I had soccer camp again today! I was so lazy and it was so hot!! Good thing is on Friday were having a water gun fight!! I got to get up at 6:00 and answer the door because my friend is coming over at that time err i want my beautiful sleep jk.
I had to clean more today FUN FUN FUN lol and my sister did nothing once again. it's really starting to get on my nerves. My grandparents are coming in around 11:45 but i'll be at soccer camp. Well I was gonna c him (ya his name has turned into HIM just incase i give him my sight name) I have Rihanna's song Unfaithful in my head it's good you guys should listen to it same with I write Sins not Tradgies by Panic! At the Disco. But other that that there's not much too say:
1.Do you like the song Peanut Butter Jelly Time?
2.Do you play any musical instruments?
3.What song do you have stuck in your head?