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Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Well today I had to get up at 9 that's early for me becasue its the summer. i'm kinda sad jacob left to go back home...but i think i can deal.
My mom did let me go to the fair wit my friend and he is such an idiot but nice. I got a headache after riding 2 rides and his stomach felt like crap after 2 rides too so we sat in the sun just waiting and waiting. Then he went around doing the peace sign to people but he didn't mean peace...if ya know what i mean^^ and people didn't know what he was doing so it was pretty funny.
Did anybody see the world cup game today? That was a great game hopefully France will win tomorrow game...hehe i'm Portuguese but i'm going for France. So not much else other to say.
1.What are you doing for the 4th of July?
2.What's your favorite flower?
3.Whats your favorite quote?
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Saturday, July 1, 2006

Ok not much to say but I was having a really great day until I found out some info that I didn't want to know. After it left me thinking and made me sad. I just can't take it, it's killing me! I told my friend and he was trying to cheer me up and he did *cough cough loser* but I love umm as a friend. If anybody lives in Alamada County,CA then you would know that the fair is going on. But my friend asked me if I wanted to go with him same guy that cheered me up but I don't know if my parents will let me go...So i guess I'm cheering up as I write this post*smiling* Well I guess I don't have much to say and my mind is blank...
1.What's your favorite video game?
2.Do you have any homework over the summer?
3.Do you have a dog? If you do what breed? and If you don't do you want one?
...the third question was just a little bit long...
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006
I'm sorry I haven't been on lately but I have gotten to some people's sight while I have not posted. So I got a cbox if you don't know and you guys are free to write w/e on it. So I made it to top eight in track for the javlin throw and I could of made it in the discus throw but the guy was being a but head and wouldn't let me throw because I took to long. It's not my fault I had a running event and running events always come before field event and I didn't take very long running events are always delayed!! Some people are just so how is everybody's summer going? My grandparents are leaving on Thursday to go back up for Canada and I won't see them until next year or the year after that...
I have soccer and track today but I'm only going to soccer because I never go to track on Wed. and my grandparents are down and my mom wants us to be here wit them. OK i'm not supposed to be on the internet right now because my mom will get pissed and my friend is trying to call me back hehe.
1.What are you most afarid of? Thank you ElvesAteMyRamen.
2.What is your favorite icon that the otaku provides you with your post?
3.What's your favorite place to go eat dinner?
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Saturday, June 24, 2006
Nothing really special happened today but my grandparents are down here and I haven't gone shopping yet!!! But I did go to the book story and got the 10th Naruto book I was gonna get this other book but they didn't have it:( So I went to
Target and got Panic! At the Disco's Cd instead I want to get Taking Back Sunday's too.
I had a watch gun fight at soccer and the whole team had guns and were prenting to be James Bond while doing our cool down. It was funny but it was one of those had to be there moment if ya didn't think it was funny. So when the fight did begin we all attacked our trainer Mark and he was soaking wet by the end of the seccion.
Had track today nothing special happened there but I have a really important track meet tomorrow(depending when you read this) or today so I'm running the 800, 1500 and throwing the javlin and discus. So it should be fun but I have no idea how to throw a discus!!
1.Have you seen the Naruto movies?
2.What's your favorite movie?
3.What sight do you use most but not counting theotaku?
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
I had soccer camp again today! I was so lazy and it was so hot!! Good thing is on Friday were having a water gun fight!! I got to get up at 6:00 and answer the door because my friend is coming over at that time err i want my beautiful sleep jk.
I had to clean more today FUN FUN FUN lol and my sister did nothing once again. it's really starting to get on my nerves. My grandparents are coming in around 11:45 but i'll be at soccer camp. Well I was gonna c him (ya his name has turned into HIM just incase i give him my sight name) I have Rihanna's song Unfaithful in my head it's good you guys should listen to it same with I write Sins not Tradgies by Panic! At the Disco. But other that that there's not much too say:
1.Do you like the song Peanut Butter Jelly Time?
2.Do you play any musical instruments?
3.What song do you have stuck in your head?
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Mood: Happy and an Airhead
So I asked him if he had a s/n and on what service and he said he did on yahoo. The bad thing is yahoo messenger is on my other computer and my dad shut it down so I can't turn is on. But I told him to join the otaku but I didn't tell him what my sight was. At home I relezied that if he did join and knew my sight and what the post talked about and I think I would just be a tad embarrsed...
My mom is making me do everything!! She's making me fold the clothes clean the house and wash the dishes and my sister is just watching TV all day long it is not fair!! I refuse to do it but then if I don't I get grounded*saying in annoyed voice*
it's not fair how parents can say that stuff like how they want you to do something and you say why and the say because I told you to. That also gets on my nerves too.
1.What's your favorite band?
2.What store do you like shopping at if you like shopping at all?
3.If you were being chased by a werewolf what would you do and you were in the middle of the desert?
Comments (5) |
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Mood:Mad and Happy
I had soccer camp today and it was pretty hot but hey when ya live in California you got to expect that kind of weather. After I was so tired I ate watched tv and talked on the phone then went to sleep. My mom woke me up because she said I would be restless when I do go to bed which probably will be true. I just went to look at some of my friend's drawings which are hella good!! I don't think that I could draw like that but w/e I'll get up to it someday. I went to the library today and started reading Naruto while I was waiting for my sister. But why is it that Gaara is trying to kill Rock Lee? Don't laugh I know I am very far behind but I don't care!! I'm bored now so I'm watching an Avatar the last Airbender amv, and stuck a safty pin in my pants. Ya that was weird.Not much to say but I have track (I'm gonna ask him for his sn *thinks can't do it* and ask his cousin and him to join the O what do you guys think?) and soccer camp for the rest of the week and my grandparents are coming down from Canada on Thursday. That means shopping!! err I'm not really the shoppie type unless it's for shoes and books(does that count??) Since there coming down I have to clean the house everyday!! I don't want to and it's clean already but my mom keeps bugging me about it...err.
1.What's the most stupidest thing you have ever done?
2.Do you like shopping?
3.What's your dream car?
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Sunday, June 18, 2006

today i had a track meet but it was really really short. i ran the 200 and 800. i know i got a new recored for the 200 and i was to lazy to check my time for the 800 but i came second in my heat and i had a lead for like the whole race until the last strech. i didn't feel good afterwards i felt as if i was gonna fall down or puke it was in san jose and it was so HOT!! i'm also so mad because i was gonna ask jacob for is sn but then he wasn't there!!! i was like ok i found my courage fo nothing?!?! damn that sucks well i guess i'm just gonna half to ask him at track practice. hopefully i could hold that courage.
so moving on from my love life/track stuff did anybody see the world cup game U.S. OF A. VS. ITALY??? WELL IF YA DIDN'T THEY BOTH TIED!! YA THAT'S RITE THEY TIED!. I THOUGHT FO SURE THAT US WAS GONNA LOSE BUT I THINK ITALY WENT IN TO OVER CONFINDENT WITH THINKING THEY WERE GONNA WIN! but two americans got red carded and one italian got red carded so in the second half US only had 9 players while Italy had 10! wow what a game...
1.What are you getting your father for Father's Day?
2.Do you like shopping? and for what?
3.At your school do you have some form of an outdoor camp?
this pic surprised me very much:
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Friday, June 16, 2006

Mood:Happy and nervous
today i was so happy that i had track for once because i was gonna c jacob! and i did but i was so nervous/shy to ask him for his sn. but i do know he has one, and he likes NARUTO!! maybe i should ask him to join and then ask him over a pm instead of person. what do ya think should i?
it was funny because a girl named jenny was having a fight with jacob and his cousin cj about how u say manga. it was so funny, jenny said all my friends saw it and then she said how she says it. then cj and jacob were all well were japanese and this is how you say it. god that was funny! then i didn't know who james bonds was then i saw one of his movie and just didn't remember him b4. ya i'm stupid.
so i was talkin to my friend's (3 way call) and my guy friend not a bf always says ya i love ya guys, as a friend. but i never say something and it's always my other friend that's talking when he says that. i think that he likes her just uses the "as a friend" as a cover up! so funny...
well i think that's all that was important that i can remember. well time for questions.
1.Do you watch the world cup games? If so did you see when it was Trinidad and Tabago vs. England?
2.Do ya have annoying siblings?
3.What kind of music do ya listen too?
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006
mood:tired and confused
so today i just remembered that i haven't updated my sight since last week but i have been checking out other people's sight when i get the chance but w/e. so over the weekend i had a track meet and it was so cooolllddd there and they were running so far behind. i was supposed to run the 400 (once around the track) and i didn't run it until 8:00 or around that time but i still got a good time!! then while all the people on the track team that were running the 400 were waiting i started to notice that this guy named jacob seems to like me... but i don't know if i like him. i know it's all kinda weird but i don't... he lives in chico just down here visiting his cousin and running track until i don't know when so i don't want to get my hopes up and then have them crush and die slowly...
so the next day at the track meet i ran the 1500 (three and 3/4 around the track, i turn less that a mile) and it was my first time running it and i thought that i was finished but i wasn't and ended up tiring myself out a little bit to early but it still felt good to run it. then my friend started to notice that jacob seemed to like me and she whispered to me "he like you" and i said "i know" but i think a little bit to loud and he might of heard but w/e i'm such an idiot.
getting on to what happended today i was being a total lazy ass watching tv eating ice cream and reading in my bed... i didn't get out of my pj until 3:00 because i had piano and then track after. well i was gonna ask jacob if he had a sn at track but i never did. do you think that i should? well i asked my friend and she was all you totally should but i don't know. so i think i'm going to union landing w/ my friends on thursday but i'm not sure my parents will let me. mainly my mom she says my rooms not cleanded but it is to me. and it is. well now it's time for the questions:
1.What sports do you do?
2.Do you think these questions are pointless?
3.What are you doing over the summer?
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