Quote of the Day:
"Hate cannot drive ot hate: only love can do that"~Martin Luther King Jr.
Mood: Nothing
How is everybody doing? I haven't been here in awhile...I just finished watching Spirited Away and it was the first time my mom and sister watched the movie. I love that movie but they tend to play it on Cartoon Network to much...
How was everybody's Christmas? Mine was fine had dinner at my house and everybody didn't leave until 11. I got a ton of clothes through...
Saw the movie the Persuit of Happiness the one with Will Smith in it, I thought it was going to be better then what I expected. I thought it was slow moving, but it was still a good movie.
1.Are you ready for the new year?
2.What mood are you in right now?
3.What was your first anime?
My Answers
1.Yes...I finally get to graduate^^
2.Awake and not tired yt it's 1:03 AM for me...
3.Sailor Moon or Pokemon...Think Sailor Moon through