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Saturday, May 5, 2007
Meet me at the river Styx
The more I see of people the more I love my dog, damn I could never find a more appropriate quote for myself then that. It’s blatantly obvious that I hold a higher respect for animals then I do for most of my fellow humans. I have or rather had 10 dogs, which explains my territorial behaviour and my absolutely bitching attitude. People are always saying their dogs are human which I would normally find insulting but if there’s one thing I’ve discovered it’s that the hierarchy of sexes still applies. Owning mostly working dogs I thought the entire thing was just a farmers joke because I was a young girl, damn was I wrong. At first I couldn’t control any of my male dogs but my dad could, it would drive me insane so one day I had enough and decided to try a strategy I had seen my dogs use on each other to establish dominance. I must have looked insane at the time growling, but afterwards I had established dominance and become the Alfa of our pack, well sort of. I had this particular pup at one time that absolutely hated me, I mean this dog couldn’t stand me, it was bad enough that absolutely no one could control her but at times when we would have challenges of dominance I always lost and ended up nursing wounds and I had to hide from my family. I defended her countless times, even when her breeder offered to take her back. Ironic really I’ll defend a dog that hates me until the bitter end but I’d easily give up on most humans.
After countless fights there was an incident that involved a lot more pain and blood then usual, I was really upset mostly because of the pain, and for some reason she tried to comfort me for the first time ever. Its sounds cliché but after that she actually started to like me we didn’t fight anymore and she become another one of my closest dogs. After about 5 years she became suddenly sick the vets couldn’t figure out what was officially wrong but after some surgery they assumed that things would get better. But they still warned me that she would be lucky to make it past 8, over the next 3 years I swear to god that dog has given me more near heart attacks then all my other dogs, turning up on a main road, escaping her yard and wandering around the paddocks at night, oh and my favourite finding her playing tug-a-war with two other dogs with a brown snake they had just killed. They say when someone dies you tend to romanticise their life but damn without Judy I don’t think my life would have been nearly as exciting, she was the first and so far the only dog to truly hate me, not to mention the fact that she is probably the only top pedigree bred working dog to never do a honest days work in her whole life, what could possibly be more fun then that.
Last year she turned 8 and I remember that night all I could think about was this is it so much longer, well it wasn’t nearly as long as I had hoped she died of a secondary infection resulting from undetected lung cancer, a bit over a week ago.
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