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myOtaku.com: cant escape

Friday, January 20, 2006



DO NOT STEAL MY STUFF!!! I worked HARD on this it's only polite. and I got most of my help from my friend The Real Yojimbo

~There is no discrimination I will kill everyone. jk I will not be mean if you are gay, white, black, who cares. as long as your not a DUMB ASS.

Theme: Death Note

Theme poem:
You see my face,
You see a lie,
You cant see my feelings,
I am dieing inside,
You are blind and you don't know,
The things my face doesn't show,
Because today I'm here,
But who knows about tomarrow...

~About me! (who really cares about me)

~Gender: female Dammit What else would I be!!??

~Birthday: August 10th 1989

~Favorite colors: Purple and black

~Personality: Dark and evil

~Music I like: Punk, rock, hard ROCK, such as, Seether, Disturbed, Slipknot, Linkin Park, Evanecensse, (ext.)

~Contact me on my yahoo messenger

~or hotmail
come talk to me Im bored.

~Random stuff: You cannot know my location you Fucking Rapists!!
I am an artist If you want go check out my art. I would really appreciate that.


Clubs I have joined


Hey freaks!

well yeah today is friday XD well my sister is really starting to piss me off! she keeps on calling me a scank because I hang out with boys and they call the house all the time! she thinks Im F***ing them! but im not holy hell whats her problem she is really starting to get on my nervs! then she keeps on telling our mom that Im doing drugs! heck no! Im no pot head! I hate that stuff! I wish she would just stop! but I know this will never end...... oh well

well ok then back to my other life at school. lol its so different at home theres alwasy yelling and abuse but at school its nice and peaceful my freinds. its going to suck when school is over..... but I will probly move out. (thank god!) well kay thanks for lissing to my sapy life. also I wias thinking about going for a new theme what sould I do it as?


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Site code:
the real yojimbo
Avatar: Cant escape
Music host: Imeem.com
Site host: Myotaku


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