mood:happy and a little bit mad
so today school was intresting the same boys kept taking my stuff and i told my teacher and he said "tell somebody who cares" i was like what did ya just say in my head then some boy named roberto comes and takes everything out of my desk but i beat him up and mostly the other boys that took my stuff! then my desk was all messy and i just started crying becasue i couldn't take it anymore hem my teacher thought i was joking about the whole thing!! so i was pretty much mad at the boys for the rest of the day and my ruler is till missing but i can live.
so during math we went outside just because i was hanging out with chiidori (go to the same school) and other people and this one girl is so jelous u can so tell she wanted to talk to him in private and everything i started teasing him bout it. then when we were all in the class room marissa wanted to talk to me and when i came back melissa sayed really loud i think she(being me) likes you (being chiidori) but i don't really care she is just kinda like that and chiidori u better not tell her! so then at basketball one girl comes and get a drink and my friend and i are bout to leave and she gets all mad and saying you guys are like wearing the same clothers and get all mad but then the friend i was with justs say i think she is jelous of you i am kinda clueless so i didn't do anything
at track i saw an old friend from like a year ago and he hasn't changed one bit but i told him but wat the guys did to my desk and the said it's a guy's way of showing they like you i'm like ya w/e but he was really funny and nice
after we had soccer and i saw him i think he's really shy or just chokes when talking to somebody new^^ we played a scrimage of 3 teams owho had pennies and t-shirts and i had some 50-50 tackles with the boys and i ran into him by accident...opps well i still had a lot of fun at soccer and can't wait till next week.
that was a long post