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Birthday 1994-01-09 Gender
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Achievements Anime Fan Since Favorite Anime Goals Hobbies Drawing and and more drawing Talents Drawing i have all these things but i don't want to say them all
myOtaku.com: CCCcity Girl
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hey guys...i still have commented yet. But right after this post i'm going to commment.
Well,my trip was fun. XP i ahve a major anching sunburn on my shoulders,some screatches and bruises on my knees formo hitting the edge of the wall in the water park, and a bruise(or what looks like a bruise) on my elbow. It's very irritating. I'm a little uneasy right now for some reason. i seriously do hate my moms guts. and i know i'm being harsh but none of oyu know how strict she is. she called me "You selfish little beast"" i was like. o.o... she asked for a jacket (WHICH I FUCKING DID NOT HAVE!) i was watching my inuyasha movie and she asked for the jacket. i repeadtly told her "Mom i didn't bring a jacket!" and then she called me a selfish lil beast.she pulled out one of my night gowns and tried to get it on but through it bk. How Bitchy and rude that was. shes a fucking ---- in my eyes. T^T when shes like that she has no care of me and my dads feelings. well neways. enough talk about my bitchy mom.
How are you guys? i missed you all soooooooooooo mcuh~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ -hugs all of you tightly- i hope your doing okay while i was gone =3. I had some serious fun at the water park. ^^ its just the ride home i didn't like.(form the hotel to my house) i met a cute guys names Joesph. I'm unsure if i spelled it right. he has 3 other siblings. Jessica and 2 others. i dunno their names but the youngest was a girl. She seemed really sweet!!^^ kk. well i better go comment now. bye ur guys!^-^ -HUGS-
Okay. I want everyone to know that i'm not going to be on for the next 3-4 days. l8ter on tonight (June 28,2007) l8ter on tonight i'll be going to a water park with my family(not my brother he doesn't want to go), my dads Co-workers and thier familys.kk? i think some of you know of the water park Schliterbon? Well thats where i'm going. EE^^ i can't wait!!! =3 weee!! -throws confetti- But i hope my dad will bring his laptop,so when we check into a motel i can plug it in and get on the computer. ^--^ i'll be missing everyone. ^^ i MIGHT post l8ter on today. If i don't then i'm truly sorry. i'll ttyl u guys! ^^ -hugs everyone tightly- bye!
CCCcity Girl
P.s. I'm going to start commenting right now.(1:20am) Yea i know it's later but it's the only time i can comment is later at night. Um.. When i get on my dads laptop i'm going to try to comment the ppl who i didn't get to yet at this time. ttyl. Comments (3) |
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Hello guys, i don't feel like putting up that box right now.. XP umm. so how is everyone? i hope doing grand.^^ i'm doing okay. i made a new account just because i felt like it. XP lol. and in 2 days i mad 8 friends. O.o.. lol. but i'm not telling you the name of my account until l8ter. Theres no help from this site. So don't go thinking that my site will help. X3 mmmwwwwuuaahh!!! lol!. well. right now i'm watching Anti-Monday on SCFI. it comes on every monday! =D I LOVE NEION!!! thats the 1st show that comes on. =3 i love MONDAYS NOW!! XD well.. monday night that is.. XP lol. now i have something to live for on mondays O.o. neways..i duno what else to say--
Me:O_e excuse me?..
Foxy: huh?. oh not you. -grins- the T.V
Foxy:SHH!! Inuyasha's on!
Foxy:-laughs- sucker...
Hey guys!! X3 HOw are you guys doing? i hope well. Okay, i wasn't able to commetn becuase my mom has been driving ym crayz with do this and do that you wouldn't belive it. XP which means i didn't ahve time. om.fg..Ealeir today y dad fuckign scared the shit outta me and started tickling the SHIT outta em!! i could'nt stop laughign and i had to metion that his mom called just to get him to stop. XP XD. lol. My dad is seriously funny somtimes HE LOVES pickign on me. lol. torment!! XD lol.
Anyway, I'm watching Blood+. I LOVE THAT SHOW! Although they kinda need work at their noses. I'm a aniem critic! XD no i'm kidding. i love all anime/manga. But i do know a thing or do about drawing manga. I'm just syaing. Anyway, what else can i talk about? X3.. -thinking-..gah!! XP.. i'm dumb. lol. well i'll ttyl. bye guys. have a awesome day! -HUGS-
XxXCCCcity GirlXxx
Has Fate disappeared? or have we?
Pic of the Day
Friday, June 22, 2007
Hey, you guys. i just want you to know i'm not going to be on tomorrow. or today or w/e. XP lol. okay? just want you to now that. and if i do come on then it's going to be for a SHORT period of time. kk? and this is barely a post to comment. XD ttyl
XxXCCCcity GirlXxx
Has Fate disappeared? or have we?
Alright,i promised a story and so u will have it! but its way differ from the other storys i did! kk?
-The sun shining bright-
Mother:Seya!! Get in here and get some breakfast!!
Me: -in bed-.ugh.. why with torture.. ITS FREAK'N SATURDAY MOM!
Me:it is?. T)_(T..oh..man..-gets out of bed--stretches- -yawns-..pain in the ass school... "Hi,the the names Seya Wolf, yea yea.. lets get the introduction crap over with. My family is not pertically the average house hold family you alway think.."
Me:DAMMIT I"M COMING! T T -puts some clothes on and goes into the kitchen- "Yea sure.. we make look normal but explin these dam neko ears!! and my fathers dworf ears!! T~T now that ain't normal! soon or l8ter i'll be growing a dam tail!!"
Me: so.. whats the news pop?
Father: T T Seya we ahve names.
Me: okay daddy-o?
Kiba: its kiba.
Me:ahh. okay.
Kibe:and urs mothers name is Sakura. got that?
Me;yea yea. and my pain in the as brother is Syiayosho. I GET IT!!. geez.. -goes on and eats breakfast- "These weird things have been happening. Over the summer, these...wolfs started shwoing up and my father(kiba) has been controling them. i've been sneaking out at ight and keeping close eye on my dad. Its soo seriously strange. i mean. He's the the most powerful demon of all his time. SO, i belive i'm a hanyou. Its not so bad once u get used to it. But it TICKS ME OFF WHEN PPL TLAK BEHIND MY BK! I"M GONNA KICK THIER ASS IF THEY DO!"
Sakura:-the bus comes and stops outside our house- go ahead and get on the bus Seya. Your going to be late.
Me: k! "Well, anyway. i have a strange feeling theirs a war going on,..but i don't know what with who...or what. My dad,for the past few nights, has been sneaking off at night and going into the forest or w/e they clal it. and many wolfs follow. But you know what. i'm gonna find out what!!!!"
Me: -grabs my school stuff and runs outside ,gets on the bus- *Think:okay...some strange ppl here...* -walks through the aile and sits in the bk of the bus- .....-stays quiet-
*i reach the school and the bus's doors open up*
Driver: alright!! everyone off!! -the kids get off- "mmm. i guess in all the wild thought i never told you guys. eh.. thats my fault.. i'm 16. and it looks like this school name is, Casper Sky High. What kind of fucking name do they name a school anyway!?!? I MEAN! ppl are getting weirdeir and weirder each dam day!"
???: HEY!!
Okay ppls. X3 some of you didn't say yes or no so i'll guess i'll take them as a yes. XD lol. anways. i'll post my story up tomorrow. i promise.
-sings to song- i love my song tis site^^the 1st one when u come into my site. i love dat song!! X3 i sing some japanese. lol but only when their also singing too. o.o like My Will form Inuyasha. i can sing with the song reall good and i think it was dearest too. i can sing parts of this song too. (on my site) lol. hey guess what!!? XD i think my new goal is to be a japanese singer! XDD lol nah j/k. well nothing much going on here. just syaed up till 1:00am last night fell asleep and then woke bk up at 5:57am. -.- i can't get bk to sleep. O_o.. no matter how hard i try. -.- well neways.. XP i'm going to try to catch up to some commenting and PMing my ppls out there. (you) lol. i'm going to start commenting the ppls whos comment me. X3 thats for starters. lol since i ahve over 140 friends. i'll stick with the comment thingy. X3 weee!! lol.
Foxy: T T goof ball.. u'll probably slack off!!
Me: THEN I EAT LOOOADSS OF SUGAR TO keep me awake!!!! =3
FOxy:WTF...you've lost it..
Me: X3 lol. u just noticed that?! XDDD neways. ttyl. loves ya gusy! -HUGS- peace out!!
Hello my devious friends!!! How are you ppls doing? =3 i hope you al doing great/awesome. either word does it for me. lol! XD. i'm in a good mood. and Holy !@#$....i've been leaving out my story for so long. ._. dot dot dot dot.... ahem. You know what. thats up to you guys if you want me to put my story back. up. kk? just say:
"Yes" :for the story to come bk up.
"No" : for the story not to come up.
Alright. All up to you ppls. X3 alright. Where should i--
Me: 0_o.....
Inuy: DX but i don't wanna!!
Me: -growls- -twitch twitch- okay.. i'll get you ur soda.. how many lumps. -twitch-
Inuy: X3! three!
Me:-grabs his soda and pours it over his head- ONE!! -takes another- TWO! -and takes the last one- THREEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Inuy:AAHH! I"M WET!!
Foxy:..i wanted to that...i would've made it much funnier!! mwwwwuaaahhh!!!!! {=<
Me/Inuyasha: O.0 ..................
*Akward Silence*
Me: SOOO! umm...-thinking- hows everyone summer going? Finally out of school.^^ i'm happy but then that means i have to go places! XP lkol. OH OH OH!! SOMEWHERE in the summer i'm going to Schilterbom. okay so i can't spell it. but for 3 WHOLE DAYS! with no cell phone (that sucks but i think my dad was talking to me about no cell phone for him)! WOOOT! I CAN"T WAIT!! and i finally can wear my binki in public! XDDDD lmfao! lol. ahem.. neways! ttyl! -HUGS everyone-
Hello my devious friends. I'm Terrbily sorry for not updating. XP. Loads to do these days.
OMFG....Today i only had 5 hrs of sleep. because last time i stayed up till like 4 somehting AM. and then my parents ALREADY warned me that we had to leave early in the moring around 9:30AM. and i didn't listen! X3 YAY ME! lol! neways. i had a rude awakening call. XP neways io got ready and grabed my CD player and Drawing stuff. (pencil,sketch book,drawing dragons book,pen) lol. oH! the reason why we had to go ws because my mom had to go to the hospitpal for a surgey. i don't think it wa anythign serious. but on the way there my dad was getting really pissed uup because he couldn't plz my mom and she kept yelling and dad said something about tightening aorund his heart. AND OMFG! U SHOULD'VE SEEN THIS!!
He drove across the intersection and parked wear those whites lines in the road his. the side lines,he parked it and yelled "FINE! U DRIVE" he got out of the truck and walked away. Literally just walked awya. o.o went arcoss the street passeds some cars while me and my mom were still on the high way. talk about getting away form things. I TOLD U ALL!! MY MOM IS HARD TO PLEASE. plus shes a bitch. -_- she can't settle for one tiny thing. anyway..mom drove arcoss the high way and through the street. came up to where my dad was sitting on a blue pipe. PFTT! I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL I SHOULD DO!! so naturally. X3 i just stayed quiet. after that we went to the hosptial and got the dam surgey done. it took forever! 9:30AM - 5:30PM. hows that for sitting in a hosptial for selveral hours. T_T.. anyways. i'm rating again. so i'll talk to you guys l8ter^^ bubby!! -HUGS everyone- bubby!