Current mood : sad, but content
Physing condition: overheat
Fave song: DDR - midnight blizz
Aloha otakuers
As you can see.. I changed my layout...
I like it.. It's so sad..
Well I hate work.. the real boss came back
and she's a pain in the ass.. at first I thought
She was okay.. but she really is a pain in the ass
I really hate her..
If I could I would quite my job but I know my parent's wouldn't agree... *sigh*
and there's no change my friend at work get's back...*sigh*
Well... It's still way to hot.. toooo hot over here
and thank you pretty kitty for commenting on my ecards... glads you like them
What did the rest think of them.. ^^ *grins*
Well.. I'm gonna go and sit infront of the ventilator again
*hurray for ventilators*
to silvereagle... Lateshifts suck.. !!
Gonna visit you all..
Sayanora.. *huggels*