Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
o_O O_o
I finaly saw the ending of Kingdom Hearts. ( Not the alternat ending) and now I have the song 'Simple and Clean' stuck in my head. It's sad really, I dont usualy like music like that..-_O Hm...Yeah and I dont really have anything else to say. God, im so boring. XD

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
I have been playing FF8 over te summer so far. I love it. I was thinking about playing FF7, but FF7 is WAY over rated..along with Cloud. =/ ( I'm sorry, cloudsama, but he is.) So, screw 7 and lets go with 8! Bottom line.Squall is awsome. XD Yup...and that's about all i have to say.
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Eh..Well Yeah..x_X
I know..most of you will thnk this drawing is perverted..but it's not.It is only perverted if you take it that way.

I'm not sure if you can see that he is covering his face like he is trying to hide, but he is exposed/naked. I'm not sure if any of you will get the meaning of this picture, if you do. pm me and if it is right, then I will draw you whatever the hell you want. ( or try to any way. Well, it will be a sketch..unless i like it and shade alittle and stuff)
Oh, and this is the guy i posted before.The one with the wings. His his name is 'Dark' >_O and no, not like Dark from DN angel.
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
This an older picture of mine and for those of you that were complaining about not enough detail..The one before was a freaking qiuck doodle. >_O How is this for more detail? A little bit more, eh? 
I guess this one is okay, it was kind of half assed though.But that's okay.
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Friday, April 15, 2005
I am 'posting' art here..I'm to lazy to submit it.One thing you should know, I LOVE to draw demons/devils..I love drawing the wings,horns,tails and beasicly anything evil looking. This is one of them I was messing with

If anyone likes this I will post somemore..-_O I warn you, theyare mostly the same character x_x I darw him constantly. (He is my made up character just so ya know.) one more thing..Bastards!
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Thursday, April 14, 2005
Shadow the fucking hedgehog.
What the hell!?!?! *Twitch* Why would they make a game about shadow!
He already has the gay as hell air shoes because he can;t keep up with sonic...and now they are giving him his own game so you can know his 'story' -_-;;; and he uses a gun.How fucking gay.I HATE YOU SHADOW!! I hope the game sucks..-_-;; Bastards. This is shadow's story.
50 years ago 'Black hedgehog.Girl named maria.She died.Shadow gets all "I'm the ultimate life form but i almost died in Sonic adventure 2 battle" He is mr.bad ass and blah blah blah..' <^>--(>_<) Fuck you sega! Hooooow dare you make a game about shadow only. YOU SHALL ROTT IN HELL. I swear it!
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
Damn it..
What a freaking bitch...I was excited to go to the convention and now I'm bumed out.Why does someone always have to ruin my freaking mood?Why!?...I'm not even sure if I want to go anymore.
I was going to ask cindy if I could bring a friend to the convention but i dont think she would have any room x_x
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
I'm going an anime convention and you're not.((Well, maybe you are..Shut up! ><)) o_O Later this month I will be adding more art..two of which will be camels! w00tness.The other ones will just be my quick little sketches that a few unnamed ppl try to get glimpsesssess at..(you know who you are..-_- I'm watchin you..) and well..o_o Camel rock!Yeah..and now I have to get off the computer before my grandmother bitches somemore x_x
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