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myOtaku.com: CalvinandHobbes

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Guestbook Entries:

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RurOuniGrL2 (12/17/05)

hey nice site here, you picked out really nice clours ^^ Come see mine sometime? ^^ warning--its REALLY pink! lol anyways, i'll talk to you again sometime,


msyugioh123 (11/17/05)

hi there come visit my site

SlasherX (07/01/05)

hi! nice name!i love reading the comic. cool site! i'm adding u as a friend, come drop by my site sometime!^-^

to quote calvin(or you, rather...) "i think that the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us." i cracked up over that one^-^

LinkinPark25 (08/09/04)

hey wasup...i came from xxLinkinParkxx. well i cant stay but i liked ur site and remember LinkinPark rocks!!
-LinkinPark25 out

Fuyumiko sama (05/25/04)


lovegoddess (05/03/04)


carolinekaiba (04/26/04)

hi calvin!!! im susie derkins!!! well not really, i more like calvin...but i like your site^_^ come visit mine^_^ im adding u as a friend

blackwings (04/19/04)

Silnet Mobius is a story about women is spiritual powers how stop monsters from another world. It does get advertised often with Sonic the Hedgehog. I used to watch and play that but I haven't in awhile. Thanks for liking my art ^^ I'll add you as a friend. Would you add me? Later-

Taleybo (04/01/04)

hi hi i like your site and guess what? *covers side of mouth with side of hand and whispers* it'll get better *stops whispering* oh come visit me! my boyfriend lives in california i've never been there but my best friend uzali has she went ta san francisco (did i spell that right?) oh well i do like your site and i also like your name cuz i like calvin and hobes *srcatchs out last word* habbes (though not enough ta know how ta spell it correctly) any ways come visit me okay ya can never have too many visitors!!!! i was born in 91 too! oh and i love inu yasha! its like one of the best animes ever but the real best one is kenshin it totaly rocks!! okay and the best manga is deffenetly love hina ya should read it some time oh i need ta go so bye!
~Taleybo b^.^V (love and peace!)

Cho (03/29/04)

Whee!!! Calvin and Hobbes rules!!! Too bad they stopped printing it in my paper... *frowns* Oh well, I'll just have to make due with the comic books. Sigh. There was a point to my signing your guestbook, but I can't remember it now... Curse my bad short term memory. Ah, c'est la vie! *Bounces away, gibbering in French*


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