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Saturday, May 13, 2006
mood:happy and a little bit mad
so today school was intresting the same boys kept taking my stuff and i told my teacher and he said "tell somebody who cares" i was like what did ya just say in my head then some boy named roberto comes and takes everything out of my desk but i beat him up and mostly the other boys that took my stuff! then my desk was all messy and i just started crying becasue i couldn't take it anymore hem my teacher thought i was joking about the whole thing!! so i was pretty much mad at the boys for the rest of the day and my ruler is till missing but i can live.
so during math we went outside just because i was hanging out with chiidori (go to the same school) and other people and this one girl is so jelous u can so tell she wanted to talk to him in private and everything i started teasing him bout it. then when we were all in the class room marissa wanted to talk to me and when i came back melissa sayed really loud i think she(being me) likes you (being chiidori) but i don't really care she is just kinda like that and chiidori u better not tell her! so then at basketball one girl comes and get a drink and my friend and i are bout to leave and she gets all mad and saying you guys are like wearing the same clothers and get all mad but then the friend i was with justs say i think she is jelous of you i am kinda clueless so i didn't do anything
at track i saw an old friend from like a year ago and he hasn't changed one bit but i told him but wat the guys did to my desk and the said it's a guy's way of showing they like you i'm like ya w/e but he was really funny and nice
after we had soccer and i saw him i think he's really shy or just chokes when talking to somebody new^^ we played a scrimage of 3 teams owho had pennies and t-shirts and i had some 50-50 tackles with the boys and i ran into him by accident...opps well i still had a lot of fun at soccer and can't wait till next week.
that was a long post
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
i finally found someone in my class that likes anime!! he really likes naruto which is fine because i really love it to!! he joined theotaku but i can't find his sight his user name is ChiiDoRI so if anybody can find that sight please tell me!!
on that happy note today was so hot! we have student concil elections and my siser is running for sec. and she has a good chance of wining the only comp. she has is shannon but i think most people in my class will vote for my sister because we just don't like shannon! and her class is spilt becasue 3 people in her class are running for that position.
here are some pictures:
thats it bye,
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Mood:Depressed and mad
at we had p.e. and were playing baseball i'm really picky about the way the ball is pitched and everybody got mad and was like bat already! when ever they took a long time we didn't say bat already! i felt like just chocking all of them but i choke back sometimes...they thought i would do nothing and was like pitch were i was and i yelled at them go ahead and pitch were i am i was so mad!
i didn't talk to anybody for the rest of the day pretty much adn didn't go to that student council meeting so i'm not going to run...
when i didn't think my day was going to get any worse i found out i'm partners with somebody who i foind out does nothing! its shannon again (she was in one of my earlier posts_) she was doing our math project in class the day it was due! i was so mad but then i'm quite friend thought i was mad at her becasue i wasn't talking to anybody and everybody kept asking are you mad at her? and kept bugging me
at track i had a better time some of the people there are very intresting...i'll leave it at that
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Sunday, May 7, 2006
so yesterday i saw brancroft's school play the music man...the guy that was lead role was so ugly and this girl in my class likes him!! eww the girls taht was the other lead role had a really high pitched voice on of the actors plugged his ears when she hit a high note it was kinda funny. som my friends and i all walked back to a other girl's house and were making a bunch of noice at 10:45 p.m. and when we got to a dark part we did a part from godspell it was really fun.
so today we have our last basketball game and we are tied for first if we win this game today i think we either lock 1st or we are ahead becasue of points or the way the games are scheled.
hopefully our team will win we only lost 2 games while all saints lost 3 games and olg lost 3 games.
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Saturday, May 6, 2006
random stuff...
happy cinco de mayo
i saw a cute guy today and his name is danny i think i might c him more often because of soccer ^^ we also got pizza when the other teams didn't go us!
brain and alex i still hate you and i'm not in a bad mood you just but me in one...w/e your not around i'm very happy
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that's all i have to say....
"i love ya is that ok?"
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Thursday, May 4, 2006
y do some boys have to be so annoying!! well aleast the boys in my class they just don't get it when people say STOP! well right now i wish i could kill them sorry but it's true i still don't kno how u put images on your sight so just pm bout it and did anybody watch inuyasha yesterday? well i'm home alone with nothing to do but my sister is at some school play but its better being at home than there...
yes i didn't have to go to track today and i am so happy becasue i didn't feel like running...because the weather is changing and i don't want to run in the sun but i don't want to run in the wind
tomorrow i have my first soccer practice of the season and we get pizza after!! the bad thing is kristina won't be there she went to san ramon now i won't have her to say i'm 35 min. older that u!!!
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Wednesday, May 3, 2006
i'm bored
i am so bored rite now i have nothing to do!! so i'm just putting up a post because i have nothing to do but on good thing i finally took the stupid vocabulary test that my teacher wouldn't give me for the longest time!!!
well i'm online if anybody want to talk to me and you can pm me too
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Monday, May 1, 2006
so we lost our basketball game but it was tough i had for fouls on me so i had to watch out...double overtime and a lot of pressure
i also got kicked in the head by a girl and they only called it a jump ball the refs. weren't that good they only wanted to get the game over with well if we win the game nxt. week then i think we might lock 1st place!!
how the heck do u put pictures on your sight? i have no idea
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Sunday, April 30, 2006
basketball and other stuff
today we have a basketball game and i think we can when but its not a good thing if everybody is tried
after that i have my baby cousin's baptism which should be intresting!!
this has nothing to do with whats up above:
i wish the next eposide of naruto would come on like rite now!! lee won't survive he attacked to soon well hopefully ino and her team or lee's team will come and get him!
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Friday, April 28, 2006
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i will never c the cute guy again i'm so sad but life isn't fair!! well i had track today and i think a guy likes me but i'm not so sure only bad thing is, is that he's in 5th grade! and i'm in 7th!! but i don't really like him like that, as a friend i guess he's ok... i need help leave comments...did anybody c the second eposide of eureka 7? because i missed it just wondering what happened...shannon your on bitch *sry for that if it offends anybody* just leave me alone i don't want to have or do anything with u your already making my life worse by stealing my best friend away from me but go ahead i guess u can have her u and her will just be out of my life i'm already making more friends than u will ever. also i'm not a hated on in the class. and don't flurt with roberto he HATES! you i repeate HATES! YOU!! AND get ur information on the math project because i don't want to do all the work!
tomorrow i have basketball and track hopefully i'm in a better mode c a cute guy loq...
*compose yourself chantel calm down*
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