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myOtaku.com: Captain Iuno

Thursday, May 4, 2006

   I'm back!
Oh my god! It has been such a long time since I've written something here! I'm really sorry about that!

I've been very, very busy with school and stuff. My grades weren't exactly great the last 2 years and there were some personal problems as well.
In the mean time I've turned 17, survived some rough times at school and I've been able to start working on various stories again! ^__^

Damn, it's so hot here.. 25 degrees Celcius O.o Or more.. I'm staying at a friend's place at the moment and the curtains on her room aren't really creating shade to sit/lie/whatever in. It actually increases the heat. Which sucks.
I'm glad I haven't got school this week (May holiday! ^______^\./), otherwise I'd been dead!

So this time I'm definetely going to try to post some more stuff here. I feel like I've been neglecting my webpage O__O



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