko-chan
- Saiyuki
- Shirahime-Syo
Total: 7
Manga I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- Black Cat
- Blame!
- Chobits
- D.Gray-man
- Darkside Blues
- Death Note
- The Demon Ororon
- Desert Coral
- Disgaea
- Eureka Seven: Gravity Boys and Lifting Girl
- Fruits Basket
- Getbackers
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Kamunagara
- Legal Drug
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Megatokyo
- Naruto
- Negima
- Read Or Die
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Tactics
- Trigun Maximum
- XXXHolic
Total: 26 |
Anime I'm Currently Watching
Samurai 7, InuYasha, Samurai Deeper Kyo,
Boogiepop Phantom, and Shrine of the Morning Mist
Manga I'm Currently Reading
Read Or Die, Hayate the Combat Butler, and Megatokyo
Comments (0) |
Monday, February 20, 2006
Caesar1280's Anime Ticker
Anime I've Seen
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- .hack//Sign
- 5 Centimeters per Second
- Air
- Air: The Movie
- Akira
- The Animatrix
- Appleseed
- Aquatic Language
- Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror
- Baby Blue
- Beck
- Black Lagoon
- Blame!
- Blood the Last Vampire
- Bokurano
- Burst Angel
- Castle in the Sky
- Cowboy Bebop
- Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
- Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express
- Doorbell
- Egao
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shambala
- Gankutsuou
- Gatekeepers
- Genius Party
- Genshiken
- Genshiken OAV
- Ghost in the Shell
- Ghost in the Shell: Innocence
- Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society
- Gin-iro no Kami no Agito
- The Gokusen
- Grave of the Fireflies
- Grenadier
- Haibane Renmei
- Happy Machine
- Hellsing
- Highlander: The Search for Vengeance
- Hikaru no Go
- Howl's Moving Castle
- Innocent Venus
- Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade
- Jyu Oh Sei
- Karas: The Prophecy
- Karas: The Revelation
- Last Exile
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
- Midori?s Days
- Milennium Actress
- Mushi-shi
- My Neighbor Totoro
- Naruto
- Naruto: The Movie
- Nausicaa
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death And Rebirth
- Ninja Scroll: The Movie
- Other Worlds
- Ouran High School Host Club
- Paprika
- Perfect Blue
- Pet Shop of Horrors
- The Place Promised In Our Early Days
- Prétear
- Princess Mononoke
- Read Or Die
- Read Or Die: The TV
- Samurai Champloo
- Samurai Seven
- Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal
- Serial Experiments Lain
- Shanghai Dragon
- She and Her Cat
- Spirited Away
- Steamboy
- Tekkonkinkreet
- Tide-Line Blue
- Tokyo Babylon
- Tokyo Godfathers
- Trigun
- Trinity Blood
- Vampire Hunter D
- Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
- Voices of a Distant Star
- Witch Hunter Robin
- Wolf's Rain
- Wonderful Days
- Wrath of the Ninja
- X
Total: 93 |
Anime I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Roots
- Ah! My Goddess
- Angelic Layer
- Avenger
- Baccano!
- Bamboo Blade
- Basilisk
- Binchou-tan
- Black Cat
- Bleach
- Blood+
- Boogiepop Phantom
- Case Closed
- Le Chevalier d'Eon
- Chobits
- Chrono Crusade
- Code Geass
- Coyote Ragtime Show
- D.Gray-Man
- D.N.Angel
- DearS
- Death Note
- Dennou Coil
- Desert Punk
- Digimon
- Dragon Ball Z
- Ergo Proxy
- Eureka Seven
- Excel Saga
- Fighting Beauty Wulong
- Final Fantasy Unlimited
- Flag
- Freedom
- Full Moon
- Gantz
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
- Gintama
- Glass Fleet
- Great Teacher Onizuka
- Gundam Seed
- Gundam Wing
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Hellsing OVA
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
- Ikki Tousen
- InuYasha
- Jigoku Shojo
- Kage Kara Mamoru
- Karin
- Kino's Journey
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Lovely Complex
- Lucky Star
- Makai Senki Disgaea
- Marchen Awakens Romance
- Meine Liebe
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- Mononoke
- Monster
- Moon Phase
- Mr Stain on Junk Alley
- Naruto Shippuuden
- Negima?!
- Negima!
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: End of Evangelion
- Nerima Daikon Brothers
- NHK ni Youkoso
- Night Walker
- Ninja Nonsense
- Noir
- Peacemaker Kurogane
- Pokemon
- Prince of Tennis
- R.G. Veda
- Ragnarok
- Rec
- Red Garden
- Robotech
- Romeo x Juliet
- Rosen Maiden
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Saikano
- Sailor Moon
- Samurai Deeper Kyo
- Sci-fi Harry
- School Rumble
- Scrapped Princess
- Shin-chan
- Shingu
- Shion no Oh
- Shuffle!
- Shrine of the Morning Mist
- So Long, Mr. Despair
- Solty Rei
- Sousei no Aquarion
- Speed Grapher
- Spice and Wolf
- Super Milk Chan
- Tales of Phantasia
- Tenchi Muyo
- Tenjhou Tenge
- Texnolyze
- The Third
- Tsubasa Chronicles
- Urusei Yatsura
- Venus Versus Virus
- Welcome to the N.H.K.
- Winter Cicada
- X-1999
- Xenosaga
- XxxHolic
- Yu Yu Hakushou
- Yume Tsukai
- Zero no Tsukaima
- Zipang
Total: 116 |
Manga I've Completed
- Cowboy Bebop
- Manga Messiah
- Manga Metamorphosis
- Q*Ko-chan
- Saiyuki
- Shirahime-Syo
Total: 7
Manga I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- Black Cat
- Blame!
- Chobits
- D.Gray-man
- Darkside Blues
- Death Note
- The Demon Ororon
- Desert Coral
- Disgaea
- Eureka Seven: Gravity Boys and Lifting Girl
- Fruits Basket
- Getbackers
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Kamunagara
- Legal Drug
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Megatokyo
- Naruto
- Negima
- Read Or Die
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Tactics
- Trigun Maximum
- XXXHolic
Total: 26 |
Anime I'm Currently Watching
Samurai 7, InuYasha, Samurai Deeper Kyo,
Boogiepop Phantom, and Shrine of the Morning Mist
Manga I'm Currently Reading
Read Or Die, Hayate the Combat Butler, and Megatokyo
Comments (3) |
Friday, February 17, 2006
Another post, another day

*if you read this post before when i had to cut it off short, I didn't decide to add another post, but just modified this one, sof if you scroll down you can continue from where you left off*
Greetings all!
Things have been going quite well for me since last I posted (well, last I actually posted a personal post). The main highlights are concerning my cosplay costume for this year. The costume is coming along quite nicely! I love it when things fall into place! The big news on the costume is that I have found the shoes that I want to use for it. These are the absolute perfect shoes! The only reason I haven't purchased them yet is because they are in an eBay auction. That is really what worries me the most. I want them so bad but I might not get them if the bidders take the price too high. But, I have a gut feeling on this one. I think I'll get them. The last time I had a feeling like this was when I was in the market for a new car. I just kinda knew, once I rode in the car I now own, that it would be mine. It was just a gut feeling. I'm having the same one about these shoes. I know I sound like a girl when I'm talking about shoes like this, but it really does excite me. Looking through the entire eBay listing for shoes every 5 days can get a bit tiresome.
Anyway, the next wonderful bit of news concerning the costume is the arrival of my scrubs. Amy, the wonderful genius that she is, suggested that I use scrubs for the pants and vest. It was a perfect idea! So, after finding some incredibly cheap scrubs online, they have finally come. And, as expected, they are going to work wonderfully! Oh happiness!
Now, for the next bit of awesome news concerning my life and it's more recent turns of events. I have finally found direct download sites for all the anime that I download weekly, with the exception of Naruto, but I'm not really searching too hard for that one. I'll wait until April when they start airing new eps from the manga. If you didn't already know, my school had blocked all other channels through which I obtained my weekly anime releases. All of them. Bittorrent, IRC, AIM transfer. All of that was blocked. But, direct downloads are not blocked. And, to find sources for all of these anime is so amazing I can't convey to you my excitement.
Now, not all is good in the world of me. David, one of my friends, is going through some very tough times right now. He and I had decided to go in on an apartment together last spring at the end of the semester. Well, when I decided to switch schools that obviously wasn't going to work out. So, he was left on the lease by himself. I felt so horrible about it, but what could I do? Anyway, he did eventually find another roommate, one of his friends from his high school named Matthew. This I had originally thought would be a good thing. It wasn't. Matthew has proven to be a complete and total bum. All he does all day is sit at his computer and play Neverwinter Nights. And, when he isn't doing that, he is watching anime. He doesn't have a job, he doesn't leave the apartment, and according to David, he doesn't really do any chores around the apartment either. So, because of that, his mother is the one footing his half of the bill for the apartment. Therefore, she has decided to stow some ex-con homeless dude she somehow became fond of in his apartment. And, since she is footing some of the bill, there is nothing David can do about it. On top of that, David has been ferrying this man around town to and from his job and to places like that. And (there seems to be a pattern of this word going on here) David himself is still searching for a job. He’s paying his bill on money that the university finally returned to him from his tuition payments. It’s a screwed up situation all around and just hearing about it pisses me off. I feel so sorry for him and in a way feel somewhat responsible for his predicament. It was after all me who abandoned him along with the apartment. I wish there was something I could do. Grrr….
Well, I figure I’ll go ahead and end on a happy note. My parents came up here to my school to visit me for Parent’s Weekend! How cool! I was glad seeing them again. Unfortunately, they didn’t bring my sister or dogs with them this time. When they came up for my birthday a couple weeks ago they brought my dogs along with them because the hotel they found allowed pets. Go figure. But, they couldn’t book that hotel for this trip so they had to leave the doggies in their “big boxes” (the kennel). It was a sad time for all involved.
That’s my life for now. As you know, things do change. They change fast. So, expect my next posting about my situation to be equally as filled with entertaining information! Sayonara!
Caesar1280's Anime Ticker
Anime I've Seen
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- .hack//Sign
- 5 Centimeters per Second
- Air
- Air: The Movie
- Akira
- The Animatrix
- Appleseed
- Aquatic Language
- Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror
- Baby Blue
- Beck
- Black Lagoon
- Blame!
- Blood the Last Vampire
- Bokurano
- Burst Angel
- Castle in the Sky
- Cowboy Bebop
- Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
- Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express
- Doorbell
- Egao
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shambala
- Gankutsuou
- Gatekeepers
- Genius Party
- Genshiken
- Genshiken OAV
- Ghost in the Shell
- Ghost in the Shell: Innocence
- Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society
- Gin-iro no Kami no Agito
- The Gokusen
- Grave of the Fireflies
- Grenadier
- Haibane Renmei
- Happy Machine
- Hellsing
- Highlander: The Search for Vengeance
- Hikaru no Go
- Howl's Moving Castle
- Innocent Venus
- Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade
- Jyu Oh Sei
- Karas: The Prophecy
- Karas: The Revelation
- Last Exile
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
- Midori?s Days
- Milennium Actress
- Mushi-shi
- My Neighbor Totoro
- Naruto
- Naruto: The Movie
- Nausicaa
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death And Rebirth
- Ninja Scroll: The Movie
- Other Worlds
- Ouran High School Host Club
- Paprika
- Perfect Blue
- Pet Shop of Horrors
- The Place Promised In Our Early Days
- Prétear
- Princess Mononoke
- Read Or Die
- Read Or Die: The TV
- Samurai Champloo
- Samurai Seven
- Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal
- Serial Experiments Lain
- Shanghai Dragon
- She and Her Cat
- Spirited Away
- Steamboy
- Tekkonkinkreet
- Tide-Line Blue
- Tokyo Babylon
- Tokyo Godfathers
- Trigun
- Trinity Blood
- Vampire Hunter D
- Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
- Voices of a Distant Star
- Witch Hunter Robin
- Wolf's Rain
- Wonderful Days
- Wrath of the Ninja
- X
Total: 93 |
Anime I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Roots
- Ah! My Goddess
- Angelic Layer
- Avenger
- Baccano!
- Bamboo Blade
- Basilisk
- Binchou-tan
- Black Cat
- Bleach
- Blood+
- Boogiepop Phantom
- Case Closed
- Le Chevalier d'Eon
- Chobits
- Chrono Crusade
- Code Geass
- Coyote Ragtime Show
- D.Gray-Man
- D.N.Angel
- DearS
- Death Note
- Dennou Coil
- Desert Punk
- Digimon
- Dragon Ball Z
- Ergo Proxy
- Eureka Seven
- Excel Saga
- Fighting Beauty Wulong
- Final Fantasy Unlimited
- Flag
- Freedom
- Full Moon
- Gantz
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
- Gintama
- Glass Fleet
- Great Teacher Onizuka
- Gundam Seed
- Gundam Wing
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Hellsing OVA
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
- Ikki Tousen
- InuYasha
- Jigoku Shojo
- Kage Kara Mamoru
- Karin
- Kino's Journey
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Lovely Complex
- Lucky Star
- Makai Senki Disgaea
- Marchen Awakens Romance
- Meine Liebe
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- Mononoke
- Monster
- Moon Phase
- Mr Stain on Junk Alley
- Naruto Shippuuden
- Negima?!
- Negima!
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: End of Evangelion
- Nerima Daikon Brothers
- NHK ni Youkoso
- Night Walker
- Ninja Nonsense
- Noir
- Peacemaker Kurogane
- Pokemon
- Prince of Tennis
- R.G. Veda
- Ragnarok
- Rec
- Red Garden
- Robotech
- Romeo x Juliet
- Rosen Maiden
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Saikano
- Sailor Moon
- Samurai Deeper Kyo
- Sci-fi Harry
- School Rumble
- Scrapped Princess
- Shin-chan
- Shingu
- Shion no Oh
- Shuffle!
- Shrine of the Morning Mist
- So Long, Mr. Despair
- Solty Rei
- Sousei no Aquarion
- Speed Grapher
- Spice and Wolf
- Super Milk Chan
- Tales of Phantasia
- Tenchi Muyo
- Tenjhou Tenge
- Texnolyze
- The Third
- Tsubasa Chronicles
- Urusei Yatsura
- Venus Versus Virus
- Welcome to the N.H.K.
- Winter Cicada
- X-1999
- Xenosaga
- XxxHolic
- Yu Yu Hakushou
- Yume Tsukai
- Zero no Tsukaima
- Zipang
Total: 116 |
Manga I've Completed
- Cowboy Bebop
- Manga Messiah
- Manga Metamorphosis
- Q*Ko-chan
- Saiyuki
- Shirahime-Syo
Total: 7
Manga I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- Black Cat
- Blame!
- Chobits
- D.Gray-man
- Darkside Blues
- Death Note
- The Demon Ororon
- Desert Coral
- Disgaea
- Eureka Seven: Gravity Boys and Lifting Girl
- Fruits Basket
- Getbackers
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Kamunagara
- Legal Drug
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Megatokyo
- Naruto
- Negima
- Read Or Die
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Tactics
- Trigun Maximum
- XXXHolic
Total: 26 |
Anime I'm Currently Watching
Samurai 7, InuYasha, Samurai Deeper Kyo,
Boogiepop Phantom, and Shrine of the Morning Mist
Manga I'm Currently Reading
Read Or Die, Hayate the Combat Butler, and Megatokyo
Comments (2) |
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Valentines Day!

Click the above link and enjoy! Happy Valentines Day!
Caesar1280's Anime Ticker
Anime I've Seen
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- .hack//Sign
- 5 Centimeters per Second
- Air
- Air: The Movie
- Akira
- The Animatrix
- Appleseed
- Aquatic Language
- Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror
- Baby Blue
- Beck
- Black Lagoon
- Blame!
- Blood the Last Vampire
- Bokurano
- Burst Angel
- Castle in the Sky
- Cowboy Bebop
- Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
- Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express
- Doorbell
- Egao
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shambala
- Gankutsuou
- Gatekeepers
- Genius Party
- Genshiken
- Genshiken OAV
- Ghost in the Shell
- Ghost in the Shell: Innocence
- Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society
- Gin-iro no Kami no Agito
- The Gokusen
- Grave of the Fireflies
- Grenadier
- Haibane Renmei
- Happy Machine
- Hellsing
- Highlander: The Search for Vengeance
- Hikaru no Go
- Howl's Moving Castle
- Innocent Venus
- Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade
- Jyu Oh Sei
- Karas: The Prophecy
- Karas: The Revelation
- Last Exile
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
- Midori?s Days
- Milennium Actress
- Mushi-shi
- My Neighbor Totoro
- Naruto
- Naruto: The Movie
- Nausicaa
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death And Rebirth
- Ninja Scroll: The Movie
- Other Worlds
- Ouran High School Host Club
- Paprika
- Perfect Blue
- Pet Shop of Horrors
- The Place Promised In Our Early Days
- Prétear
- Princess Mononoke
- Read Or Die
- Read Or Die: The TV
- Samurai Champloo
- Samurai Seven
- Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal
- Serial Experiments Lain
- Shanghai Dragon
- She and Her Cat
- Spirited Away
- Steamboy
- Tekkonkinkreet
- Tide-Line Blue
- Tokyo Babylon
- Tokyo Godfathers
- Trigun
- Trinity Blood
- Vampire Hunter D
- Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
- Voices of a Distant Star
- Witch Hunter Robin
- Wolf's Rain
- Wonderful Days
- Wrath of the Ninja
- X
Total: 93 |
Anime I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Roots
- Ah! My Goddess
- Angelic Layer
- Avenger
- Baccano!
- Bamboo Blade
- Basilisk
- Binchou-tan
- Black Cat
- Bleach
- Blood+
- Boogiepop Phantom
- Case Closed
- Le Chevalier d'Eon
- Chobits
- Chrono Crusade
- Code Geass
- Coyote Ragtime Show
- D.Gray-Man
- D.N.Angel
- DearS
- Death Note
- Dennou Coil
- Desert Punk
- Digimon
- Dragon Ball Z
- Ergo Proxy
- Eureka Seven
- Excel Saga
- Fighting Beauty Wulong
- Final Fantasy Unlimited
- Flag
- Freedom
- Full Moon
- Gantz
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
- Gintama
- Glass Fleet
- Great Teacher Onizuka
- Gundam Seed
- Gundam Wing
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Hellsing OVA
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
- Ikki Tousen
- InuYasha
- Jigoku Shojo
- Kage Kara Mamoru
- Karin
- Kino's Journey
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Lovely Complex
- Lucky Star
- Makai Senki Disgaea
- Marchen Awakens Romance
- Meine Liebe
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- Mononoke
- Monster
- Moon Phase
- Mr Stain on Junk Alley
- Naruto Shippuuden
- Negima?!
- Negima!
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: End of Evangelion
- Nerima Daikon Brothers
- NHK ni Youkoso
- Night Walker
- Ninja Nonsense
- Noir
- Peacemaker Kurogane
- Pokemon
- Prince of Tennis
- R.G. Veda
- Ragnarok
- Rec
- Red Garden
- Robotech
- Romeo x Juliet
- Rosen Maiden
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Saikano
- Sailor Moon
- Samurai Deeper Kyo
- Sci-fi Harry
- School Rumble
- Scrapped Princess
- Shin-chan
- Shingu
- Shion no Oh
- Shuffle!
- Shrine of the Morning Mist
- So Long, Mr. Despair
- Solty Rei
- Sousei no Aquarion
- Speed Grapher
- Spice and Wolf
- Super Milk Chan
- Tales of Phantasia
- Tenchi Muyo
- Tenjhou Tenge
- Texnolyze
- The Third
- Tsubasa Chronicles
- Urusei Yatsura
- Venus Versus Virus
- Welcome to the N.H.K.
- Winter Cicada
- X-1999
- Xenosaga
- XxxHolic
- Yu Yu Hakushou
- Yume Tsukai
- Zero no Tsukaima
- Zipang
Total: 116 |
Manga I've Completed
- Cowboy Bebop
- Manga Messiah
- Manga Metamorphosis
- Q*Ko-chan
- Saiyuki
- Shirahime-Syo
Total: 7
Manga I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- Black Cat
- Blame!
- Chobits
- D.Gray-man
- Darkside Blues
- Death Note
- The Demon Ororon
- Desert Coral
- Disgaea
- Eureka Seven: Gravity Boys and Lifting Girl
- Fruits Basket
- Getbackers
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Kamunagara
- Legal Drug
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Megatokyo
- Naruto
- Negima
- Read Or Die
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Tactics
- Trigun Maximum
- XXXHolic
Total: 26 |
Anime I'm Currently Watching
Samurai 7, InuYasha, Samurai Deeper Kyo,
Boogiepop Phantom, and Shrine of the Morning Mist
Manga I'm Currently Reading
Read Or Die, Hayate the Combat Butler, and Megatokyo
Comments (2) |
Monday, February 13, 2006
Women of Sound
All right, today I was listening to my music while working on an extra credit assignnment for my biology class. Normally I just tone out my music when I'm working, so I'm not really sure why i still play it, but today was different. For some reason I was taken in by the music and realized how incredibly beautiful and amazing it was. I was listening to an iTunes playlist of mine which I have dubbed Women of Sound. This playlist consists of the various works of three outstanding female musicians; Imogen Heap, Dido, and Origa. I absolutely love their music and they are three of my favorite musicians, one of them actually is my favorite...currently. I have to confess my musical tastes do change slightly as time goes on. But, below I thought I would type out why I love these three women and their work. Also, if you click on their pictures, it will take you to their websites where you can learn anything you need to about them. I suggest purchasing at least some of their music. Enjoy!
Imogen Heap
Currently, Imogen Heap is my very favorite musical artist. She is so incredibly good! It's kind of hard for me to put her in a specivic genre because she has such a unique sound. I guess the best place to put her is in the genre of "electronic". She started out as a solo artist and released one album entitled I Megaphone which, if I got my facts straight, wasn't that big of a hit. It doesn't in any way embody the style of her later works. When listening to bits and pieces of the songs off of the album on iTunes it's hard for me to imagine that this is the same artist. She went on in her career to form a partnership with Guy Sigsworth and together they became the band Frou Frou. This is the point at which I first head Imogen. I was astounded with the style of Frou Frou. It was ulike anything I had heard before. But, what really captured me about the group was Imogen's vocal talents. I simply loved her voice. Don't get me wrong, Guy and his synthesized sounds are extraordinary, but Imogen, in my opinion, is who made the group what it was. Unfortunately, Frou Frou was also an unsuccessful band to start out with, dispite their numerous attempts to promote themselves . They landed two very coveted spots in the soundtracks of Shrek 2 and Garden State. But, even through that, the group broke up. Both partners went off to do solo careers. I have yet to find an album done by Guy Sigsworth, but Imogen has recently released a new album entitled Speak For Yourself. This album follows much of the same style as Frou Frou; very toned down, electronic, flowing, incredibly unique. Although, you can still hear remnants of her original, very British rock inspired, style. Since her split from Frou Frou, she has landed spots in the soundtracks of a few different movies and television shows including The O.C., Six Feet Under, Just Like Heaven, and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. For the latter three of those she wrote original songs which can only be found on those soundtrack albums. She has also released a single entitled Cumulus. So, by those findings I am assuming that she is having quite a bit of success in her new solo career, at least in her native Great Britain, even though I don't know anyone else who had ever heard of her before I introduced them to her music. She continues to amaze me and I have yet to tire of hearing her music and I look forward to her next album with great anticipation. She is simply incredible. I recommend greatly you go out an purchase her second solo CD as well as the CD she did with Frou Frou. You will definitely enjoy it. And, if you don't take my word for it, go and listen to the samples of the songs on iTunes.
Dido is another artist whose musical talent blows me away. I love her style and Iover her voice. I actually have some very fond memories associated with one of her songs called "Thank You" which was a big hit off her first album and was later sung in duet with Eminem. The first time I heard that song, and the first time I heard Dido, was on my trip to Australia and New Zealand with an organization called People to People Student Ambassadors. It was basically an educational trip. You go with a group of about 15 students and 2 teachers to foreign countries and tour. You go to all the educational sites, learn about the culture, and get the chance to live with a family in one of the countries you visit. It's really an amazing trip and I was extremely privileged to have been able to go on it. Getting back to how Dido fits into this, our tour guide in Australia would play "Thank You" every time we would leave a town in which we stayed for more than a day. A good idea and a rather appropriate song for it. But, unlike that song, most of the songs on Dido's first song are quite depressing. All are very slow songs, not too upbeat, and many carry a message of failed relationships and saying goodbye. Dispite the depressing message of her original CD, it was a great success. Her second album did not do as well as the first, which surprised me. Her second album follows the same musical style as the first with one exception, the lyrics are much happier. Although the songs are still mostly very slow the lyrics convey a message of hope and reconcilliation. And yet, the album wasn't as big of a success as her first. Go figure. I actually like her second more, but that's just my perosnal taste. Either way, you should go and purchase both of her albums. There is no way you can be disappointed with this astounding musician.
Last, but not least of the three women is Origa. Origa is a native of Russia who, in 1992 was invited to Japan to attend Sapporo University. While there she was discovered by a Japanese recording company and has since been releasing albums under a Japanese label. She has a completely and totally unique style unlike anything I have ever heard before in my life. Some of her songs are incredible and beautiful, and some of them aren't quite as good. I don't know how I would classify Origa as far as genres go. She's that unique. She has done quite a bit of work with the incridible Yoko Kanno. Her vocal talents are displayed in the soundtrack of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex composed by Kanno-san. This is where I first heard her. I was quite impressed, not necessarily with her vocal talent, but the style of the songs. This was misleading. The style of the songs in Ghost in the Shell is not Origa'sbut Kanno-san's. This I discovered only after listening to Origa's latest album entitled Aurora. There is really no way to discribe the style to you, you just have to listen to it. Although Origa is one of my favorit artists, and does manage to squeeze into this trio of female artists, not all of her music appeals to me. Some of it is just a little too odd. Some of it can get quite annoying at times. But, then in contrast, there are some of her songs that I just want to play over and over again. She has that much of a range. Each album is an experience all of it's own. None of them are quite the same. I'm not sure if this is due to Origa not really having a style of her own or just that her style is very flexible. Maybe I just can't perceive the style. I'm not sure. In any case, her music is amazing and I recommend her, but with a small amount of hesitation. Since her music is so unique, it doesn't really fit everyone's tastes. So, since you can't listen to her on iTunes, if you want to hear some of her songs before deciding to buy an album, contact me and I will send you a relatively good sampling of her music.
Caesar1280's Anime Ticker
Anime I've Seen
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- .hack//Sign
- 5 Centimeters per Second
- Air
- Air: The Movie
- Akira
- The Animatrix
- Appleseed
- Aquatic Language
- Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror
- Baby Blue
- Beck
- Black Lagoon
- Blame!
- Blood the Last Vampire
- Bokurano
- Burst Angel
- Castle in the Sky
- Cowboy Bebop
- Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
- Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express
- Doorbell
- Egao
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shambala
- Gankutsuou
- Gatekeepers
- Genius Party
- Genshiken
- Genshiken OAV
- Ghost in the Shell
- Ghost in the Shell: Innocence
- Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society
- Gin-iro no Kami no Agito
- The Gokusen
- Grave of the Fireflies
- Grenadier
- Haibane Renmei
- Happy Machine
- Hellsing
- Highlander: The Search for Vengeance
- Hikaru no Go
- Howl's Moving Castle
- Innocent Venus
- Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade
- Jyu Oh Sei
- Karas: The Prophecy
- Karas: The Revelation
- Last Exile
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
- Midori?s Days
- Milennium Actress
- Mushi-shi
- My Neighbor Totoro
- Naruto
- Naruto: The Movie
- Nausicaa
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death And Rebirth
- Ninja Scroll: The Movie
- Other Worlds
- Ouran High School Host Club
- Paprika
- Perfect Blue
- Pet Shop of Horrors
- The Place Promised In Our Early Days
- Prétear
- Princess Mononoke
- Read Or Die
- Read Or Die: The TV
- Samurai Champloo
- Samurai Seven
- Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal
- Serial Experiments Lain
- Shanghai Dragon
- She and Her Cat
- Spirited Away
- Steamboy
- Tekkonkinkreet
- Tide-Line Blue
- Tokyo Babylon
- Tokyo Godfathers
- Trigun
- Trinity Blood
- Vampire Hunter D
- Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
- Voices of a Distant Star
- Witch Hunter Robin
- Wolf's Rain
- Wonderful Days
- Wrath of the Ninja
- X
Total: 93 |
Anime I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Roots
- Ah! My Goddess
- Angelic Layer
- Avenger
- Baccano!
- Bamboo Blade
- Basilisk
- Binchou-tan
- Black Cat
- Bleach
- Blood+
- Boogiepop Phantom
- Case Closed
- Le Chevalier d'Eon
- Chobits
- Chrono Crusade
- Code Geass
- Coyote Ragtime Show
- D.Gray-Man
- D.N.Angel
- DearS
- Death Note
- Dennou Coil
- Desert Punk
- Digimon
- Dragon Ball Z
- Ergo Proxy
- Eureka Seven
- Excel Saga
- Fighting Beauty Wulong
- Final Fantasy Unlimited
- Flag
- Freedom
- Full Moon
- Gantz
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
- Gintama
- Glass Fleet
- Great Teacher Onizuka
- Gundam Seed
- Gundam Wing
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Hellsing OVA
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
- Ikki Tousen
- InuYasha
- Jigoku Shojo
- Kage Kara Mamoru
- Karin
- Kino's Journey
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Lovely Complex
- Lucky Star
- Makai Senki Disgaea
- Marchen Awakens Romance
- Meine Liebe
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- Mononoke
- Monster
- Moon Phase
- Mr Stain on Junk Alley
- Naruto Shippuuden
- Negima?!
- Negima!
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: End of Evangelion
- Nerima Daikon Brothers
- NHK ni Youkoso
- Night Walker
- Ninja Nonsense
- Noir
- Peacemaker Kurogane
- Pokemon
- Prince of Tennis
- R.G. Veda
- Ragnarok
- Rec
- Red Garden
- Robotech
- Romeo x Juliet
- Rosen Maiden
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Saikano
- Sailor Moon
- Samurai Deeper Kyo
- Sci-fi Harry
- School Rumble
- Scrapped Princess
- Shin-chan
- Shingu
- Shion no Oh
- Shuffle!
- Shrine of the Morning Mist
- So Long, Mr. Despair
- Solty Rei
- Sousei no Aquarion
- Speed Grapher
- Spice and Wolf
- Super Milk Chan
- Tales of Phantasia
- Tenchi Muyo
- Tenjhou Tenge
- Texnolyze
- The Third
- Tsubasa Chronicles
- Urusei Yatsura
- Venus Versus Virus
- Welcome to the N.H.K.
- Winter Cicada
- X-1999
- Xenosaga
- XxxHolic
- Yu Yu Hakushou
- Yume Tsukai
- Zero no Tsukaima
- Zipang
Total: 116 |
Manga I've Completed
- Cowboy Bebop
- Manga Messiah
- Manga Metamorphosis
- Q*Ko-chan
- Saiyuki
- Shirahime-Syo
Total: 7
Manga I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- Black Cat
- Blame!
- Chobits
- D.Gray-man
- Darkside Blues
- Death Note
- The Demon Ororon
- Desert Coral
- Disgaea
- Eureka Seven: Gravity Boys and Lifting Girl
- Fruits Basket
- Getbackers
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Kamunagara
- Legal Drug
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Megatokyo
- Naruto
- Negima
- Read Or Die
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Tactics
- Trigun Maximum
- XXXHolic
Total: 26 |
Anime I'm Currently Watching
Samurai 7, InuYasha, Samurai Deeper Kyo,
Boogiepop Phantom, and Shrine of the Morning Mist
Manga I'm Currently Reading
Read Or Die, Hayate the Combat Butler, and Megatokyo
Comments (1) |
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Post of Exhaustion
Well, since I haven't posted a legitiamate post in quites some time, I actually have a lot to say! Go figure ^_^ There have been some overly interesting things that have happened. First of all, and most impactful on my present situation, I got another speeding ticket last friday!!! YAY!!! Some asshole in a small town outside Fayetteville called Johnson decided he'd pull me over. He says I was going 46 in a 30. I refuse to believe that! I didn't even know what the speed limit was before he pulled me over. I had turned off of a street that had a 40mph speed limit. So, since I couldn't immediately see a speed limit sign telling me otherwise, I went ahead and resumed my speed of 40. I didn't think this was a bad decision considering the guy in front of me was going even faster than me. About a hundred feet after the turn, I passed the cop who would be giving me the ticket. Shortly after he pulled out, I noticed the 30mph sign and promptly slowed down to 30. He put on his lights and pulled me over. The guy in front of me, who never slowed down. Pulled over as well, but when he noticed the cop had stopped behind me, he gently and ever so stealthily slipped back onto the street and kept going. Sneaky bastard. There, of course, is no way i was going 46. The cop had apparently radared the guy in front of me who was going faster than me. I'm not going to say I wasn't speeding, because I was. But, I'm simply going to say that I didn't know the true speed limit before I was pulled over, and that the guy in front of me was the one who was radared at 46 and not I. This kind of stuff really chaps me. Now, I've got another ticket. Isn't this just wonderful? gah! And right after my birthday too. There goes my birthday money. Of course, that was another of the big happenings in my life. I had my birthday on the 4th. It was nice. My parents came up here with my sister and two dogs to wish me a happy birthday. Oh, so thoughtful! They also came up to allow my sister to visit the University of Arkansas. As it turns out, she will be going there. Which is yet another one of the big happenings. YAY!
Another of the big happenings is the wonderful news that I have found a woman to sew my hat for my cosplay costume this year!!! This is really cool! I was worried I was going to have to sew it myself. That worried me. So, the fact that I found someone who can do it for me is a great thing! Another great thinga bout it is that she isn't going to charge me too much! Only $25! How spiffy is that?! So, yet another piece of my costume for this year falls into place. It's really coming along well too. It needs to be moving along a litte faster though. I've got the pants and the vest in the mail. Amy, one of my good friends, had the wonderfully brilliant idea to use medical scrubs as the base for the vest and pants. It works perfectly! All i've gotta do is hem the pants to the length i need, cut the shirt into the right shape for the vest, and sew on the small bits and pieces that make the vest Shugo's. Yahoo! I've also already found the wig i need, the dye i need to color the wig, and the tights. The one part of the costume i worry about most now is the wig. I worry that I won't be able to get it to the right color. I couldn't track down a wig of the right color and style. So, i found a wig of the right style in a very light blonde color. So, hopefully the coloring will work right. *crossed fingers*
The last of the really big happenings is the formation of a fencing club here on campus! I'm so happy about this! It's very nice to finally be able to fence again. I also think it is a better club for me than my last one. The last one I was in was extremely fun, and all my best friends were there, but the teaching wasn't that good. It was basically warm up then spar. No drills, no technique practicing, no nothing. But, this club does have that! Most our night consists of drills and technique practice in areas such as footwork (an area I need to work on). So, even though i loved my previous club, this one kicks it's butt.
Anyway, that's about all that's really happening for me currently. Not a whole lot more to tell. My parents will be back up here next weekend for Parents' Weekend. That'll be cool to see them again. Other than that, nothing else. Ciao!
Caesar1280's Anime Ticker
Anime I've Seen
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- .hack//Sign
- 5 Centimeters per Second
- Air
- Air: The Movie
- Akira
- The Animatrix
- Appleseed
- Aquatic Language
- Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror
- Baby Blue
- Beck
- Black Lagoon
- Blame!
- Blood the Last Vampire
- Bokurano
- Burst Angel
- Castle in the Sky
- Cowboy Bebop
- Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
- Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express
- Doorbell
- Egao
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shambala
- Gankutsuou
- Gatekeepers
- Genius Party
- Genshiken
- Genshiken OAV
- Ghost in the Shell
- Ghost in the Shell: Innocence
- Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society
- Gin-iro no Kami no Agito
- The Gokusen
- Grave of the Fireflies
- Grenadier
- Haibane Renmei
- Happy Machine
- Hellsing
- Highlander: The Search for Vengeance
- Hikaru no Go
- Howl's Moving Castle
- Innocent Venus
- Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade
- Jyu Oh Sei
- Karas: The Prophecy
- Karas: The Revelation
- Last Exile
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
- Midori?s Days
- Milennium Actress
- Mushi-shi
- My Neighbor Totoro
- Naruto
- Naruto: The Movie
- Nausicaa
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death And Rebirth
- Ninja Scroll: The Movie
- Other Worlds
- Ouran High School Host Club
- Paprika
- Perfect Blue
- Pet Shop of Horrors
- The Place Promised In Our Early Days
- Prétear
- Princess Mononoke
- Read Or Die
- Read Or Die: The TV
- Samurai Champloo
- Samurai Seven
- Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal
- Serial Experiments Lain
- Shanghai Dragon
- She and Her Cat
- Spirited Away
- Steamboy
- Tekkonkinkreet
- Tide-Line Blue
- Tokyo Babylon
- Tokyo Godfathers
- Trigun
- Trinity Blood
- Vampire Hunter D
- Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
- Voices of a Distant Star
- Witch Hunter Robin
- Wolf's Rain
- Wonderful Days
- Wrath of the Ninja
- X
Total: 93 |
Anime I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Roots
- Ah! My Goddess
- Angelic Layer
- Avenger
- Baccano!
- Bamboo Blade
- Basilisk
- Binchou-tan
- Black Cat
- Bleach
- Blood+
- Boogiepop Phantom
- Case Closed
- Le Chevalier d'Eon
- Chobits
- Chrono Crusade
- Code Geass
- Coyote Ragtime Show
- D.Gray-Man
- D.N.Angel
- DearS
- Death Note
- Dennou Coil
- Desert Punk
- Digimon
- Dragon Ball Z
- Ergo Proxy
- Eureka Seven
- Excel Saga
- Fighting Beauty Wulong
- Final Fantasy Unlimited
- Flag
- Freedom
- Full Moon
- Gantz
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
- Gintama
- Glass Fleet
- Great Teacher Onizuka
- Gundam Seed
- Gundam Wing
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Hellsing OVA
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
- Ikki Tousen
- InuYasha
- Jigoku Shojo
- Kage Kara Mamoru
- Karin
- Kino's Journey
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Lovely Complex
- Lucky Star
- Makai Senki Disgaea
- Marchen Awakens Romance
- Meine Liebe
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- Mononoke
- Monster
- Moon Phase
- Mr Stain on Junk Alley
- Naruto Shippuuden
- Negima?!
- Negima!
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: End of Evangelion
- Nerima Daikon Brothers
- NHK ni Youkoso
- Night Walker
- Ninja Nonsense
- Noir
- Peacemaker Kurogane
- Pokemon
- Prince of Tennis
- R.G. Veda
- Ragnarok
- Rec
- Red Garden
- Robotech
- Romeo x Juliet
- Rosen Maiden
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Saikano
- Sailor Moon
- Samurai Deeper Kyo
- Sci-fi Harry
- School Rumble
- Scrapped Princess
- Shin-chan
- Shingu
- Shion no Oh
- Shuffle!
- Shrine of the Morning Mist
- So Long, Mr. Despair
- Solty Rei
- Sousei no Aquarion
- Speed Grapher
- Spice and Wolf
- Super Milk Chan
- Tales of Phantasia
- Tenchi Muyo
- Tenjhou Tenge
- Texnolyze
- The Third
- Tsubasa Chronicles
- Urusei Yatsura
- Venus Versus Virus
- Welcome to the N.H.K.
- Winter Cicada
- X-1999
- Xenosaga
- XxxHolic
- Yu Yu Hakushou
- Yume Tsukai
- Zero no Tsukaima
- Zipang
Total: 116 |
Manga I've Completed
- Cowboy Bebop
- Manga Messiah
- Manga Metamorphosis
- Q*Ko-chan
- Saiyuki
- Shirahime-Syo
Total: 7
Manga I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- Black Cat
- Blame!
- Chobits
- D.Gray-man
- Darkside Blues
- Death Note
- The Demon Ororon
- Desert Coral
- Disgaea
- Eureka Seven: Gravity Boys and Lifting Girl
- Fruits Basket
- Getbackers
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Kamunagara
- Legal Drug
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Megatokyo
- Naruto
- Negima
- Read Or Die
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Tactics
- Trigun Maximum
- XXXHolic
Total: 26 |
Anime I'm Currently Watching
Samurai 7, InuYasha, Samurai Deeper Kyo,
Boogiepop Phantom, and Shrine of the Morning Mist
Manga I'm Currently Reading
Read Or Die, Hayate the Combat Butler, and Megatokyo
Comments (1) |
Sunday, February 5, 2006
The Academy Awards Nominations!
All right, remember how in the last post I said that I was normally a lot more pleased with the nominations of the Oscars as opposed to the Golden Globes? Well, yet again, that remains true this year. I am actaually quite pleased with the nominations. I really think that they hit the nail on the head with some of their nominations. My only complaint is that they seem to be overly exalting "Brokeback Mountain" since it's 8 nomiations leads the pack in number. I just don't think they're looking at that film from a purely subjective standpoint. I think they're letting their own liberaly agenda cloud their view. It can't be as good of a movie that they are all saying it is. I think the worst travesty to ever befall the academy awards would be to have "Brokeback Mountain" win Best Picture this year. I have never once been mad at the movie they gave that award to. Every year it seems to go to the movie that truly deserved it (whether I actaully like that movie that gets it or not). But, I don't think that movie deserves it. There is another movie in that category which clearly stands above them all. So, go ahead and scroll below to see all my picks for the awards this year. I'd like to hear your comments! And, I especially want to hear them if you happen to disagree with my choices, It's fun to hear what other people think. So, enjoy my personal picks for the Oscars this year, and make sure to tune in to ABC on March 5th to see the winners announced live!

Philip Seymour Hoffman - CAPOTE
Terrence Howard - HUSTLE & FLOW
Joaquin Phoenix - WALK THE LINE
David Strathairn - GOOD NIGHT, AND GOOD LUCK
George Clooney - SYRIANA
Matt Dillon - CRASH
Paul Giamatti - CINDERELLA MAN
Felicity Huffman - TRANSAMERICA
Keira Knightly - PRIDE & PREJUDICE
Charlize Theron - NORTH COUNTRY
Reese Witherspoon - WALK THE LINE
Amy Adams - JUNEBUG
Catherine Keener - CAPOTE
Frances McDormand - NORTH COUNTRY
Michelle Williams - BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN
"In The Deep" - CRASH
"It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp" - HUSTLE & FLOW
"Travelin' Thru" - TRANSAMERICA
brokeback mountain
Caesar1280's Anime Ticker
Anime I've Seen
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- .hack//Sign
- 5 Centimeters per Second
- Air
- Air: The Movie
- Akira
- The Animatrix
- Appleseed
- Aquatic Language
- Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror
- Baby Blue
- Beck
- Black Lagoon
- Blame!
- Blood the Last Vampire
- Bokurano
- Burst Angel
- Castle in the Sky
- Cowboy Bebop
- Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
- Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express
- Doorbell
- Egao
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shambala
- Gankutsuou
- Gatekeepers
- Genius Party
- Genshiken
- Genshiken OAV
- Ghost in the Shell
- Ghost in the Shell: Innocence
- Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society
- Gin-iro no Kami no Agito
- The Gokusen
- Grave of the Fireflies
- Grenadier
- Haibane Renmei
- Happy Machine
- Hellsing
- Highlander: The Search for Vengeance
- Hikaru no Go
- Howl's Moving Castle
- Innocent Venus
- Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade
- Jyu Oh Sei
- Karas: The Prophecy
- Karas: The Revelation
- Last Exile
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
- Midori?s Days
- Milennium Actress
- Mushi-shi
- My Neighbor Totoro
- Naruto
- Naruto: The Movie
- Nausicaa
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death And Rebirth
- Ninja Scroll: The Movie
- Other Worlds
- Ouran High School Host Club
- Paprika
- Perfect Blue
- Pet Shop of Horrors
- The Place Promised In Our Early Days
- Prétear
- Princess Mononoke
- Read Or Die
- Read Or Die: The TV
- Samurai Champloo
- Samurai Seven
- Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal
- Serial Experiments Lain
- Shanghai Dragon
- She and Her Cat
- Spirited Away
- Steamboy
- Tekkonkinkreet
- Tide-Line Blue
- Tokyo Babylon
- Tokyo Godfathers
- Trigun
- Trinity Blood
- Vampire Hunter D
- Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
- Voices of a Distant Star
- Witch Hunter Robin
- Wolf's Rain
- Wonderful Days
- Wrath of the Ninja
- X
Total: 93 |
Anime I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Roots
- Ah! My Goddess
- Angelic Layer
- Avenger
- Baccano!
- Bamboo Blade
- Basilisk
- Binchou-tan
- Black Cat
- Bleach
- Blood+
- Boogiepop Phantom
- Case Closed
- Le Chevalier d'Eon
- Chobits
- Chrono Crusade
- Code Geass
- Coyote Ragtime Show
- D.Gray-Man
- D.N.Angel
- DearS
- Death Note
- Dennou Coil
- Desert Punk
- Digimon
- Dragon Ball Z
- Ergo Proxy
- Eureka Seven
- Excel Saga
- Fighting Beauty Wulong
- Final Fantasy Unlimited
- Flag
- Freedom
- Full Moon
- Gantz
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
- Gintama
- Glass Fleet
- Great Teacher Onizuka
- Gundam Seed
- Gundam Wing
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Hellsing OVA
- Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
- Ikki Tousen
- InuYasha
- Jigoku Shojo
- Kage Kara Mamoru
- Karin
- Kino's Journey
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Lovely Complex
- Lucky Star
- Makai Senki Disgaea
- Marchen Awakens Romance
- Meine Liebe
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- Mononoke
- Monster
- Moon Phase
- Mr Stain on Junk Alley
- Naruto Shippuuden
- Negima?!
- Negima!
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: End of Evangelion
- Nerima Daikon Brothers
- NHK ni Youkoso
- Night Walker
- Ninja Nonsense
- Noir
- Peacemaker Kurogane
- Pokemon
- Prince of Tennis
- R.G. Veda
- Ragnarok
- Rec
- Red Garden
- Robotech
- Romeo x Juliet
- Rosen Maiden
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Saikano
- Sailor Moon
- Samurai Deeper Kyo
- Sci-fi Harry
- School Rumble
- Scrapped Princess
- Shin-chan
- Shingu
- Shion no Oh
- Shuffle!
- Shrine of the Morning Mist
- So Long, Mr. Despair
- Solty Rei
- Sousei no Aquarion
- Speed Grapher
- Spice and Wolf
- Super Milk Chan
- Tales of Phantasia
- Tenchi Muyo
- Tenjhou Tenge
- Texnolyze
- The Third
- Tsubasa Chronicles
- Urusei Yatsura
- Venus Versus Virus
- Welcome to the N.H.K.
- Winter Cicada
- X-1999
- Xenosaga
- XxxHolic
- Yu Yu Hakushou
- Yume Tsukai
- Zero no Tsukaima
- Zipang
Total: 116 |
Manga I've Completed
- Cowboy Bebop
- Manga Messiah
- Manga Metamorphosis
- Q*Ko-chan
- Saiyuki
- Shirahime-Syo
Total: 7
Manga I Haven't Completed
- .hack//Legend of the Twilight
- Black Cat
- Blame!
- Chobits
- D.Gray-man
- Darkside Blues
- Death Note
- The Demon Ororon
- Desert Coral
- Disgaea
- Eureka Seven: Gravity Boys and Lifting Girl
- Fruits Basket
- Getbackers
- Hayate the Combat Butler
- Kamunagara
- Legal Drug
- Love Hina
- Loveless
- Megatokyo
- Naruto
- Negima
- Read Or Die
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Tactics
- Trigun Maximum
- XXXHolic
Total: 26 |
Anime I'm Currently Watching
Samurai 7, InuYasha, Samurai Deeper Kyo,
Boogiepop Phantom, and Shrine of the Morning Mist
Manga I'm Currently Reading
Read Or Die, Hayate the Combat Butler, and Megatokyo
Comments (0) |
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