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Saturday, August 5, 2006
This is to do with yesterday's post and today...
Yesterday was my birthday and I saw the Ballad of Ricky Booby at midnight at my friends party because we have the same bday so ya...(i'm the older one bye like 50 mins.)We went swimming yesterday too it was fun i did a cartwheel off the diving board and the life guard told me I couldn't do it anymore-.-
Today I had soccer and I have it tomorrow because we're in a tournement. We won one game 5 or 6 to 0 and tied our second game 1-1. I'm really tired too I fell asleep while I was waiting for our second game and on the way home^^So not much else to say but I'm starting school soon which sucks! but the good thing is, is that's it's my last year there...
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Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Wow I haven't been on in awhile well I probably won't be on for a long time because my cousins are down and I'm getting ready to go back to school. Wow summer has gone by pretty fast...
Today I went shopping with my cousins and I got 3 shirts but I'm still looking for some shoes to get-.-. I also went to the bookstore and got the 2nd Eureka 7 book which is confusing because i don't know y just is...I was also looking for 2 other bookes but one wasn't in the the other ran out of stock so suks for me...
So for my brithday party I got $80,Now 22 cd and some other stuff...I'm really happy right now because my birthday is in 3!! DAYS!!
I have to go because I'm at the library right now and I don't have much time left, I'll try to get to your guys sights.
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
Mood:tired -.-
Right now I feel so tired...and it's only 11:25 pm and I'm talking to my friend on the phone right now because I'm so bored...
So today is my birthday party and I'm so excited^^ I'll give ya guys all a piece of cake don't worry. *Hands out cake to everybody*
Yesterday was my last day as soccer camp and it was fine we did pk's and played World Cup if any of u guys know wat that is...
"If your happy and you know it clap you hands *claps hands* If your happy and you know it clap your hands *claps hands* If your happy and you know it and your face will surly show it clap your hands *claps hands*"
Ok that was completly random...i'll just go now-.-
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Thursday, July 27, 2006
I'm sorry everybody I didn't get a chance to comment at your busy.
As you can see I changed my theme to Eureka 7 but I have a question: Can you see my background? For some reason I can't see my BG all I see is a sky blue color so I was asking you guys if you can see it...ok Ya you get the point...
I had soccer camp today and I was happy because it wasn't as hot as it has been this past week it is starting to cool down. I'm so happy because for my Birthday Party I'm gonnna see "John Tucker Must Die"!! I'm so excited! *dances around* Well I hope everything is going all well with you guys^^
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
For once I feel ALIVE!! werid but it's a good feeling I'm not feeling hot or tired or have a lot on my mind right now. That's always a perferct feeling. Well I watched the Eureka 7 eposide today. It was good confusing but very good^^ If you guys saw it wasn't it werid how Eureka hated Renton and what happened to Renton's uncle? Well I might post again tomorrow but who knows. Right now it's 11:09pm for me and I have nothing else to do so I am posting for once.
I watched the disney movie "Read It and Weep" with my friend and it was pretty good. I saw cute guys in the movie which I really liked. I also say "She's the Man" that was a good movie. I was going to watch "Underworld Evalution" but I did't have any time T_T
~candyland  ~
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Monday, July 24, 2006
Today I had soccer camp and it wasn't as hot as it was over the weekend which was good^^ well I watched Spirited Away on Cartoon Network today...Not much to say so I'm going to go watch the tapes that I didn't watch yt. omg i almost forgot MY BDAY PARTY IS ON SAT. AND MY COUSINS ARE COMING ON SUN.AND MY BDAY IS FRI OF THE FRIST WEEK OF AUG.if that makes sense and you guys care...
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Saturday, July 22, 2006
(the pic doesn't match my mood at all...
Mood:HOT i'm hella gonna die!
Wow I haven't posted in about a week but that's ok...On the upside I did visit people's sights over time.
I'm dieing right now because it is so hot!! It is never this hot where I live it is always cooler. I went shopping yesterday which was a surprise because I hate shopping but I go a cute skirt(i never wear skirts that are higher than my knees) and some shirts...I like them ok enough of that.
How's the weather for all of you guys??
I'm excited for two things one my cousins are coming down soon like really soon more like nxt. week. That would mean that I wouldn't be on the Otaku that much so I'll miss you all but I'll try to get on.
One question:
What do you prefer: cold or hot(like it is now)?
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Friday, July 14, 2006

He's so CUTE!! Thats Jared Padalecki^^ he was in Gilmore Girls and was Dean, House of Wax and was Wade, he is also in Supernatural and is Sam^^
Mood:tired(aren't I always?!?)
*I have deleted people off of my list you can go ahead and check if you are still there*
Well I have an excuse to be tired its 12:18 am and i'm so stupid...It was about 95 degrees yesterday and I had soccer and it was hot and the fields were crap.
Yesterday I had a party and it was my sister's friends party and I was invited because i'm friend's with her sister. We had water ballon fight and my friend hit the only water ballon i had out of my hand and it popped!! Upsetting I know lol. Well not much to say I think I'll get some ZZzZzZzZzZz's now.
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Wow I haven't posted in some time but I did visit some people's sight...I think I am going to to the same this as J Briones on how she is starting to delete people of of her frends list. I'm sorry but I don't want to have this long thing and then not get to people's sight.
I had a track meet over the weekend and I made it to Junior Olympics in the Javelin throw^^ I asked my mom if I could go but she said probably not because of getting a hotel, ride adn all that stuff and also my cousins are coming down the week after. So it sucks for me...
I also had soccer and our team was spilt up since it was 6 vs. 6. My team won 2 games and lost 2 games and the other team won 1 game and lost 3 games. I was happy because I scored a goal and it was beautiful top left corner *has a flash back* ok sry.
I'm not going to do questions anymore.
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Thursday, July 6, 2006

On the 4th of July I went to bed at 1:00 because I was watching Inuyahsa^^ I didn't know that the girl that Inuyahsa loved forgot her name was still alive I thought she died!?!?! Well I guess this should make the show more intresting in a strange way...
I just had track and soccer today nothing intresting really happened and I don't think anything really would happen. Wait Wait i forgot I was talking to my friend on the fone and she wanted me to call the guy I went to the fair with and say "I love you" but never did^^
1.Do you ever want to try to free fall?
2.What are your nicknames?
3.What's your middle name?
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