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Thursday, January 11, 2007
Quote of the Day:
"Your enemy stabs you in the front...
Your friend stabs you in the back...
Your boyfriend/girlfriend stabs you in the heart...
But me, your closest friend, carries a knife...
To stab those beezy's right back..."

Mood:Awake but falling tired
I haven't been on here in awhile, just have been really busy with schoola and all, ya we went back on Monday. Since I'm in 8th grade were getting ready for grad. so we have pictures nxt week and my mom keeps asking me how i'm going to do my hair and i have no idea...so if you do please say. Yeah I have just past my shoulder's curly but not a poof curly dark brown/black hair.
I had a soccer tournment over the weekend and my team placed 4th lost the game in double over time and we had to go into PK. I had to retake my shot b/c the ref. didn't tell me i had to wait till he blew the whistle, and I wasn't paying attention to the kicks before me. The second kick I took the keeper bearly got the ball and it hit the post and almost went in and I was mad for a couple of seconds then I just wipped it off. During the game too I play sweeper which is the last defender and I was going to head the ball and at the last minute I yelled out "I CAN'T SEE!!!" then the ball comes and hits me in the face, and I fall laughing my head off and it is in our 18 yrd. box and everybody else on my team is trying to clear the ball out but laughing to=] Oh...I also saved a goal b/c the girl #6 lil brat tried to pants my friend during the game! She also grabbed on to me and I told her to get off, b/c she was a dirty player and very bossy...But besides that point she stepped on our goalie's hands, Kelsee and I yelled to her "Kelsee get up" she was running back but the girl already kicked it and I ran in front of the goal and headed it out, but they got a corner off of it.
Over my break I drew a pic, but since I don't have a scanner I took a pic. of it and put it on my computer, maybe I'll give ya guyz the link, but personaly I'm a lazy butt, so I might not get around to it xD
I should head off to bed since it's 11:29 PM for me...
1.What is your favorite subject(s) in school?
2.What is one or more of your pet peeves?
3.What is your least favorite color?
4.Have you found anything that you lost for a long time lately?
My Answers:
1.PE, English, Math, History
2.I have a lot...during soccer people's shin gaurd showing b/c their sock isn't pulled up, people signing off and not saying goodbye or anything on messenger. Also people who are ingoring you and don't listen when you tell them something.
3.Pink, lighter shades are ok and pretty, but ew.
4.Yesh! My TAKING BACK SUNDAY CD!!! I was proud of myself when I found it...i'm weird x]
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Friday, December 29, 2006

Quote of the Day:
"Hate cannot drive ot hate: only love can do that"~Martin Luther King Jr.
Mood: Nothing
How is everybody doing? I haven't been here in awhile...I just finished watching Spirited Away and it was the first time my mom and sister watched the movie. I love that movie but they tend to play it on Cartoon Network to much...
How was everybody's Christmas? Mine was fine had dinner at my house and everybody didn't leave until 11. I got a ton of clothes through...
Saw the movie the Persuit of Happiness the one with Will Smith in it, I thought it was going to be better then what I expected. I thought it was slow moving, but it was still a good movie.
1.Are you ready for the new year?
2.What mood are you in right now?
3.What was your first anime?
My Answers
1.Yes...I finally get to graduate^^
2.Awake and not tired yt it's 1:03 AM for me...
3.Sailor Moon or Pokemon...Think Sailor Moon through
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Sunday, December 17, 2006
Quote of the day:
There's only one gurl I've ever loved, love and will love, and thats you.~Hayden
My Response to the quote:
Screw you! Go tell somebody else that you mean it to! You didn't really mean those words, if you did then you would have waited like you said you would, instead you left me...
Mood: Hungry
It has been drawn to my attention by Demon Dragon that Christmas is only 8 DAYS AWAY!!! I haven't gone shopping yet and gotton my Christmas tree up>.< The only thing I really gotten started on is that today my dad put up the Christmas lights...now he just has to clean up everything in the family room. Since he decided to take on the task of redoing our celing in the family room it is covered in plastic with white stuff over it. Peachy isn't it?
For my English project it is due Tuesday so I really need to finish it up today/tomorrow but I can't print anything since my ink is all out and running low-.-'' I have a basketball game tomorrow so I should be in bed sleeping and getting my rest but instead I'm up thing about how I screwed everything up, and have to hide behind a mask>.>
Great how life treats you sometimes.
I'm off now but I'm thinking of changing my theme even through I just changed it...
1.Do you play any sports? If so what?
2.What's your favorite shoe brand?
3.Are you a early bird or late owl?
My Answers
1.Yes. Soccer, Basketball, Track and Cross Country
2.Airwalks and Adidas
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Thursday, December 14, 2006
Quote: Spitting in the face of fools as a source of nutrition
The quote is from my friend, it's one of his favorites so I said I would add it up.
So yesterday's post I didn't get to finsh but nothing after really happened. I'm up right now doing part of a "Love" Project we have to do for English and I have chosen to do my father. So I have to interview 3 people one who is older, younger and around the same age. I didn't get all my information until this morning becasue the people who I was interviewing computers weren't working>.<
So I'm typing up the paper right now. School--Today we have a Victorian Tea, it's a tridition at our school so it should be fun and it's also telling me that I' almost out on break!!
1.Are you out on break yet?
2.Is it raining were you live a ton?
3.Say something random please?
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006
So today at school we had a Shakespeare play come to our school and do one of his plays. I forgot what it is called but I do remember that it was a comedy...It was confusing because I couldn't quite make out the words of what they were saying because they spoke fast and it's not my language since the English language has changed over the many decades.
It felt like a half day today, even through it wasn't...
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Saturday, December 2, 2006
Jessica: Did you dance with anyone?
Me: Ya Tre'Shawn and Adam
Jessica: Ha you danced with those fools.
Mood: Cold
I am freezing cold right now and I'm still in my PJ's because it's 11:03 on a Saturday. So I'm wearing two PJ pants a tank top with a American Eagle shirt over and then a long sleeve shirt over that. Then I have a scarf over my ears and neck but my hands are freezing cold.
I had a dance yesterday and it was ok, the beginning was boring but then I guess it picked up. I was hanging with people from my class then went over to the class that I went to outdoor school with. So then a slow song came and one of my friends asked me to dance so I said sure, then after that another one of my friends asked me to dance so I said sure. When I was dancing I was wearing my watch and the part that goes over the watch and sucures the wrist bands came off, so I was looking for it then I finally found it, which I was happy for. After the dance I went to Starbucks with my friends and I was freezing cold yet I still got a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino and was freezing cold. It still was good through.
Well I'll try to get around to other people's sights since I havne't been on lately.
1.Are you cold?
2.Do you have any up coming dances or had any dances?
3.Are you having a bad hair day?
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Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Quote of the Day:
"I wish my lawn were emo...then it could cut itself."
I ate to fast X_X ...lluck me.
I had to do a religion project today so 2 guyz came over and my friend came over. The guyz were acting like 5 yr. olds throwing stuff at each other and messin up my room. So I brought one down and the other just stopped. We finished our project as a whole we just each have to type up a paper, which sucks. Sorry I haven't been on, I was to lazy to post, and I have been buzy.
1.What are you doing for Thanksgiving?
2.Did you have the whole week off or day, and if so which days?
3.Are you bored?
My answers:
1.Going to my uncle's house
2.Yes, had to go to school Monday and Tuesday
3.Holy molie yes.
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Tuesday, November 14, 2006
"Love starts with a hug, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear"
I really like that quote, my friend told me and it is some what true.
I had to go to the doctors today and I had 2 shots. Painful in my shoulder muscle area. I have to go back in January to get the second part of the shot-.- The lady who did the shots was grrr. NO words to describe it. She said ok I'm going to pinch you hard and when shd did it wasn't a pinch and I felt the needle go through and everything. On the other hand my sister was excited to get her shots.
I missed Spanish class which was fine I don't like it anyway so I didn't have a problem missing Spanish. I have a Scince project due on Wednesday which is also one of my bestest friendzz birthday WEEE!!
I am almost finished my book Bleed which is good but really graphic in some parts the author also wrote Blue Is for Nightmare series. Which I just loved♥ and Bleed is good some what confusing to me but I wouldn't happen to be surprised that something is confusing to me.
I think I might add some stuff up to my post other then talk about my life, I might bring the questions back and do some quotes I have.
I had a cross country on Saturday and I guess I did pretty good seeing I didn't go to any practice because of soccer and I only had 2 practice to prepare for this meet. I was compeating towards the end with this girl she passed me I passed her and it kept going back and forth. Towards the end she started to speed up so I made my strides longer since I have huge strides and then I had this kick at the end and she heard me and started her kick but I beat her barely. I can't remember what my time was but I don't really care. The balls of my feet were hurting and I just felt like I wanted to stop and just end the race at some random point, or cut off that part of my foot. I had some pretty crazy thoughts going through my head at the time. Also there were puttles because it rained and I was so hot, I wanted to do a slide tackle into the puddle and get all wet so it would cool me down, the clostest I got was running through the puddle while the other girls avoided them.
1. Are you happy that Thanksgiving is coming up and you have a break from school?
2.What book(s) are you currently reading? if any.
3.Is it raining where you live right now?
My Answers:
1.Totally, I need a break from school.
2.Bleed and Kira-Kira(for school)
3.Yup, it's all nice and wet=]
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Sunday, November 12, 2006
I have a huge headache right now.
I went to the bookstore yesterday and got 6 books, I finished one at 2:00 AM and I woke up around 11:30 and I have to go to a cross country meat tomorrow, early in the morning.
I had fun with my friend yesterday dancing to Fergalicious and acting like a bunch of idiots^.^
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
Wow I haven't been on here in a super long time. Well nothing really is new my soccer team got 3rd in league*cheers* Right now I'm eating breakfast and getting ready for school becasue it is 6:48 AM.
I'll try to get to your sights either before or after school^.^
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