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being me
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Boy am I bummed. Ok, I had this friend named Alexis. We weren't like bff's or anything, but whenever we were together, we got along like bff's. I even got to stay at her house for a week and go to a halloween haunted trail with her and her family. Her family is the best! They always get along, and her parents are hilarious, and her little sister, Marissa, is so cute, even if she can get annoying.
So, anyways, today, I decided to go see her house and her. Her house is 3 stories, and very big, and I mean big!!! And I guess they got a new built-in pool with a diving board and water slide!!! And, as I said before, we get along great!
Well, since I last saw her, she's changed a lot! So when I get there, she's got this beautiful tan, and a really cute swimsuit, and hot sunglasses (if sunglasses can be hot) and she's swimming and stuff. Well, to make a long story short (too late) this is how my day went...
>she talked to her sis the whole time<
>I think I talked to both her parents put together more than I talked to her<
>Whenever we talked, it always ended in an awkward silence(I blabbed a lot)<
>Whenever she talked to me, it was about all her other friends, her tan, and her trip to New Jersey<
>After we swam, she spent like 10 minutes putting on make up, fixing her hair, and putting her sunglasses on just right, just to get in the pool again<
>She always wanted to be competitive (play volleyball, swimming races, stuff like that)<
So, now I'm all sad. Just a year ago, are personalities were like, really close, and now, it seems like they're on the other side of the world! I HATE THAT FEELING!!! The one where you feel like you just lost one of your "soon-to-be-best-friends". When I was telling my mom, I almost started crying,(I know, I'm such a big baby). I know I should just relax, I have better friends anyways, but, it's hard, ya know. Man, I'm gonna star crying again! So,my quiz is...
1) Do you hate that feeling too?
A. Yes B. No
C. Don't think D. Have no
about it friends, so no
2) Any advice for me or others who feel the same way?
A. Yes, and B. No, sorry
it is...
C. Don't know, D. I need
don't care advice too
Thanx, just put your answers in your comments, and don't worry, you're not graded! Or, are you?JK, you aren't. Thanx very much, and good night, finally! :(
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