Birthday • 1992-12-19 Gender •
Male Location • Texas Member Since • 2006-03-04 Occupation • Student, whadda think?! Real Name • IS A SECRET!!!
Achievements • Does making this site count? Anime Fan Since • October 2005 when I watched Princess Mononoke for the 1st time. Favorite Anime • One Piece, Naruto, most of Hayo Miyazaki's films, but mostly Naruto. Goals • WORLD DOMINATION! Muhahahaha!!! Hobbies • Drawing and Play video games. I'm in my school's cross country team, too. Talents • Being lazy...hahahaha catman007
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Forget the last post.
I don't need help getting the AMV to the computer with internet anymore. I need to find out how to put it on my site. It won't work at all. T.T (I think that's a crying face...) Comments (0) |
I am sorry
I am sorry, but I'll have to post my AMV l8er. Because I made it on another CPU without internet. I tried to bring it to one WITH internet, but the AMV is too big for the floppy disc. If you can help, that would be nice. (In other words, help me or die! J/K.) C ya ppl. Comments (1) |
Sunday, July 2, 2006
We Will Rock You Naruto Vid.
Please Comment!, Oh, and if I can, tomorrow I'm gonna post a very, VERY special AMV. Why is it special? Because I MADE IT!!! (However, it's more of a slideshow than an AMV. But it's cool anyways.) Comments (0) |
Friday, June 30, 2006
Video Poll
OK, here we go! (tell me which one was your favorite video in the "comment" section).
OK, fellow anime fans, prepare yourselves. Tomorrow I am going to host a BIG movie quiz. There will be about 3-4 AMV's with the same song. Blue by Eiffel 65 (aka ba da dee). That's just a word of warning.
In other news, I went to Laser Tag earlier tonight (right now it's 11:17 PM) and it was a blast! Sure, I got shot 20 times by ONE guy and I shot another guy 11 times. You get to pick what they were and I picked...yep catman 5 times and Tiger 1 time. (My dad and I played 6 games, each 20 mins). Anyway, it was really fun. In the rankings, I got 4th most of the time, while my dad got 3rd. I was all, Whoa, dad, you're beating ME! He said " It's only because I shoot more people." It surprised me when he beat me EVERY GAME. Anyway, l8er people. Remember, come tomorrow, or miss out on the biggest video event since...well for my site...ever. See ya! Comments (0) |
Wednesday, June 28, 2006 and a DECREE!
Hey, I'm just wondering if anyone here has a account. If you do, please comment on what it is so I can add it to my friends list on runescape. Thx!
the catman
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
My Dog (yes I have one)
I don't like my dog at the moment. She woke me up at 6:32 this morning. Then, when I tried to get back to sleep, she kept on whining. Until 7:13 AM. I said "OK OK, I'm coming just stop whining". And here I am. Did I mention that she has a really bad flea problem? Well, she does so I don't want her in my room. FEEL MY TUESDAY MORNING PAIN!!! Sorry, I had to let it out. Comments (2) |
Monday, June 26, 2006
Spirited Away Video!! (And poll)
OK, this isn't as cool as the Princess Mononoke video, but it is really close match. (Almost a tie.) Oh, and I have a poll after you watch the video. It is:
1. Have you ever played the Ace Combat or Burnout game series?
2. What is your favorite video game?
3. What color is your hair? (A stupid question, I know).
4. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best, how would you consider your singing voice?
Stay in Shadow AMV!!!
Alright! My 3rd favorite song (1st is Meant to Live by Switchfoot, 2nd is Wake Me Up Inside from Evanscence) and Princess Mononoke movie! You can't get an AMV much better than this. I am DEAD serious. If you have any comments, feel free to put one in the "box".