Quote of the Day:
"Your enemy stabs you in the front...
Your friend stabs you in the back...
Your boyfriend/girlfriend stabs you in the heart...
But me, your closest friend, carries a knife...
To stab those beezy's right back..."

Mood:Awake but falling tired
I haven't been on here in awhile, just have been really busy with schoola and all, ya we went back on Monday. Since I'm in 8th grade were getting ready for grad. so we have pictures nxt week and my mom keeps asking me how i'm going to do my hair and i have no idea...so if you do please say. Yeah I have just past my shoulder's curly but not a poof curly dark brown/black hair.
I had a soccer tournment over the weekend and my team placed 4th lost the game in double over time and we had to go into PK. I had to retake my shot b/c the ref. didn't tell me i had to wait till he blew the whistle, and I wasn't paying attention to the kicks before me. The second kick I took the keeper bearly got the ball and it hit the post and almost went in and I was mad for a couple of seconds then I just wipped it off. During the game too I play sweeper which is the last defender and I was going to head the ball and at the last minute I yelled out "I CAN'T SEE!!!" then the ball comes and hits me in the face, and I fall laughing my head off and it is in our 18 yrd. box and everybody else on my team is trying to clear the ball out but laughing to=] Oh...I also saved a goal b/c the girl #6 lil brat tried to pants my friend during the game! She also grabbed on to me and I told her to get off, b/c she was a dirty player and very bossy...But besides that point she stepped on our goalie's hands, Kelsee and I yelled to her "Kelsee get up" she was running back but the girl already kicked it and I ran in front of the goal and headed it out, but they got a corner off of it.
Over my break I drew a pic, but since I don't have a scanner I took a pic. of it and put it on my computer, maybe I'll give ya guyz the link, but personaly I'm a lazy butt, so I might not get around to it xD
I should head off to bed since it's 11:29 PM for me...
1.What is your favorite subject(s) in school?
2.What is one or more of your pet peeves?
3.What is your least favorite color?
4.Have you found anything that you lost for a long time lately?
My Answers:
1.PE, English, Math, History
2.I have a lot...during soccer people's shin gaurd showing b/c their sock isn't pulled up, people signing off and not saying goodbye or anything on messenger. Also people who are ingoring you and don't listen when you tell them something.
3.Pink, lighter shades are ok and pretty, but ew.
4.Yesh! My TAKING BACK SUNDAY CD!!! I was proud of myself when I found it...i'm weird x]