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myOtaku.com: Captain Random

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

   Book of the Dead and the greatest B-movie ever!
I finally found one. It took forever but finally in the only (i think) video and music store in town (FYE)i found Evil Dead 2!
I wanted to get Evil Dead but they didn't have it (damn), but they had 2 Evil Dead 2
(a normal one and a "special Edition" which was pretty much a Necrinomicon shaped dvd case that screams, i would have gotten it anyway but it was like 40 bucks.....so, no)

I found it and i tried to watch it last night. But everything kept interupting me (to an absurd degree) so in a fit of rage i just put it of til later
(i got to the part where his hand turns evil, for those of u who've seen it)

I would watch it tonight but it is comic book day so i will be busy for the night (yay!)

later all, i gotta....


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