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Space Pirate
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I'll tell you if you find me a cigerette...
there are three people with my art tattooed on them...
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Gundam Wing, Cromartie High School, Fushigi Yugi, Ronin Warriors, Ceres Celestial Legend, 8th MS Team, Cowboy Bebop, Paranoid Agent, Runner Kuromi, One Peice, Wolfs Rain, Slayers, Maburaho, Catsoup, Full Metal Panic:Fumoffu, Dragonball-GT, Rurouni Kenshin
to be a manga artist, tattoo artist, or a custom automotive painter..
drawing, sculpting, painting, reading, sleeping, some video
Gothic Pirate does not equal Punk.....
Hello one and all. This is where I store my Art, or the Drool that Spills forth from my Mind. I hope that you enjoy all I have to display. Some may not be what one may call "good" or even "decent". Yet none the less, I wont die until my work is complete, and I shall continue to display the cranial saliva that is wretched upon whatever canvas I see fit.
Carpe Noctum
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Welcome Back
wow...its been awhile since last i updated my ness...oh well. between 2 boyfriends and working at hot topic for over a year now, ive had little to no time for my art. now that i have a laptop and shall be going back to school in the fall, i will have more time to art. its funny like that, i seem to draw the most when im at school. and art classes, no matter wiether i do the work or not, seem to inspire the pants off me. not to mention the need to read more. so school will bring more of that to me. i just need to find a temporary muse. either way, more art to come soon..
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
so i have not updated in forever plus one. ill get around to it eventually. dunno when, but soon i suppose. i really have no good art to add right now, not to mention the lack of a scanner. ill be able to do that soon, i hope.
also, ive been working on a new comic. nothing special, really, just a comic. ill post it MAYBE when i start to actually draw it. im just working on concepts as of now.
also, i think im going to uproot 90% of my art and redo it all. most of my art isnt all that great (at least the stuff that is on here) so im going to attempt to draw more "family friendly" art, eventhough i speciallize in the naked human body.........
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Friday, August 4, 2006
just thinking...........
so yeah. i have been drawing like none other as of lately, however, ive been so busy with various things that i havent had time to scan any of them. not to mention the fact that my computer hasnt been working right as of lately. i have a HUGE fear of loosing all of my art if my computer crashes....and i have no way of saving it now...damn. but yeah.
most of my current art i dont think ill be able to post most of it. 90% of it is nudes of both males and females. i personally think that, as long as its not hentai, or pornographic in anyway, this site should allow nude art. dont you think? the human body is an incredible piece of art in and of itself. but thats just me. oh well, what can ya do?
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
sorry i havent updated in awhile. for some reason, i began to have suspicions of people stealing my art (none of you did anything, it was a friend of mine who i thought was stealing other peoples artwork...) so out of fear i stopped updating. but now, ive decided to only post things that i have no real attatchment to or those that are not characters i use in mangas, or manga story lines. once again, i dont suspect any of you of anything of this nature, ive just always been fearful of my art falling into the wrong hands. thank you for understanding ^_^ and i respectfully ask not to steal any art from any. using it as reference is one thing, because there are so many ideas that at one point, they will meet...well you know what i mean....
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
Changes One Bowie
red and black are lovely colors, but they are savage, and filled with wrath ...and then i thought, "green, orange and black..."...they feel more comfortable.
 You are a cleptomaniac Neko!! You probably steal lots of shiny things that aren't yours and pounce every single bishounen you can get your freaky little paws on. Bad kitty, but who can stay mad at you, you're so cute!! =^_^=
What Kind of Anime Neko Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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