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myOtaku.com: CDDElric1221

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

hey ppl i really have nothing to talk about so i'm going to ask a bunch of questions!
1)what ur biggest fear?
(my answer- waking up one day and find out that ever1 that i loved hate me and my love had killed himself.....)
2)whats ur fav drink, soda,ect.
(i love BAWLS, SoBe, Mont. Dew, Valut)
3)is verpule a real color? o.O O.o
(lol yep it is but dont go by wut i say do u think it is o.O O.o lol)
4) wuts ur fav color?
( mine r blue, black, red, green, blood red,crmison, silver)
5) chesse cake,pie or ice cream?
(lol i like them all)
6)wut do u think about the questions?
(i really dont no....i think i might be high or sumthing >.> lol i doubt it tho n_n well cy alata bye n_n) Mommy + Daddy =Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket i support Tamaki and Kyouya love<3 I<3 Mommy and Daddy! Ouran High School Host Club is Love <3 98% of teens say "I love you" ... but only 2% actually mean it, if you are part of that 2% add this to your profile.98% of teens say “I would die for you” … but only 2% actually mean it, if you are part of that 2% add this to your profile 98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this into your profile

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