Hiyaa my otakufriends
Don't mind the titel.. didn't know anything else
to put up there..
WEll I think I'm okey.. but maybe not..
aah who cares...
Well tomorrow I have a big thing at school..
it's like 20% of your exame or something
Well that's not interesting .. just like my drawing but I'm still gonna put it up here..
Well I kinda like this one
There gonna be In my portfolio to..
So check there for more information..
And as you can see .. ^^ they are in my background too =)
Wel today's question is:
1. Do you consider me as a good otakufriend or as a otaku wannabe
2. how do you consider yourself on the otaku.?
(*you all better answer with otakufriends cause you are.. ^^)
Well lots of love