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Saturday, October 21, 2006
Post 2:
So I had a soccer game we won 4-3 and it sucked because our team was up 2-0 in first half and then we scored in the second half and so we were up 3-0. The other team scored 2 goals then we scored one and then the scored another goal to finish off the game. Well our team is tied for third place which is what we wanted to do, there is no chance for us to move up, we just have to win our next game and keep third place.
I ended up not going to the swim party or the boys basketball game because I have to clean up the house for my sis' party and I have done more cleaning then she has and it's not even my party!!
(Post 1 under this)
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Hola people not much to say, I had to clean the house on a Friday night, which really sucks.
I have the "Boom Chick A Boom" song stuck in my head, just a song I sang in summer camp when i was really little.
Have my sister's party, soccer game, soccer swim party, and possible a boy's basketball game to go to tomorrow so I have to decide between the swimming and the boys basketball game, b/c my mom won't let me do both.
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Mood: Tired
Current Song:Studying Politics
Wow I haven't posted in awhile...
I have to do a 7 article newspaper on myself for English and it's due Thursday and I haven't started typing up anything because my sister has to do the samething except her's is only 3 articles. She was also hogging up the computer-.-
I had cross country today and I just really realized how out of shape I am in running long distance. Since I play soccer and last defender I sprint across the field a lot but never do a continous run so my legs didn't feel so great and I felt like I was going to barf.
I saw one of my past crushes Taymoor, I gave up on him because I didn't see him and I can't really have a crush on a guy I don't see. He's still short about my height and he's a 10th grader, kinda sad...but who cares he still is cute=] lol.
Today at school a couple of the boys in my class asked me if I would go to a "Emo Concert" with them, which would go through the whole weekend starting Friday. I said no because I have soccer and he kept saying all of these emo bands that were going to be there. He said he wanted me to go with him because I'm emo and they wanted me to tell them how to dress and everything. They were just making the whole thing up acting like a bunch of idiots and got themselves in trouble during math. Gosh.
Oh! Today on the news it said: "The population of the United States is...300,000,000!!" they also said, "Every 7 seconds a baby is born, Every 13 seconds somebody dies, and Every 23 seconds an immgrant comes" How do you guys feel about that who live in the US? or if you don't how do u feel about it?
Lyrics to Current Song:
Studying Politics--Emery:
It’s like a pencil with erasers at both ends
I want it all but we’re dealing in percents
And these activities that you have engaged in
This is the politics of seeing you dance with him
We began with concluding remarks
Pick up the pieces and examine the parts
Your words always cut when they're cliché
But here’s my knife because I came for the buffet
This is the way it goes
With you a part of it
Nervously saying words
That oh-so-tightly fit
A mark beneath the chin (Uh Uh)
I’ve caught you once again
It’s in the way you sell every word and phrase
And leaving me to know how much the meaning weighs
Saying that but meaning this (Uh Uh)
Using hands for emphasis
(Oh Ho) [x7]
[Verse 2]
You’d like to think that you’re the best part of me
But I confess there is nothing left of you here (nothing left of you here)
These parallels and silly games
Hide your face and say the name
Say the name (say the name)
This is the way it goes
With you a part of it
Nervously saying words
That oh-so-tightly fit
A mark beneath the chin (Uh Uh)
And I’ve caught you once again
It’s in the way you sell every word and phrase
And leaving me to know how much the meaning weighs
Saying that but meaning this (Uh Uh)
Your tears for emphasis
There’s that smile again (there’s that smile again)
You fake it and I follow you right in
What a fool I've been
To fall for it each time
This is the way it goes
With you a part of it
Nervously saying words
That oh-so-tightly fit
It’s in the way you sell every word and phrase
And leaving me to know how much the meaning weighs
This is the way it goes
With you a part of it
Nervously saying words
That oh-so-tightly fit
It’s in the way you sell every word and phrase
And leaving me to know how much the meaning weighs
(Oh Ho) [x5]
That dress and those eyes are telling white white lies
White white lies
That dress and those eyes are telling white white lies
White white lies
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Current Song: Hate
By: Plain White T's
Mood: Tired
I had no school on Monday and so I sat home watching Bleach and doing some house chores that I didn't do over the weekend.
I went to the basketball game on Sunday not Friday b/c the time got switiched and it was too late when I got the message to come. The good thing is the boys won on Sunday but lost on Friday, really really badly. All my friends went and we have two team, A and B they watched both teams play and said the B team had to take off their shirts so the could switch them and one guy shouldn't have done it in public. My friends said "Oh it burns!" harsh I know but everybody or aleast everybody had abs!!
I'm Posting Lyrics to the Current Song, I like it but it's stuck in my head XD
Hate (I Really Don't Like You)
by Plain White T's
album: Every Second Counts (2006)
love love love love love love
you were everything i wanted
you were everything a girl could be
then you left me broken hearted
now you dont mean a thing to me
all i wanted was your love love love love love love
hate is a strong word but i really really really dont like you
now thats its over i dont even know what i liked about you
brought you around and you just brought me down
hate is a strong word but i really really really dont like you
i really dont like you
thought that everything was perfect
isnt that how its suppose to be
thought you thought i was worth it
now i think a little differently
all i wanted was your love love love love love love
hate is a strong word but i really really really dont like you
(i really dont like you)
now thats its over i dont even know what i liked about you
(liked about you)
brought you around and you just brought me down
hate is a strong word but i really really really dont like you
now that its over you cant hurt me
now that its over you cant bring me down
oh x 12
all i wanted was your love love love love love
hate is a strong word but i really really really dont like you
(i really dont like you)
now thats its over i dont even know what i liked about you
(liked about you)
brought you around and you just brought me down (hate)
hate is a strong word but i really really really dont like you
oh x 24
i really dont like you x 3
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Sunday, October 8, 2006

I'm just posting up pictures that I think are funny, This one is Naruto but there all dressed up like character in Bleach. Funny stuff.
Well I couldn't go the basketball game Friday because the time got switched and my mom said I couldn't go to the later game which was the B team playing. I already cancled my plans and my mom said it would be rude to ask because there would be no time to get me there, so I stayed home bored. I went to there game today and they won!! Our team just sucks but we made a comeback at the second half^.^ Won the game 37-34!!!!!
When I got home I started watching the Radiers play the 49ers and I was so happy the Radiers were up then they were losing. The Radiers and 49ers are rivals were I live if you didn't already know, I was mad because they lost but grrr, no comments.
I have to go now, I'll try to get to people's sight soon^^
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Friday, October 6, 2006
Mood: Just Peachy
I'm sight is undergoing some changes thanks to Inu! So if somethings aren't working then you know why. Also I have a button up also thanks to Inu.
I have soccer today and then I'm going to the boys basketball game. I'll post more to tell you how they did, I think or aleast the boys say they are going to lose really badly but we'll see.
I have a 3 day weekend this week and I'm excited about that Halloween is coming up soon do u guys know what your going to be?
Have to go to soccer c ya guyz/girlz l8er
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Thursday, October 5, 2006
Mood:Cold but now getting warmer=]
Wow today was the first day it rained...Lucky me I had soccer and I had to practice in the rain and do a ton of sprints and running, but the running part didn't bother me much. I just don't like running in the rain because you fall all the time or aleast I do. I saw my friends previous crushes or aleast she still likes one or both of them. I told her and she said did you say hi or anything and I said no, I don't talk to them. Then she said good or else I would have to slap you the next time I see you. It wouldn't make that much of a difference because my friends hit me I hit them back then they get all scared of me or aleast some do and try and run away but I usually catch up with them. Just our way of having fun.
For the English test she forgot to print out a page or aleast it didn't print out and we have to take the second part tomorrrow, a second day to study^^I had a conference today at school and at my school they are not bad everybody in the class has them. I guess I was a little nervous but then I wasn't. My sister was playing two touch with my friend and this boy in the 5th grade and my friend kicked the soccer ball on the roof and it didn't come down.
I have been a total loser with now life lately becasue I have been reading non stop I finished my 563 page book today in 3 days. The book is called "New Moons" and it is the second book for "Twilight" the author is Stephenie Meyer. I recommend the book it has vampires in it but just look up at a book review because I can't remember the sight for her books I'll put it up later, till then good night (11:11 PM)
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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Mood:Bored and talking to my friend on the fone...
I havne't been on here for a while been caught up with school and soccer and all that good stuff. I just remembered today I was thinking about Jacob and it would only be 8-9 months depending when he came down if he came. That's one hell of a long time, I wonder if he would have gotten any more taller becasue I don't think I have.
I have a English "quiz" tomorrow. Our teacher doesn't have any test on long quizes. I asked her about it and the way she told me I knew I needed my English book because before I was just going off of my notes and review paper.
I haven't had anytime to type my story I'll find time but sorry I haven't been to people's sights my computer was down for awhile.
I got to go to my dance and half the people that knew me didn't even recongize me they were like "Wow I didn't recongize you, you look so different I love your hair" My hair was down in it's many curlz and I put a ton of hair spray in my hair so it wouldn't go poofy and I never use hair spray. Ok word of advice when I friend tells you not to wear heals to a school dance not home coming or prom or anything like that. Take there advise because my feet rubbed against my shoes and I have to cuts on my feet. It hurt so much to stand but somehow I survived.
My friend Dominic is 5' 1 and a half" and he went up to a guy during a slow dance and asked if he wanted to dance acting all gay and everything. The guy asked him how long he was grownin his hair out for b/c it's long and curly. He was a total idiot and acts all valley girl and says "Foveva,honey" then the guy says not it's ok maybe next time. He also asked my friend to dance during a slow song and she avoided the question and walked with her other friend that started talking with her. I feel bad for him sometimes but it is really weird, he already has a girl friend but he looked as if he was hitting on all of these other girls. My class is so boring we don't like to dance and just stand around near the bathrooms talking and doing nothing. Grrr. It is so annoying so I went with the school the girls in our class absoulte hate and started dancing with them. There class isn't that bad b/c aleast the want to dance. I also saw my long lost friends and was so happy to see them♥
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
I'm sorry I haven't been on I was busy this weekend because our school had a festivel and I had a soccer tourn.
Since I go to a private schoool we get to decide when we want to take our week long test and were in the middle of them right now. It's not hard and the good thing is that we barly have any homework and when we do it's always due two or three days later. I'm currently reading the book "Cut" by Patricia McCormick. It's pretty good short but good. Some what grapic too. I even made a depressing book mark to go along with the book I was going to post it up but when I went to go take the picture you couldn't see it. It was too light and I wasn't sure if I wanted to go over it in black but I decided not to. I was going to put some funny and coolio icons but I just forgot the link to the sight so I will do that later.
I have a dance this week and I'm going! Heck yes! I couldn't go to the first one but I wasn't to down about that but if I couldn't go to this one I would be pretty down about that. The only thing is I don't know what to wear=/ I might go with my friend shopping before the dance and that is saying a lot that I want to go shopping becasue I hate shopping for clothes. I only like shopping for books, and shoes. What do you guys like shopping for?
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
Mood:Wide awake.
Ok So I finished typing Chapter 1 of my story. I'll post it as soon as I can. I had soccer today and our soccer trainer Mark was talking to Celeste's mom for like a really long time. I think her mom pulled Mark to the side and started talking to him, and they were talking for a really long time.
I had no school today and I'm happy for that. It was a teacher staff day and ya...
Ok well I said I wouldn't post the story till later but here is is so far starting from the beginning.
Chapter 1:
“Katie! I haven’t seen you in ages! How are you?” I said. It is the first day of school, everybody has changed so much yet we all seem the same. “I’m good but I think Nick A. like you!!!” “No he doesn’t!” I snap back, “He likes Kelsey, Chelsea, Christina Olivia or somebody like that…” “No he so likes—”says Katie. “Who likes who?” says Shannon cutting of Katie. “Shannon OMG I love your hair, and no braces!” Hugs Shannon, damn she looks so good while I just look like – “Well I still think Berto likes Chantel” says Shannon cutting off my thoughts. “No he doesn’t, he is just ew.” “No he so like you, looks he staring at you right now.” Believe it or not he is, I look back at his brown eye gaze with my dark brown eyes. I drop it, he just so…It would be weird to date him. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he asked you to dance at the school dance.” Shannon said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if Nick A asked her out on a date.” Katie says. I hit Katie as hard as I could. “That would just be so weird, I have known the guy for what 9 years?!” The bell rang so we have to line up for assembly.
“Welcome back Assumption School” Student Council said in unison. “Welcome back Student Council”, my friends and the whole school yell. “Marissa will lead us in prayer.” Same thing everyday for the past 8 or 9 years I’ve been here. “Chantel your hair is so good and pretty.” Kelsey said. “Your hair looks good straight but now since it is not curly I can’t make your hair bounce.” “Hehe ya but since I got my hair cut my curly hair is really short.” “Whatever man” Kelsey said.
First day of school assembles are so boring, I never really pay attention and plus I’m just so happy that I get to see all of my friends. I look around seeing how some people got taller some same height and some well I won’t go there.
“8th Grade you may be dismissed.” Student Council member Melissa Wong says.
I turn around and see a hot guy in the boy’s line. I had to take a second glance to see if this guy was new in our class, or just here. It seems I am the only girl to have noticed yet.
“Shannon, Katie”, I yell to them, I forward them in my direction. “What do you want?” Katie remarks at me. “Did we get a new guy in our class?” I say looking around to se if I can find him but, I can’t. “No or at least I don’t think so why?” “I thought I wsaw a new boy or some boy standing in the boys line.” “Chantel must be going crazy!” Shannon said. “I mean we don’t get new people because for one, we have a full class and two it’s 8th grade and who would want to leave their school the last year?” “Good point” Katie says. “Mhm true, true” I say.
We get our backpacks and any other additional things we have for the fist day of school and head inside.
Chapter 2:
“Guys please be clam and find your sets.” Mrs. Walker our 8th grade teacher tells us.
I find my seat front row second row from the door, first set. I also realized I sit right next to Shannon.
“O, cool we set right next to each other.” Shannon said. “Yah, but were does Katie sit?” We looked around the room and finally found her. “Haha, she sits all the way over there and look who she sits by.” I tell Shannon. “Ya I feel sorry for her.”
“Please Sit down and don’t touch anything on your desk.” Mrs. Walker told us.
I'll post some more later.
~Ü candyland~
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