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myOtaku.com: candy ninja

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Hi, I'm .

And I should first warn you that I'm a fucking NINJA

ninjas kill and leave no traaail

See? Me...ninja-ing. I have a kunai. I am ruthless.

I am cute. And I am deadly.

I am taken ^-^ My boyfriend's name is Scott. I love him more than I can even begin to say...He's my everything. I would be so lost without him.

My boyfriend is a ninja too. And he has ANBU connections.

Thursday, June 9, 2005

   you're toxic, I'm slipping under
I finished my Naruto costume!
I'd post the pictures in the cosplay section, but I'm not ecstatic with them and I'd like some better ones taken. =3
But...you can see them here!

My boyfriend...he's being an ANBU member. He really has the tattoo.
Yes. real.

Ignore my face in this one...See, they suck.
I just wanted to show my Kyuubi tummy. It's not real...I just photoshopped it on. But when I actually cosplay, I will be painting it on. =D
Better pictures will be posted in a cosplay gallery.


Friday, June 3, 2005

I made a LJ community. If you have a LJ...and you like Naruto...and you're a girl...PLEAAAASE join.
The point of the community is for cute Naruto fangirls to get together and share pictures, fanfics, fanart and other Naruto-related things.
So far, I am the only member.

click it. it's a link.


Tuesday, May 31, 2005

So...I'm thinking of getting my boyfriend and putting on our costumes from MegaCon and taking a real photoshoot.
Tomorrow if it's not stormy.
florida sucks.


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