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Current mood: gloomy
Physic condition: tired
Fave song: foggy molly - devil's dance floor
long time no see.. I know
bUt lately.. on my work they decided
to give me more hours since most of them
are going on vacation now..
trouble is.. we have like a huge sale
wich makes or gives troubles at the counter and people.. who nag.. ec.. making me get yelled at by my boss... (*not litterly just.. sort of speaking*)
the pic above is from my quiz
after a long time forgetting about it I decided to do it again and that's the answer that came out...
Guess it's true somewhere
Well for today only a new pic.. a really rough
sketch from my oc.. ^^ I like it though
If I knew how to color it on the pc...
I would.. but unfortanatly I don't...
well click here for the pic
CLick for pic.. :D
That's all for today
I shall visit those who updated.. or
either commeted on my latest post...
*huggels you all*
I missed you... all of you