Well today I had to get up at 9 that's early for me becasue its the summer. i'm kinda sad jacob left to go back home...but i think i can deal.
My mom did let me go to the fair wit my friend and he is such an idiot but nice. I got a headache after riding 2 rides and his stomach felt like crap after 2 rides too so we sat in the sun just waiting and waiting. Then he went around doing the peace sign to people but he didn't mean peace...if ya know what i mean^^ and people didn't know what he was doing so it was pretty funny.
Did anybody see the world cup game today? That was a great game hopefully France will win tomorrow game...hehe i'm Portuguese but i'm going for France. So not much else other to say.
1.What are you doing for the 4th of July?
2.What's your favorite flower?
3.Whats your favorite quote?