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myOtaku.com: CCCcity Girl

Friday, April 6, 2007



Hey guys!^^ whats ^? ddi you guys watch Inuyasha ?? INUY IS SOO SMEXY!!!! AAH!! I MEAN CUTE!! *sqeauls*

Foxy:u R strange..you kow that...
Me:I LOVE BEING STRANGE!^^ besides!^^ Anime is the only thing that makes me jump up and squeal!^^ besides boys!^^ LOL!
Me:annnyway..guys i kinda feel sorry for the saint. the old mummy dude. yeah i feel sorry for him and Jakotsu. poor them. U^U...tsk tsk...RIP you 2.

Friends,i am SOO terribly sorry that i've been putting worriness on you all. About my friend,dog,and rabbit. i'm sorry that it's making you guys worry about me. i feel wierd when my friends worry.I like to help not worry.
Sheeta:*counts*..1..2..thats 4 times you've said the word "worry"!^^
Me:.......good for you?^^" lol.^^ anywayz...I just wanted you all to kow that i'm feeling alot better about whats going. My dad has been gone since this Tuesday or Monday so it's just me and my bitchy mom. DX...well...it just turned 1:02. my mom asked me if i wanted to go the beach on Friday.(today). all i did was shruged and said i dunno and she freak'n asumed that that was a yes. I DIDN"T EVEN SAY YES!! >.<....i know thats a like not even important. OH! and when i say it's hard to make me mad. the only thing that gets my pissed is my mom. It's hard for my friends all fo you and everyone esle to make me mad. IOt's just my mom that pisses me off. enough about that.


*sigsh*..school's been good. just a shit load of 6 weeks test from each of my 7 classes! actually only 4 classes. cause P.E deosn;t count and ELA/Reading are in the same block and my teacher mrs Rau hasn't said anything about a 6 weeks test.(YAY!^^). >o< that sucks!!! i got one from Texas Histroy,and let me tell you that test was like a 52 test question's (it was easy),there was Math,Reading (i hate reading),Science. thats about it. buit the worst part as that they were all in differnwet times. i hate it when they do that. why can't they just give us all of them at once. it's easiar,alot faster and you can get it over without no worryes except what u made on it. well i gots 2 go.^^ BYE GUYS!!^^ *hugs everyone* SEE YA! *waves*

~+~ Rachel ~+~

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