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I put up this site didn't I?
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2 or 3 years...i dunno
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Inu Yasha / DNAngel... lots (Miroku= BANKOTSU+DARK!)
score a boy friend.
I can draw and ... ... ... yah. thats about it.
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
 You like the prince charming type.
What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
He is so cute!!!!!
What DNAngel Guy Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Another...sooooo cute

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just saving this here for now, gotta fly (really)

this might be my new background
please comment
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Monday, April 25, 2005
Please comment
Green Day, Good Charlotte or Evanecance?
Please Comment
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
Hey... its Billy!...i have a GC song stck in my head and i can't get it out!!!! its a cool song and i'll write out some of it in a sec.
 You're Punk! Congrats, you are a TRUE punk, like someone that I would hang out with. You understand that being a punk means simply being yourself. Go you.
What is your stereotype? brought to you by Quizilla
WaldorfWorldwide(the little things CD)
Everythings gonna be alright now
Everythings gonna be alright
Get down stay up all night now,
lets do this one more time
Everything'll be alright, alright?
Bring it in, What?
Bring in the verse
Listen up cuz there ain't nothin' funny
i wanna hot girl and a little bit a money
i want a little house were my band can live
cuz were tired of movin' every other weekend
i wanna go to parties wree they got no guns
i wanna rock with my band
i wanna have a little fun with thugs and Punks
and any other type
and we'll sing this song and up sing it all night
Everythings gonna be alright now
Everythings gonna be alright
Get down stay up all night now,
lets do this one more time
Everything'll be alright, alright?
All i wanna do is kick the welfare
all i wanna do is get my share
All i wanna do is kick the welfare
all i wanna do is get my share
And i don't wanna run for the President ...
the rest of the song later
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
 You are the Angel of Truth
You hate the world around you because you find that everthing is so fake. you need to handle on something real, but you can find some, and it disgust you. you're a very kind person, you'Re always showing who you are, not trying to fit in othere's skin but only in yours, and you try to enjoy life like this even if you want to change many things that annoy you.
.::What Dark Angel are you?::. [amazing anime pic!] brought to you by Quizilla
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Oh, no, the underworld? (i knew it) i've heard of that place, its spposed to have horrible things down there, like dead people and.... (dare i say it?) politicians!!!!
Don't send me there please!!!!
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
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 The Goddess of Roses and Love. You are a hopeless romantic. Always optimistic and loving, you have many friends and you are exceptionally trustworthy. You are a innocent beauty.
Which gorgeous goddess are you? For girls! (breath taking pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
 Ok you are a romantic anime girl and you love and care for a lot of people.There is no evil in you soul or your heart.Though sometimes people don't feelt he same way as you do you keep on trying to change their mind.You love to help people out and you are always happy.Keep on trying to make the whole world smile because you know smiles are contagious ^_^.Oh and if it seems like there is nobody who could love you as much as you could love them it doesn't matter the thing is that the only thing that matters is that he cares and loves you and it doesn't matter how much well maybe it does but don't set you standards to high cuz then you'll find nobody
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only) brought to you by Quizilla
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