Birthday 1990-12-11 Gender
Female Member Since 2005-02-25 Occupation Artist
Achievements I put up this site didn't I? Anime Fan Since 2 or 3 years...i dunno Favorite Anime Inu Yasha / DNAngel... lots (Miroku= BANKOTSU+DARK!) Goals score a boy friend. Talents I can draw and ... ... ... yah. thats about it. candygirl
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Yesterday Maggie and me WALKED to the mall. do you kno how far i am from the mall? No!
But it took us 2 hours to get there, imagine walking for 2 hours on the sidewalk of a major highway just to get to the mall. and what do you do at the mall?
Spend and walk!
wow, we had fun though. i went to Hot Topic(love it there!) and got this awesome pin that says:
its awesome becous its true. my mom is over protective, well
hey, not many ppl are coming to my site anymore!
i know thats not the first time i said that but i think that my Good Charlotte crazy phase scared many ppl away...
i'm srry to all the ppl that i sent a chain letter to and also i want to say i'm srry to all the ppl who came to my site and there computer almost broke cuz the pics...
i'm trying to lay off the pics...
i also want to say srry to chocolatesampler, my really good friend (bff) for yelling at her online awhile ago. i hope its not to late to say i'm srry. its a belated apology. srry.
and well, i'm just srry to anybody who might have a grudge against me for some odd reason, i don' think anybody else is mad at me right now... i hope not at least.
OW!!!! thats got to hurt... if it was real (it wasn't)
that really must hurt,
i've seen movies and things like that but, thank god, it hasn't happened to anyone i know.
has anyone out there had Lentil Soup before? My moms freind, Anne Wiley, brought some and says it tastes good but
if looks could kill, or tell you anything
srry for changing the subject, but
in my house its become so hard to tell that i have to ask my sisters (i'm the middle child and i HATE it) if they are being sarcastic or not,
thats horrible!!!!
i mean, when Maggie(older) says
"Thanx for cleaning the SINK *****(my name, most of you kno it by now)"
i can't tell if she means, Thanx! or COME CLEAN THE SINK!!!
changing subject(click)[remote].
in my house there is...6 computers and a laptop. the computers are all huge and bulky so it takes up so much room.
i have a comp, Maggie has a comp, Tori(younger) has one, my mom has 3 and the laptop belongs to Rich.
Rich is Tori's dad. he's NOT my stepfather so DON'T CALL HIM THAT!
i hate him and hes not related to me in any way. My bilogical father left me before i was born, i've only seen pics. i share that with Benji, but at least he was with his Dad for 16 years,
its probably better my way, not really knowing what your missing until you see some little girl having fun with ther dad or a kid playing catch.
i missed that.
wow, i just put my darkest secrets online for the world to see. at least nobody knows me, and those who do i can trust... right?
this site is my diary, and the more i right, the more you'll kno me, kinda...
This should put me in a better mood...
Mean Sam: The world should be perfect!
Lil Jimmy: you eally think so?
Mean Sam: course not!
gives Lil Jimmy a wedgy
Lil Jimmy: darnit! Comments (0) |
Monday, June 27, 2005
Hey, ppl! i've decided to change my... background. The car on the bg will be almost the exact car that i want when i'm older, the only differance is my corvette will be navy blue with racing dolphin decals on the sides.
i'm going all out awesome.
oh yah!
the hub caps will have spining rims and black and blue dice will hang from the rearview mirror. Comments (2) |
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Hey ppl, i'm srry about all the pics, they are freezing a lot of ppls computers so i'm noit going to put so many next time.
Just found this and some rare pics, thank you GCR.
for those who wonder, thats the mtv lady, its ok
Benji welcomes the mtv lady
havn't seen this hair style before[1].jpg
just testing these moving photos
Sneaking Into A Concert
Benji: So you wanna go to a concert but it's sold out and its the last concert on the tour....then you just have to sneak in! Don't buy those overpriced scalper no no...I would say just try to think of the best way...depending on the size of the venue...uh..
Joel : The keys to sneaking in...sneaking into a show and getting ya know backstage or wherever you wanna be really but ...sneaking in is pretty easy.
Benji: Theres always the Kinko's fake laminant..
Joel: Basically.. A lot of security guards won't even look that close.
Benji: Now you guys go to Kinko's and cut it into about twooooooo and a half by 5, 4-5 inches...
Joel: Something like that...
Benji: And uh ya know the best way to go about this is making some with the band you're goin' to see, getting their logo, cut it out on a piece of paper and make about three or four of these and hang em from your belt
Joel: So it looks like you gotta bunch of em, like you're an old pro...
Benji: Old pro...I would say wear, wear all black, don't be too bright and colorful, don't wear the bands t-shirt and just walk by dont even say anything just say you're in the openin' band or something..
Joel: Yeah when you're, when you're entering the arena or wherever the band is playing just walk straight on by the security dont say anything and if they stop you just flash your laminate up and just keep walking
Benji: Like you're in a hurry...
Joel: Like you're in a you got somewhere to go..
Benji: Alright that should probably work if not...get back to us..
Interview with 'Bliss'
When Good Charlotte's Joel and Benji Madden were 16, their dad walked out leaving them so poor they were evicted from their home and their mom had to move into a neighbors shed. They've had friends commit suicide and suffered at the hands of bullies, they've been to the bottom and they write songs for people who may still be down there. And that's what makes Joel, Benji, Chris, Billy and Paul such inspirationl role models to their illions of fans. 'Bliss' met up with them to talk about what a lonely and angry place growing up can be...
What was the hardest thing about you school years?
Joel: "Everything about being a teenager sucks - you can't do what you want. High School, sucked I hated myself, I hated everyone else, too. I really believed that they can be the hardest years of your life."
Did you have a rebellious streak school?
Joel: "I got suspended for taking a gun into school. This kid was giving me shit and I wanted to shoot him so I bought a gun from another kid in my neighbourhood and got caught."
Whats your advice for people who are getting a hard time at school?
Joel: "Don't take a gun to school, it's dumb." [Er, huge understatement! - Ed]
Chris: "School's not real life, it's just a bunch of dumbass kids who don't take themselves too seriously."
Billy: "People who are popular at High School will never be as popular again after high school. If you're not popular, don't worry, your time will come."
One of your songs, 'Hold On', is about suicide- Did you have any personal experience of that?
Joel: "We wrote it for our fans because a lot of them have thoughts about suicide. I knew lots of teenagers who killed themselves. I still wear a necklace for a friend of mine who committed suicide."
Paul: "Our school was pretty messed up half of our class dropped out due to teen pregnancy. One girls baby died and she went to her daughters grave and killed herself. She left a note saying she'd committed suicide because she killed her baby. That was awful."
Billy: "A girl in my year, that I'd known since I was about eight, jumped off bridge when none of the boys would dance with her at a school party. That started off a whole chain of kids killing themselves in my year, it's so sad." [I hope 'Bliss' readers know better than to get so down about a bunch of lame lads - Ed]
Why does it happen?
Joel: "'Cause there's pressure about everything - where you live, other kids being mean, what you look like...there's loads of stuff. It all builds up and they feel like there's no other escape."
Billy: "And half the time, they have no one to turn to because parents aren't aware how depressed their kids are."
Joel: "And teachers don't care either. All they're interested in is making sure the kids don't act up in class. And if kids do, they're just sent straight to detention because teachers don't want to have to deal with anyones problems."
So what do you think the answer is then?
Benji: "Talking about the problem if you can."
Billy: "That's exactly why we made the 'Hold On' video, we thought some stupid parent might just catch it on MTV and think, 'I wonder if my kid is feeling like that?'"
Joel: "Or maybe we can all just start being nicer to each other and listen to each others problems. If you're a bully, stop bullying other kids. If you give your younger brother or sister a hard time, stop it!"
Any last words of advice on how to deal with the rubbish life throws at you??
Joel: "Just put your head down and drive through it-it's going to be OK at the other side."