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Thursday, September 15, 2005
srry i havn't been on in a while...
quick synopsis[big breath]
im in high school afreshman on the volleyball team actually i was kicked off the volleyball team but im getting back on tomm the guy i like likes me back but has a gf that his sister whitney and her gf maria say is going to break up with him soon im almost lailing bcuz i hardly do homework turnitin.com sucks and we finished reading lord of the fliesso we could start reading a book that is thicker than the dictionary i have a myspace and am busy working on it so that i can make friends while i find older friends such as marrisa.
[lets out air] whew!
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
i have converted to the dark side
visit my space xxdaydreamerxx to see who i really am
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
miy hmeaud hnurtsh aand pmy mpoms iynsanbe. icm uborzed aind nthoody winilkl tatlk hoto mem. casomplhain ctesomplmeain. private message me the hidden message in my post if you can find it. its not that hard to find...two messages are mixed together, but they are in order. just jumbled...
Help me.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
hyperlink wom't go away.
hello... why do you hate me so?
 Your a Blonde!! You're competitive, bold, and adventurous! You love to explore new places and meet friends on the way! You can be very talkative too. But other than that you can be very kind to people! You always like to win! And is a great leader! You are also very hyper at times. You always know how to have fun and can think of great things. Sometimes when you think of ideas you actually want to do em. So you think of many ways for it to become real!
What's your hair color? anime pics brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
im dying of lack of friends and going anywere.
why wont ppl talk to me? do you hate me? am i weird? plz tell me!
im hungry but im going on a diet... my mom is forcing me to go to homecoming and i have to look good in a dress... maggie says that im not fat... i don't believe her. im not a dress person. seeing me in a dress is like ... having snow in florida... it doesn't happen often. yes it has snowed in florida.... a long time ago. im tired but i have to do my homework.. its only saturday... i do homework on sdunday but again my mom is forcing me to do it now... its nearly eleven and my mom wont let me watch inu yasha anymore becouse she doesnt 'trust' it.
what the hell?... im tired... im typoing with one hand... i need to start... i mean 'finish' my homework now.
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
C | Confused | A | Appreciative | N | Natural | D | Devious | Y | Young | G | Gorgeous | I | Intelligent | R | Realistic | L | Lively |
Name Acronym Generator From Go-Quiz.com
he gave me his bracelet! is that good? he says he never really liked it. i think he likes me. i know i like him. im confused. HELP ME! Help Me! help me! help... me.
i see him and its like, WHOA! were did that feeling come from? what the hell is that? its like... BAM! an explosion inside of me that for some strange reason makes me smile.
WHY???!!! its so confusing! why does it have to be so confusing? help me. im falling down a hole but its giving me butterflys in my stomach instead of fear.
i can't explain it... just that its like....
BAM!!!!! BOOM!!!!! WAKE UP GIRL!!!!! HELLO!!!!!.
Does anybody understand were im coming from? like does it make sense?
not one day has he not been able to make me laugh. even when i think about sometyhing he says i laugh. gotta go. Algebra 2 sucks and i need to catch up. Freshman year is hard but im a cool freshman, as they say...
the cool freshman with an awesome name... bye.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
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Monday, August 15, 2005
i made volleyball team
yay, now i can run around and hit a ball with a bunch of prepy girls! i am soooo happy! (sarcasm)
i met more friends today and Zhea (pronounced Z) thinks that Full Metal Alchemist sucks. i threw that in his face so hard! my back pack (side bag) has Full Metal Alchemist on it. its awesome!!
for thirty bucks it better be! i had to pay for it myself and it has gotten attenction of many of my now friends.
BYE. homework to attend to, can anybody help me stop my posts from becoming hyperlinks?
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
i ate almost a whole pie! apple pie! like pie say hey!!
i just finished my first week of high school and i'v got a biggilian friends! my sis introduced me to kristen who i sat at luch with, met thomas and we talked. next day he sat with me at lunch for a little and hes a ppl magnet (hes realy cool,) so now ppl come and sit with me and they attract more ppl!!! i'm becoming a walking magnet,
oh yah
its so hot and punk and, me!!
i'm finally aloud a litle space from my mom, so now im becoming myself.
its like ive been chained to a wall,
holding me back from life!
But now my chains are gone and i'm running full speed away from that wall,
moving so fast that im still catching up with myself,
its almost an out of body experience... and i'm getting used to it. slowely
oh, yah. i ate almost the whole apple pie and didn't gain a pound, my frineds are jelous but its hard to have a fast matabolism. your always hungry.
i love sugar, especialy reeses cups.
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
hey, just got new poster but that has nothing to do with my post
i just got AOL talky thingy... so plz talk to me... my screen name is cashdogg2857. but you can find that in my profile anytime you want, if you recently pm me, i didn't get it. my "board thingy was full, i half emptied it so now i can talk two ways... also, my e-mail adress is up and only use it if your one of my "close" friends... as in, i must have at least pmed you 4 times for you to b aloud. my mom will kill me if she hasn't heard of you b4
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