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myOtaku.com: Cardcaptorakane

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

   Totally fun!
Yesterday my friend Melanie had her 15th birthday party. Her parents took us to the Gaslight theatre and we watched this really funny Batman spoof called Gnatman! It was soooo fun! :) Whats really fun about seeing Melodrama's is that the actors really include the audience. Like when the villian comes on, your supposed to Boo, for the heroe you cheer, and for the romantic scenes you go "Awwwww". Its really fun! Also they took alot of oldies songs and put new words to them which was also pretty funny(although I didn't recognize all of the songs).

I gave Melanie a Shojo Beat subscribtion which she seemed to like. Also I edited a pic of Yuki and Tohru on paint(becuase she loves Yuki), and put her in Tohru's place! Heheh She seemed to like it.

I also realized what a special friend she is to me. I really admire her. Plus since I've been friends with her, I've been less afraid to be myself, and more open and out going. I think thats a good thing. Also she's really talented--which I also admire. She can dance and sing well, plus she plays Trumpet, piano, and bass guitar! Sigh...she's so cool! Actually we're constatnly joking around saying that I'm her fan club president(sorta like the Prince Yuki fan club). Its always fun. ^-^ Oh yeah and when we wnet to the county fair together, we recorded some songs at this booth. Here's one of the songs she sang put to Fruits Basket scenes. She starts out a little shakey, but gets better as the song goes :)

On another note, some of my Ayame fanwork was put on this cool Fruits Basket fan site! ^o^ I'm so happy! Check it out at: http://www.freewebs.com/ayame_shop/

Well, thats all for now! See ya all later! =D

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