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Da Crown Prince
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Birmingham, AL
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Evil is my only occupation/Love is my alternation
Real Name
Michael D. Walker
Finding the love of my life!
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Samurai Champloo
To get back to #387
Gettting money is a game that I play best
| Capricious Tyrant
You can't keep a grown man down, but you can keep a student on the floor...
I'm back you SUCKAS.....
And for the dudes who swept my site under the rug the hurricane has returned...
The one who leads, The CaPRiCiouS TyRaNT

Monday, July 13, 2009
myO Still
Oh I miss me. I look through my past and realize just how simple the times were.
Why did I hate, I should have just appreciated it.
It's okay though, I'll tell my son about high school so that he can appreciate it as well.
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Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Roark was Right
I was looking around and saw that I had a share. Jilisa had sent me a war documentary.
This was my response:
"Proof that America as a whole is under a messiah complex.
It grows from everyday life to the higher ranks of the military. None of this would be possible if it weren't for either the weak will of the American people, the gullablity, or maybe just the all around ignorance exulted by this country.
We... never... (and I've said this since I was in 5th grade) never actually have to deal with someone else's problems. If it happens, that means you have taken someone else's life into your own hands. Which is just plain wrong anyways you slice it."
Now. Think about this for just a moment. When you get into someone else's business, why do you do it?
If you do it to help, what have you done? It's crazy because in all of the confusion that revolves around the situation, the tragic flaw is that it isn't a situation that is your own.
I come at a crossroads when I give advice because I'm always looking from what I would do in the given situation. Then again, that is the only true way I can see it, all other ways are just speculation at best.
But what about those times when someone does follow your lead for once. I remember when I used to tell Reeshawna something to try to help her through a problem. And then in the end, seeing that I was horribly wrong. Those moments twist my guts and eat away at my soul because I feel it was my fault that it happened. I steered someone wrong.
But how could it have been avoided?
Simple. I didn't have to get involved. It isn't my place to be involved. And I damn sure shouldn't have the right to be involved.
Now it gets deep.
Look at the Iraq War. Pointless right?
Looking back at the documentary made me see something I knew before...
WE ALL WANTED THIS! We wanted Saddam. We need Osama. But... why... What happened...
Then I thought of something disturbing...
Wars previous directly lead to this war.
See.. Iraq needed support in 1984... and guess who gave it to them. Us... the US
Did we have to do that? No...
Did we have to drop bombs on Hiroshima? No...
There are a lot of conflicts outside of the US. Everyday there is a war somewhere. Yet. We pick conflicts to be involved in... to concentrate on... to feed...
Do we have to though?
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Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Where am I getting these visits from???
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
This is it...
So I'm the last of us to post...
I never thought of the future with this place...
But the past is so easy to look at...
My site used to be blowin up!!!
I strange twist of fate altered its life...
Now... it's nothing..
My final post...
no one will see this in time to save the very thing that I created...
I used to love this site...
But now...
I remember when Princess first joined this site...
I remember Princess...
But now...
I remember the Wind Army... Which made me popular... Made me feel like I finally belongs somewhere..
But now...
I remember the days way back when life was an option..
But now...
I leave this nightmare...
Bye Otaku...
Hello rest of my life...
Shout out to those that I met along the way here...
Shout out to Terra and Vicious...
and Pimpin Satan...
shout to Ezzel and Yuske and M.M....
and Dark Phoenix...
all of u...
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Screw the Prom Pt.II
Ello! This has been one helluva week! Let's recap. 1)I got Super Smash Bros. Melee!
#2 I got into the booth with Luke "Back it on up like a U-Haul Truck" Crowder
and most importanly #3 THE PROM!!!
Anyways, here is how it went down. First and foremost, at around 12:30 PM, bought the best pair of shades in U.S. History. But an hour before that, I made the power move of the century... I GOT MY EARS PIERCED!!! Yeah I know. It took me long enough. After doing that, at 4:30 I put on the suit. Not a TUX. A SUIT. A black suit with a purple shirt that fiendishly matches the shades tint. Oooh. Black tie and Stacy Adams to make tha cipher complete. And I got my haircut the day of so... anyways I got my belongings toghether and me and my father set off to go and follow the "itenarary".
We were on our way to Embassy Suites... or so we thought.
*Note: Days before the prom, I offered my father a map to the place.
Right around when we got past Brookwood he asks me do I know where the place is. And being me, I kinda figured since he went all of this way that he knew where the damn place was. So he then starts rambling on saying that and I quote "I remember me and your brother were riding around and we saw the hotel on 280." That being said we follow 280. Along the way we saw a limo and I'm like hmmm.... limo. "Hey dad why don't we follow that limo."
"How do you know that that is the right one..."
We continue down 280.
Limo turns off to 280. We reach the Summit. Obviously we have gone to far... Enter Jackie... My dad asks me if I know anybody to call right about now and I say yeah the girl who made tha plans. So I call Jackie... and confusion. Headache. They say we might as well wait at The Cheesecake Factory seeing as that is the first stop.
I am an impatient man. We get to the place and I start calling people looking for Reeshawna and I get the runaround at first. For 30-40 mins no one knows where she is. Keep in mind my dad has that much time in which to curse me out and blame all of the bad things of today on to me and pretty much being cussin out Jackie for the "horrible map" and "bad directions". Anyways, I call up my boy Lionel to see about Reeshawna and pretty much if it weren't for him talking to me and lighting my spirits up I would have had a nervous breakdown. My dad decides to get out and see when Reeshawana pulls up or whatever.
*Note: I did not talk to Reeshawna since the day before. I called that morning but.. no answer.
FOUND HER! At least my dad tell me that. So I get out and it is raining cats and dobermans onto my prom suit. Ouch! I get an umbrella. I step up to the place and I can't close the umbrella. Ouch!! I step up in the place and my date looks better that me Ouch!!! Note: She saw the whole thing... along with 30 other people.
She looks spectacular!!! No joke!!! I have to stand next to her which was a hard thing to do. And I have to meet more of her famliy. And I have to act toward her with a little more control than usual seeing that they were the chaperones for the day. So everybody arrives at the Factory or whatever and my stomach is pulling a Cirque de Sole on me so I can't digest anything. AND WE ARE AT A DAMN CHEESECAKE FACTORY. I hate eating before a big event cause I can't. To make matters worse, Reeshawna start shoving food in my damn face. To make matters worse, people begin to ask the universal question, " Why aren't you eating anything?" Through the whole day I had to put on my biggest front to date. Like I'm excited to be at a damn Cheesecake Factory man please. The headache powers up. Oh yeah did I mention that I'm sensitive to light when I have a headache? Cameras start flashing like Paparrazi.. Not even the food was safe. After that, Shawn and I head over to the prom and on the way her relatives and I really started to bond and my headache began to alleviate. We step out or whatever and I just feel naked at this place. I don't know what is going on. Or how to act. Or look. At first when went up to the place to get checked in and then when went downstairs for the surprise of a lifetime. My boy Rawleigh was there. In orange!!!
*Note: Also in orange, Jilisa.
So I'm in utter shock at the moment, but still on the outside I'm keeping my usual composuer. And then the limo arrives and Rawleigh flips out the biggest ring I have seen in some time and gives it to Jilisa who didn't even have a date for real!
4 Years....
Back at the prom... I get in there and notice that something - someone is missing. KD. And I start to really worry about my boy Keon and I start worrying everyone else. I was thinking that he got into an accident or something. So anyway, I thought Shawn would occupy my time here and... naw. She dancing and stuff with Jilisa and Ashey... And I'm sitting with my boys Lionel and Rawleigh.
*Note: Luke has my shades on! And Just happened to buy the shades right after I did. AN HOUR LATER.
So me and Shawn weren't really together at the prom for real and I was starting to grow dissapointed, cause I had nothing to do there. I saw that coming so I was just waiting for the slow dance and the Senior walk which I didn't really know about for real. Anyway KD shows up and that cheers me up a bit. And then it was time to slow dance with my girl. The moment we've all been waiting for. Over-hyped. To much emphasis put on the wrong thing. I should have know that an old custom won't feel to exciting when you seen it happen all the time on T.V. My emotions weren't there for real and I started getting bored. There were times that I stopped moving all together. And At the same time I realized that I can barely manage to slow dance as it is. I CAN'T!!! Anyways, I began to wonder if Shawn was into it and if so why? I just wasn't. I really wanted to feel it for her at least and it was working during the first song. I thought that that was the end. But then 3 more songs came on and.... zzzzz. So I tell her that I am not into it anymore and the effect was gone. And she got kinda mad at me for feeling that way about it. And she grew disappointed. All the way up to the senior walk thing.
*Note: She and Jilisa had a meeting... whlie we were in line they decide to leave to go to the bathroom!
I felt out of place all day and this was the climax. She came back and was still mad at me... I cheered her up a bit but she still looked disappointed. It was our turn to walk out onto the stage and I was deathly afraid that no one would take a picture after taking a pic of the whole seinor class and some that were not even attending Ramsay... But that nervousness never showed and we eased out onto the stage as if it were ours... No fun is what I had. And then we begin to leave.
*Note: I went to get the shades and I saw B-Money in there! And at the prom I saw B-Money again! He began to stare at me and well I kinda got nervous and I just quickly left in both senarios....
Back to the hotel room we go. And I put my stuf up and change to "go to the Bowling Alley."
*Note: I have never bowled before so what better night then tonight huh?
No one said anything about changing which bowling alley! Nice Fucking itenerary. And me and Reeshawna foolishly drive to the original place. We get a call that the group was in the other side of Jefferson county. Shelby County to be exact.
*Note: We had a makeout session outside of the original bolling alley! A good one.
We head over to the the new place. And takes a total of 30 mins. We enter and the place was like a ghost town with visitors so we ask the guy at the counter when this place closes and he says that is the last game over there... Pointing to the group...
So me and Shawn head over to the hotel. So I have just about had it and the previous make out session got me hot so I'm thinking to my self I have got to let some of this out. And for a good 1 hour or so leets just say me and Shawn did just that!!!
So after that I was a sleepy, love-drunk mess. I can't quite remember how I got home. It was as if I got transported onto my bed.
That was Prom night in a nut shell right there so I hope you guys enjoyed it !!! Seeya tomorrow...
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