...Current mood:: Okay...
...Physic condition: Okay...
...Current song:: Throught th enight - outlaw star
Ohio otaku!!!
I can't make this a long post...
cause I have to try and visit everyone... before
I;m being dragged of by my mom.. *cough*
Well I'm fine
yesterday I had to work and once again
my boss was a uber big pain in the you know what
but when I got home.. I got dive in our swimmingpool and th ink of drowning her..
BWHAHAHA.. yes.. you may hve noticed..
Either way.. this week I'm gonna go to my grandma
and If I'm not mistaken she has a pc..
with internet.. so you may hear of me..
or.. maybe she already sold it again.. and you won't hear of me.. WHAHAHa.. sorry
Well here's a new drawing..
wich is also gonna go in my portfolio..
I hope you all like it :
CLick for pic.. :D
Airisu: Yeah It's me.. ^^ *cheers*
Me: Why are you spoiling it
Airisu: I am not
Me: Yes you are
Airisu: No I'm not
*start slapping eachother and leave the room shouthing after I gave you all a hug*