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In my own little dream world of ninjas and mystical creatures.
Member Since
Real Name
Doesn't matter, just call me Bug, or Katie Bug.:)
I got perfect attendance from kindergarden to 5th grade, plus two additional years. I missed my first day in 6th because of a migrane.
Anime Fan Since
I was 3, sailormoon and digimon were the first. Now that I think about it, there's this fairy show I used to watch. Also, the original monster rancher.
Favorite Anime
Monster Rancher, Inuyasha, sailormoon, naruto, Happy Lesson, Shinzo, Fruit's Basket, Tsubasa Chronicle, Hellsing, and Yu Yu hakisho are main ones I watch. I'm also getting back into Escaflowne and I like Shakugan no Shana.
To survive the school split and still have my friends at both schools and to make it through band to become a band direstor.
Pretty much drawing, video games, watching anime, and playing my flute, yes I enjoy it this year.:)
The same as my hobbies.:)
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/05/06:
This is one of my sisters most fav. pics.
 You are an archer. The best place for you to be is
in the mountians. You also have lots of
knolage of strategy and stealth. Your enemy
is the 'kind warrior', someone who pretends
to be your friend but really you mean nothing
to them.
What kind of warrior are you (good pics & long results) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/05/06:
Yhis is a cool pic.
 You are a warrior angel. Bound to those you care
about you won't let anything hurt them. If
you had to die to let your best friend live
then you would without regret. Being a
warrior angel doesn't mean you have to fight,
just that you would if it came to it.
What kind of angel are you? -pics- girls brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/05/06:
This pic is cool:)
Result Posted on 03/05/06:
I like cats!!
Result Posted on 03/05/06:
I got the white tiger demon first. It didn't have a picture and said I wasn't a demon so I took it again.
 Eagle demon. Compared to others you are normal, but
you can get hyper and you are happy. Besides
the fact that you are bold, you make people
happy, and since you don't really look like
an eagle, but you have wings, people mistake
you for an angel. You are nicer than most
demons. Your element is light/air. Your
colors are white, violet, and blue.
What's your half demon side? (ANIME pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/05/06:
I like art, Yay!!!!!!!
 You are the Artist. You are a composer, a singer, a
dreamer. You are consumed by the things you
love, music, art, nature. Don't let your love
for these things separate you from your
Element: Time, Earth
Quote: "Bach gave us God's Word. Mozart gave
us God's laughter. Beethoven gave us God's
fire. God gave us Music that we might pray
without words." - quote from outside an
old opera house
Rate if you want and message if you will.
Who are you ?? Really??? (Beautiful anime pictures, mostly for us girls) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/05/06:
 You are the Gothic Leader; you tend to lead the
pack and always allow giving out help to
others. Although you seem to be a strong will
you heart is easily swayed by that of the
weak. You are a supernatural mother figure
and you should stay that way, cause in a
world of pain and suffering everyone needs
What goth are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/05/06:
This ones name is Adam.

This ones name is Prism.

This ones name is Neon.

This ones name is Corey, for my old blue duck, except this time, my dog can't eat her.
Result Posted on 03/05/06:
Result Posted on 03/05/06:
I like night.
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