2 more days!!Till school ends!!

mood:happy and afraid
well today i guess the world's supposed to end 6+6+06 but who knows. I really would like to reach the age as in which i could drive and get my own car but that's just me.
i'm sorry that i haven't been to people's sight i haven't been on for a somewhat long time i have been very busy, with the end of school in 2 days yah! but i'm so happy but sad i gonna miss my friends but can't wait to get out!
so when i was having lunch i saw my scince teacher and her nephew and a bunch of 8th grade grads. but i got to stop saying but!
yesterday we had skate nite which we just go skating as a school and i crashed/fell into on of the 8th graders and i hurt my ass bad it still hurts! and it was one of the cursed people in the 8th grade not really but his name is jack and i had my eyes closed *i am an advanced skater* and he was all eww but the stupid 8th grade was in a huge clump and you couldn't go around. he was going the wrong way too^^ so it's not my fault, rite?
Random Questions:
1.Where do you live?
2.If you could be any animal what would it be?
3.What's your favorite shoe brand?
long post i know,