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Monday, April 18, 2005
Hey, i'm happy and its late so i need to take a shower if my hair will be...OMG IS THAT THE TIME???? I;TS WAY PAST MY BED TIME...See Yah!!!!
What Anime Emoticon Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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And again
 You did ok... or bad .....And if ur a drummer in Pa messege me!
(())Good Charlotte Lyric Quiz, hard?(()) brought to you by Quizilla
Benji is so cute but he's 4 inches shorter than me!!!!
Oh well
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Who cares about her... MORE ABOUT ME and my friends...
You're nothing like me. You knew you were going to get this. You're a prep, but play nice.
Are you like me? brought to you by Quizilla
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From Go-Quiz.com
How did they know i play with fire... oooops, shouldn't have told you that.
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 you are a true good charlotte lover. you always get into trouble in class, and you're a punk. you would probobly wear hoodies and lots of eyeliner, like me. BUT you can be quite serious about things like music. calm down a bit, mate! oh well, you gots gc so be happy! ^_^
Good Charlotte, Evanescence or Green Day?- a strange quiz mainly about me being hungry brought to you by Quizilla
HAHA.. me? in trouble in class?
(i'm to sneaky for that...
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I'm going to a GC concert and i'm in the mood for quizes
(i don't care if you don't like them Joe2587!!!!
 Your Good Charlotte... They're personally my favorite. Your more on the gothic side then punk and your definately a true rocker!!
GC or SP... Who do u belong with? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, April 15, 2005
About me
Hey, i decided that i didn't want to put up a quiz so that i could put up a shout out for my friends Choclatesampler and rinoa, if you go to there sites, say that candygirl sent you. Hey people, you know nothing about me so
i'm blonde
i'm a happy, energetic person
My friends mom thinks i'm a druggie
(she thought we were doing drugs in the library after school)
i'm 14
i'm 5'11"(seriously)
i weigh under 150lb
i'm not a prep,(important to know)
i'm not insane(unknown to the rest of the world)
i'm the second least sane person in my group of friends
i'm shy
i don't have that many friends
my 'toy pig one first place in a race
i was voted most likely to save a rain forest
i'm the Anime freak in my class(with my friend unloved girl)
i'm in love with the cutest guy on Earth and he doesn't doesn't know it
i'm probably the least popular person in my class
i'm in the eighth grade and soon graduating
i have a younger and older sister
i live in South Florida
i recently went to the keys(beaches suck there)
i love DNAngel and Dark is my fav
i'm the tallest girl i know
i have a friend named Joe2587(visit his site, its cool)
i have no life(meaning my mom is over protective and won't let me do anything)
most likely i'll be going to a GC concert
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Evanescence lovers come hither
You're creative and often daydream. You build your own little world whether it's a bad or a good day, you can always escape to. You believe dreams are the best thing reality has to offer. You prefer the art of illusion over what drones have made the real world out to be. Life can be tough and you know this. Somedays you hate the world and somedays you can tolerate it. You love imagination and the mind, for this is where you can mold your idea of how things should be.
"In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of lullaby. I lie inside myself for hours and watch my purple sky fly over me."
*Please Rate: It brings good Karma*
Which Evanescence 'Origin' Song Are You? (With Pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Realy cool!!!!

More to come... don't worry, there really cool!!!!
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Of Course!!!!
Who Is Your Inuyasha Mystery Date?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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