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I put up this site didn't I?
Anime Fan Since
2 or 3 years...i dunno
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Inu Yasha / DNAngel... lots (Miroku= BANKOTSU+DARK!)
score a boy friend.
I can draw and ... ... ... yah. thats about it.
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
hey, ppl. my mom is setting up a chat and i hopr i might be able 2 talk 2u through it so we could keep in touch
it doesn't work yet but hopefully it will soon.
a speical hello to:
i hope to c u guys again... now that school is over, it will be hard to comunicate without myotaku
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
Song of the day
really, listen to it, its cool
but the world is black,
and hearts are cold,
there is no hope,
thats what were told
 Green is your Lightsaber's color.
Green is the color of nature. It symbolizes growth, harmony, and freshness. Green has strong emotional correspondence with safety. Green is also commonly associated with wealth and happiness, so someone with a green lightsaber like yourself is a fortunate soul.
What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have? brought to you by Quizilla
awesome! i wish i could know just a little more about star wars than characters and watching some of the movies, my mom never let me watch them till a couple months ago, over protective...(grumble and mumbling about over protective ppl)
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last day
ok, i cryed, i couldn't help it and i cant believe i'm leaving, its still almost like a fantasy the way the rest of my life is... i just can't believe it
when i started the day i wa fine but when the day "ended" i started tearing and really cryed as i hugged Mrs. DeCarlo (science). i stoped 4 a little untill i said good bye to Mrs Halberg(chorus/orchestra)i burst into tears, i mean i've had her classes 4 3 years and i was sad to leave.
i think i'm ok now... yah i am
hi mela!
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
omg,omg OMG!!!!
i got to hold Joels arm and Benji stared at me for 5 min!
(mayb it was becouse i was in a croud of jumping ppl and i didn't move...i was staring at him the whole time too)pics!!!!

Full name: Benjamin Levi Madden
Nickname: Kid Vicious,Benji,benj, benjAhole
D.O.B: March 11th, 1979
Age: 26, ok?
Hometown: Waldorf/Naptown
Pets: Cashdogg
Height: 5' 7
Eye Color: Brown
Status: Single
Present Hair Color: Black with a long fringe at the front
Clothing: Bondage pants/shorts, Grinders, Chuck Taylors, T-shirt, Eastcoast clothing, and of course, MADE
Gear: Soldano Hot Rod 100, Marshall Vintage Series Cabinet, 68' Telecaster, custom 22 prs.
Favorite Food: free food, pizza
Lucky Number: 9
Good Habit: Giving change to homeless people
Favorite Movie Line: "Have you seen my baseball" (Something About Mary)
Favorite Colors: black and baby blue
Favorite Movie: Another State of Mind, Sid and Nancy
Favorite TV Shows: The Simpsons, Saturday Night Live , 7th Heaven (jessica biel)
Favorite Cereals: Count Chocula or Boo Berry
Favorite Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Favorite Chick: Jessica Biel
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Favorite Restaurant: Acme Bar&Grille in Annapolis
Favorite Person In History: Martin Luther King Jr.
Favorite Super Hero: The Toxic Avenger
Other Things He Loves: 63' Chevy Impala, punk rock shows, punk rock girls, girls with tatoos and piercings, goth girls, old clothes, old junk stores, his bicycle,Cashdogg
Things He Doesn't Love: humidty, politicians, food poisoning, and anything else he might not like at that certain time
Musical Influences: Minor threat, Rancid, Government Issue, Greenday, The Clash, Ben Lee, The Sex Pistols, The Beastie Boys, Apoptygma Berzerk, MxPx, Oasis, Nirvana, Evan Dando, Dave Grohl, Everclear, Mc Hammer, Goldfinger
Favorite Part Of Being In GC: being able to hang out with my best friends and do what i love to do the most.
Hobbies: I like to hear new bands in spare time, people watch, get coffee and have good conversation, go to shows, play with cashdog.
Some Fic:
*When Benji was 10, he fell off of his bike and broke his head
*After Joel learned to ride his bike before Benji, Benji got angry at Joel and pushed him off his bicycle when he was going down a hill. Joel had to get 22 stitches.
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
[insert witty frase here]
yadah yadah
comment... i'm bored.
waiting 4 concert
graduation party tonight
must add post
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Friday, May 27, 2005
Hello! ppl out there! i just want to say hi and this kid is sitting next to me and was staring at me... he kreaps me out...
well to stuff that matters, hey! hows life? i don't know what to post and my background won't show up.
... the boyz next to me are having a fake fist fight wich is kinda cool cause there fake beating up the freaky guy
I love Ms. Feldmen, she lets us fool around in her class, as i right there is an electric guitar playing behind me with some people screaming along. Feldy is awesome
In my next class, after orchestra n chorus i'm watching national treasure
oh man, class is over... i'm off to be bored! BYE!!!!\
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Monday, May 23, 2005
Very little to say, so much time... wait.... reverse that.
Hey, i'm so srry 4 not getting to the site soon enough, i've missed so much! Also i'd like to say, i have a friend named Coach Davis, he is super sweet!!!!
Anyone who has signed my gb lately, plz hold on, i'm getting to you, i'll sign ur gb and add u as a friend.
Plz visit my new friend that i helped sign in just a week ago... his name is Atomsk13 and plz help him out
phew... that was fast Hey! everyone! i'm writing a manga of my own so if you ever find a manga called Life as we know it
i wrote it! its so good so far
i'm so proud!
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
I'm a veggietarian but the tune is kinda catchy!
My bologna has a first name,
its O-S-C-A-R,
my bologna has a second name,
its M-E-Y-E-R,
I'd love to eat it every day
and if you ask me y i'll say
Cause oscar meyer has a with
send me some of your fav. commercial tunes ont the comments
speaking of commercials, has anyone seen th Donkey Konga one with Good Charlotte? its awesome!
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I'm feeling better!
This is a pic to tell everyone Thank You for lending me a helping hand, i'm starting to realize that my life is only begining and that if any of you need my help, just ask and i'll be there!

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More about Joe
srry about writing so much about him but i'm heart broken...
some ppl think i can just go and talk to him but as i said, he left for Ohio yesterday and my chance was taken by my evil mom,
Also if i had the chance to tell him how i felt do you think i wouldn't? i like him so much but so does half the girls in my school so he's always surrounded by girls that i feel scared to talk to him in front of them,
did that make sence? Pleez help me and give me any healing info that might help me, remember, i only have his home phone# and i only have it becouse he used my cell phone several times, i don't even know if he likes me.
my first two posts were about him and i'm obsesed with him. iknow were he lives, his fav store, his # and were most of his classes are, chocolatesampler thinks i'm a stalker...
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