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myOtaku.com: Captain Iuno

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Friday, August 13, 2004

   Captain Iuno's Story
YAY! It did cost me a lot of time, but I finally managed to transform that story into something more readable ^_^.
Apparently I already started with it somewhere else and I've got to admit that that kind of writing is very nice. So if you want to read it, go to:
It's in the 'Library' --> 'Planet 1: Discovery'

Now...the second part...>_<
Hahaa, I did it! And I've found that picture of me wearing the Helmet of Elendil ^_^.

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Thursday, August 12, 2004

First Post
Finally! After spending like an hour on the colours I can place my first post.
Blergh, I'm feeling rather sick at the moment, probably eaten too many chips.

Well...as these are some kind of random posts anyway...
I'm home! I've been on a holiday to England for two weeks and I enjoyed it very much. We visited loads of castles (it's hard not to when you're in England), very nice. And we went to this amazing shop in Cardiff, where I actually got to wear the Helmet of Elendil and the helmet of a Moria-Orc! Those things are sooo heavy O_o I know I've got pictures lying around here somewhere...
Hm, can't find them, kinda messy in here.

I think I'll place the first part of my SCI-FI script with Captain Iuno somewhere around the weekend, I've got to live it up a bit. And I have to start drawing those pictures!

I better start!

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